Funny, I 'hear' that Red Indians are the best hung men around.
You 'hear' the Jews are most potent, so let me guess - you're looking for a guy by the name Hiawata Cohen!
Really I am looking for a person who had a happy relationships in his life and did not come to conclusion that all woman around him are fat old bitches.
I also heard Jewish guys don`t wait for their women to climax,and they don`t give oral--but then again this could be a misnomer. I do however love Jewish football---get the quarter back !! Bagira--so many of us are guilty of this word "all". All men cheat on their wives,all women forget to lift the toilet seat after they are done,all black men have very large pizzles. It is a word which deprives each of us of our capabilities as individuals. All men from Compton, Californnia smoke crack and are gangbangers,all drivers in New York City are rude and obnoxious--the list goes on and on. Even in my little joke--All Jewish people are money hungry--and I know this to be untrue. Anyway--impotence means that a man cannot deliver enough-or any seed to fertilize a woman`s egg. So,if this is true,then all American women have a poor chance at conception. However,if you are talking about erectile dysfunction,then all American men have a woman like Sandra in their bed!!! Bagi,Bagi,Bagi--a little misinformation makes for a lot of disinformation!!
nice to see you on at the same time as me...... It is a natural part of aging no matter what nationality you belong to. But there are ways to exercise these tired old love muscles too. Part of this problem is physical desire,and it may well be that when a man loses desire,it is because of the concubinal instinct which is what basically caused the inhabitance of this earth. This is also why supposedly a man is in his sexual prime at 19 or 20--because not so very long ago ( in modern times especially in Russia ) men had a very short life span due to war and tribal slaughters. It is a wonderful miracle of nature that women have such a strong drive as they become older. In a sense,this also gurantees that our species ( man ) will perpetuate. SOme of our native American tribes are still not yet completely healed from the rampant killing led by the US army and the Califronia settlers. Some of these tribes were wiped out. But even as they flourished, ( young)men were given freedom and allowances ( also like Russian men ),because even these ( savages ) people knew that the strength of a tribe was only as strong as the weakest link.To survive as a tribe,men needed to be strong and dominating. This is not the case anymore,because heritage and tradition has been so flattened by the modernism of women ( among other things )
I made a mistake--a man has concubinal desires,and when he loses interest in one woman,he looks for another flower to pollinate (the birds and the bees )
"XXX related to porn? Ask Aussieman, Maxirat, ID and all other down-unders here - BEER "
Actually, Thunderdome,
since you have adopted a 'name' related to a film made in Australia you should know that the beer is XXXX - 4-X.
-because they cannot spell beer, but at least they put the right number of letter in it.
(and they drink it cold - not lukewarm as in UK).
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Russian brides > Main Forum > "Sandra, All American Woman". Give me a break. American Women are fat old bitches.