I met and brought my fiance back to England(future tense as she arrives on NOV 10th)in 4 months and 3 weeks, however, I am as sceptical of dragster as you all are. In between those 4 and a half months, I managed to spend 88 days with her in 5 different countries, but I am so lovestruck that I had to hang the expense. was all worth it though
Trad - Key to dragsters...BS... is the fact that when he wrote on 3/3/04 he had not even met one, as he tells us. When you give a comparative 4 month 3 week time duration - you leave out a crucial step dragster supposedly accomplished and that is MEETING your lady. How many months did that add?
And she is still your fiance and will be (presumably) be on November 10th. So you must also factor in marrying her and then making at least SOME trips back to visit her family. How much time does that add?
I am sure that these details will mmore than double the amount of time you have taken.
Dragster also mentioned that the details were all in the archives of the forum so they did not bear repeating. Do a search for "dragster" and see what his archive produces.