I think that your language studies can be either a huge undertaking,or you will take small,manageable bites which you can digest slowly. Could be that this slow,steady learning is brought on by years of the "Quest" for FSU women. It is also when you identify different objects. Example--I eat my veal ( meat) with a veelkah. I also lodge grits in my mouth with a lozhka. Nozh has that same `N` sound as in knife. I remember people calling their couch/sofa a divan. SOmebody brought that word to Port Orchard, Washington A bathroom is easy because it sounds kind of like the spanish word,or you could be on A wheel of fortune kick and remember "Vanna--ya!" Just be curious sometimes - how you would address her dad. Go translate it. You have to wonder at some time how you are going to say the word dear/darling. I guess guy and gai would be about the same sound gah-ee When someone in America uses the word "lad" or "lass" a person believes them to be of UK ( Scottish ) descent. Remember that song--`Have You Ever Seen a Lassie ? (cram forced down my throat in grade school) I have to think before I say words to Russian women. DO I call my vehicle a truck? Or an ahv-tah-mah-beel? When I order coffee in a cafe,do I ask for koff-yeh? Okay,most perplexing for me is now that I am relating to a woman from Almaty should I learn some Kazakh lingo to be more respectful?
2. Hence: A person of queer looks or dress. [Chiefly Brit.
slang] --Dickens.
[1913 Webster]
4. A member of a group of either sex, usually a friend or
comrade; -- usually used in the pl.; as, tell the guys to
come inside; are any of you guys interested in a game of
tennis?. [Informal]
So i can insult you gay's with the word guy!
And if you don't get it you aren't gay('s) (fun merry high spirited) at all.
So this Russian girl (alenka) can teach you some English.
The Russian language is about as crazy as English. Many rules and forms of expression make it difficult to learn for us here. Incremental learning is the best,but nothing takes the place of having a person who speaks the language to teach you.
Hi there:)
If you are a kin d of busy man I can advise you to try to learn [url=http://www.russianonweb.com]russian online[/url]
Or find a personal Russian language tutor online, or perfect your russian with free cources ;)
gooood luck))))
Just asking Richard but why not find a Russian/Ukrainian woman that speaks English? From what I understand, those that are educated at all can speak at least SOME English. Only those that have the lowest of mental jobs like McDonalds workers, taxi drivers, hair salonist, etc, cannot speak ANY English. Im not saying this to insult, just stating facts.
My Anya speaks good English, maybe 70-75% correct but she cannot read or write it. Nasfans Larissa spoke 50%+ English upon her arrival. So there are plenty that speak it enough to communicate.
My only concern for you is communication. These guys that use interpretors...what do you really have? How do you expect to have a relationship if you cant really communicate one on one? Relationships are hard enough...throw in inability to communicate effectively and you have a receipe for disaster in my opinion.
Anya will teach me Russian when she arrives because I want to learn and I think it will be fun to do together. I know basic Russian but also keep in mind, Russian is different from Ukrainian! Maybe 75% different!
So what I am saying is that learning Russian fluently will take a LOOONG time unless you are one of these people that soak up knowledge, which I am not. It is one think if you plan to reside in Russia or the Ukraine. If the intent is to take her back to your homeland, save yourself a lot of grief and find one that speaks English decently well.
My first girl was about 10% English. No luck. I have some ideas, but I don't know what went wrong.
About learning Russian, I have "Learn Russian in Your Car" CD's. It states the word or phrase in English, then repeats it twice in Russian. I have 9 hours worth of these lessons. It only cost $45. That beats Rosetta Stone's by plenty. I just repeat it over and over. I still don't know much, but I know a little. I did impress some women with what I knew.
Texas, most girls I have met are mostly, slavic, polish and russian descent, never met any with any percent of english......
Best way to learn russian is in a class setting or living in that country.
RB...it is not the cost that is important, it is the learning, just hearing it is poor, even on Rosetta (which I have)you hear it and see it but that is poor also. To hear it coming out from someones mouth...with sounds clear, is best....and you can get corrected immediately too
i went to berlitz learning center. i liked their technique of constant repetition. Three months of twice a week is all you need to get around in russia.
but don't learn russian. they will not appreciate it. they will think you are a weak wuss. think about it, they are going to live in YOUR country right. if she isn't actively learning english then she isn't that serious about leaving. she can't afford it? my first wife taught herself and spoke almost perfect english before we met the first time.
Best way to learn russian is in a class setting or living in that country.
I agree, Beemer. But cost is important. If you can get the same for less, why not? If you can get something better for less, better.
I don't have Rosetta Stone, but aparently, you see it and you hear it. It is a dedicated program that you do on the computer. In other words, you can't do anything else while learning. "Learn Russian in Your Car" takes almost no time at all. You can learn Russian while driving, exercising, eating or almost anything else.
Well, I have been learning through various methods including classes and self teaching, I have a number of different disks which I play at home and have on an ipod, What gecko says about Berlitz seems to work for me, I think the theory of "constant immersion" constantly playing the same phrases also works for me,also, just forcing yourself to listen to Russian songs and films eventually helps with word recognition, one good disk that I found very good is the "earworms" Rapid Russian (I got it for UK£3.5o from ebay)it claims to be subliminal and I honestly believe it works.
Beemer!!! Did you get the pics I sent u???????
carraig, I once ordered subliminal Ukrainian from Amazon. It cost less than $5. It taught no Ukrainian. It was a hypnotism CD. "You will learn Ukranian. You will learn fast. You will be fluent...." I don't know what I did with that CD.