thx jet im going to use a lawyer it is easier for me since i dont have a lot of time and i am always on the road going from place to place i was going to go back in september but she wants me to wait and meet her at the aiport when she gets her visa so ill keep working and get ready for her to get her thx for all the info you guys have gave me it help alot ill write more later thx again hammer
Is great to be back here at the forum !! back when I was just to fed up with a few really weird guys seizing the forum spaces. But seems like the froum is thriving again.
WTrav it would be good to get together in Moldova, wil be there from the 21 st to July 5th. Email: parsonsousa
Well Dale back in my 1st trip in November I went "unprepared" - but she wasnt (ill say no more lol)
Lucy has grown even sweeter and more wonderful with time ( didnt think it possible).
Hope that there are many here that are getting satisfaction in their pursuit of the elusive "soul mate"
Well .. Of to Moldova in about 8 hours. I am really eager to see my Lucy again. Its been 6 long months :( . But God willing we will be making plans to ge married and bring her back in October.
I feel a little nervous leaving my kids for 2 weeks, and my church responsibilities. I feel absolutely no nerves regarding my time with Lucy and the trip however.
Am planning on getting together with World Traveler (Thomas from Germany) and a guy named Phil from the forum here who is already in Chisinau, during my stay in Moldova.
Isn't it ironic. Moldova is one on the smallest of the FSU countries - but it seems A LOT OF US are finding our ladies there. I fully admit I have never even heard of the place until I met my lady in Ukraine.
I don't know if it is the mixture of Russian and Romanian blood, but whatever causes it they are VERY exotic and beautiful. There is something very special about those Moldovan women.
Jet- When is your woman coming here or is she here already? Mine has her interview Wednesday in Bucharest and will be here in the States on Sunday afternoon.
I admit that we could have done it sooner (bringing her over I mean) but I've been a little side-tracked this year and a little less gung-ho and ambitious about the whole thing than I was last year. I've even cosidered dropping the whole thing - as recently as yesterday - which was a miserable day (otherwise known as Fathers Day).
I had shoulder surger at the end of February followed by a masty bout of encapsulitis - where the shoulder "capsule" heals too quickly and tightly around the rotaor cuff resulting in "frozen shoulder" and a serious problem. My docor tells me he did approximately 400 of these procedures last year - and encapsulitis only developed in 4 of them. Lucky me.
I still cannot raise my left arm above my shoulder and have only been back to work now for two weeks.
Furthermore my apartment needs picking up - which seems like a daunting task.
She wants to go to Florida and we have made arrangements to go the second and third weks that she is here. I only pray that I CAN teach her to swim as she wants me to and that I recover sufficiently to perform OTHER tasks (How many of you can do "one arm push ups"? Me neither.)
ok great...i so happy for everyone who has had a wonderful time in Moldova....throw me a frickin bone i need a visa or not... ive been on several sites some say i need one, others say if there is not a Moldovian embassy or consulate in Kuwait(thats where i work) i can get one at the airport on arrival if i have a return ticket and customs declaration forms in hand....someone clear this up for me quick...i leave in 9 im a lil freaked out that i may be unprepared...HELP
I just wanted to see my name on the first 5 topics. It is integral in my plan for world domination---moo-ha-ha. Moo ha-ha-ha ha I will,with my global renaming mechanism.turn Chisanau into Kishinev. Hide,you sinners!! My global renaming gun will seek you out!!!