Ron, I don't mind the taxi-drivers or so on...but in my family (I mean my parents, their parents, my uncles and aunts, cousins and so on) they all have higher education. And I got used to this circle.
Yes my boyfriend doesn't have higher education, he just doesn't have enough time for that, but he knows a lot about the sphere he works in and he knows much more about it then people with higher education do. This was checked not once!!
My parents are engineers and I know that my mom with higher education, hardly working earned 120 rubles a month (from which she was receiving about 110). And a worker was earning about 200 rubles a month so you see, I know how it's not that I imagined this situation.
Ron, lets be honest, what kind of woman put her advert to International dating site and look for taxi driver and factory worker?
Yes i noticed they are looking for their platinum man not even their golden man. Does this mean that persons like wessman (electrician?) and me do not have a change, this is what i was hinting at before but i can not get an answer to. Please don't tell me there are different girls and boys but in general if i want a girl with higher education than i MUST have the same or a business of my own?
Ron as for wanting a girl with higher education and electricians or what ever. Here this profession has not a very good reputation, electricians are alcoholics (the majority if not of them), they are always dirty and so on. So if you want a girl with higher education you should explaine her your profession, that it's not what she used to and so on. If a girl doesn't have silly pride and if she likes you, if you have common interests, that is if there is a chemistry between you, then I think you will get together good:) But if a girl is proud in a silly way, not a single man will be good enough for her. So I vote for communication, explaining, showing the difference and so on:)
Like ID said, your assumptions are empty of any sense of reality whatsoever.
Why do you insist on dumping the ethnic game on us? It projects a racist resentment that has no room in this forum.
What the hell qualifies you to make underhanded derogatory comments about what any man from any country or ethnic background prefers his women to look like?
Annika is this the type of women that put their add on the internet??
A quote from a maillist.
See especially the second paragraph.
But he says there are lots of good men in
>Russia - smart, educated, non-drunkards, monogamous. Especially in the
cities of Moscow, St. Pete, Kiev. Men who make a good, if not great
living, maybe making $15-30k per year. Enough to live reasonably well,
support a family. The women who are happy with this life, stay with the
>Russian men. And - because there are so many attractive women there -
treat their men quite well, taking care of them - and without attitude. If
a woman exhibits princess-like behaviors in Russia, fuggetaboutit, she will
find herself without a man. All the Russian man has to do is turn around
to find 3 beautiful woman waiting their turn (exaggerating to make a
>The beautiful RW on the internet (the real ones; not the scammers), on the
>other hand, is a different animal. She is either a) not interested in the
$25K/yr lifestyle, or b) is a major princess, wants it her way or the
highway, and despite her beauty, cannot find a Russian man willing to put
up with her. She knows, however, that there are millions of 30-40
something American (and W. European) men who a) make a helluva lot more
than $30K per year, and b) are willing to kiss her beautifully firm 34"
butt and keep her in the lifestyle to which she would like to become
An idea that i already got from reading some was that most of the succesfull marriages came trough chance or trough adds in local papers or other forms of Do It Yourselve, not trough the internet.
My girl has 2 degrees, I left school at 14 with no qualification, I think you need to forget the notion that wone look, like for like, despite my formal education, my fiance knows that I am at least her intellectual equal, I am sure it takes intelligence to be an electrician, far too baffling for me, I will stick to finance and economics
A degree doesn't make one intelligent. It just opens a few doors. I know plenty of degreed people who can barely get out their front doors. Plus the second part of the equation is not how much money you make but what you do with the money you make. The biggest part of being successful is having "The Stones" to try to be successful
and not being afraid of failure. Finding a niche' and working it.
Never estimate a persons worth by his paycheck. His weekly paycheck
may only be a sample of what his true income is. I'm in industrial sales as my day job I have other sideline things I'm involved in. Assholes and Alcoholics come in all economic classes, just like really good men come in all different economic classes. If you judge a person by their job status you might be missing out on a truly decent person.
I have to admit - being an MBA (A CMBA also) doesn't hurt over here (in Eastern Europe). University degrees are very well respected and not all that common. The MBA is just getting a foothold here. It seems to open SOME doors that have nothing to do with employment.
Jet you're right, having a higher education doesn't mean that a person will of course get a job, it makes this process easier and that's all, and still a person will have to prove that he should be taken to this job. And after all there are still children of friends (though as practise of one of my friends shows that this doesn't work, she started working at the firm of her parents friends and she was fired because of working bad) and there are many circumstances!!!
Lets be honest guts, a British/American degree means bugger all these days, Either people in my country are having an enormous boost to their intelligence, or the exams are getting easier, now I wonder which one it is?
LOL! Funny but true. I remember when I was in school. I was disgusted with the reality that people performing sub par in the same classes I was in were getting scores that were far beyond what they should be getting. High school was the same way. After I figured out that smarts and hard work were not being graded I just focused on getting out and moving on to the next step. It was a complete waste of time. One of my teachers actually quit because he refused to pass students that should be failing. Some unspoken policy. It's sad. A degree doesn't mean a whole lot more than the chance to earn more money since many higher positions require a degree. Some don't even care if your degree is in a related field! A degree is only a tool. It is by no means a measure of your intelligence.
I am guilty too of the degree snob thing. When I meet a woman who only has a high school education my interest in getting to know them immediately drops. This being because in the past I have given them a try and I felt like I was talking to a child. I actually had one woman ask me, "Why do you always use big words?" It was with great effort that I did not fall over laughing. The girl was dead serious! I'm pretty sure many of you have had similar experiences. They were nice and all. Even fun to hang with. But conversation on most things of interest to me was almost nil. I have had similar experiences with women who had degrees as well. It is funny how heated discussions on this subject can get. A local morning radio show examined this very subject yesterday. Many men were taking the degree requirement many women have very personally.
I've met a few of them like that. It's a scary situation when you say hello to a lady here in the states and she reaches in her purse for the Websters.
My last girlfriend accused me of using "big" words. Said I was
just trying to impress people. Well that wasn't the case, it's all my grandmothers fault for buying me Readers Digest years ago for a birthday present and countless hours in the bathroom reading Word Power. I use my vocabulary in different situations. I never thought the word "moot" was a very big
word, but it describes my last relationship with a woman. That
was two years ago.