One other thing that makes CIS women appealing: many are still living at home or with their parents or grandparents. Many American women have their own "base" of power which clashes with the man`s own fortress of masculinity. If a man goes to live with a woman in her home--she rules and resents the changes he attempts to make. If a woman moves into a man`s house--his individuality and "cave" or fortress of solitude is breached and diminished. I think that when 2 people come together they should start out on equal grounds--neutral territory. This way nobody can "one-up" on the other person. Possibly a woman leaving her parents home will not be the same as I have described--but I do know of the power struggle in cohabitation--many men will lose their Playboy collection or TV football time. If you are willing to abandon some of the old ways for love--than bully!!! As long as she does not insist you paint your walls pink ( salmon) Hoping to ( finally) hear from Annika. For some strange reason she ignores me. Maybe I should wax my head and have the tattoos removed.
I give up I have tried to clue you in to what life is like in the west and you just don't understand. You are determined to misunderstand so I give up.
You know spirittraveller I am only one....and hard to divide myself between these all nice and sometimes not so nice gentlemen!
Izi I actually read books, not magazines from supermarket. Thats why we see world differently!
In some reasons I think I have travelled more in EU territory than you:)Or isnt it west..only USA is???
I very much doubt it. Have you been to England, Wales, France, Spain, Italy, Gibralter, Germany, Canada, USA, Mexico, Guatemala ? These are not all EU but they are western and the same thinking applies.
What is wrong with reading magazines?
Are you suggesting that I read nothing but magazines?
Are you suggesting that I read womens magazines?
You have totally missed the point of the post. I was using that as an example of how women speak amongst themselves. Magazines like that publish the same articles in different wrapping because it sells. If it didn't sell they wouldn't do it.
You are very inexperienced but like to give an attitude of superiority. You like to look down your nose at us mere humans and silly men and poke fun and condescend.
What makes you think that the west is only USA?
Have you lived 28 years in the UK? I have.
Have you lived 21 years in the USA? I have.
Therefore I know a great deal more about it than you do.
Your superiority is misplaced you have nothing to back it up with except a couple of books you have read and your limited travel experience.
So please do me a favor give it a rest.
2 separate countries. Got the same central government but they are different believe me:))
Holland was a country when I went there in 1982 and 83. I remember the sign it said "Holland - now bugger off"
Holland was an ancient land, what was Holland is now split between Belgium & The Netherlands.
Much the same as people calling the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland 'England' the Dutch just call it Holland for the masses that don't know any better.
Netherlands translates to Low Lands, the French call it Pays Bas, Pays Bas doesn't translate to Holland now or in 1982 and 83.
the netherlands (plural) consist of 12 provinces, two of them are called nordholland and sudholland. in 1840 the main province was split into this two parts.
this two provinces include the main cities like rotterdam and amsterdam, so it was and is often called as holland.
the netherlands (always in plural) are following much bigger than holland, as additionally 10 provinces belong to the netherlands.
the province of holland was never a part of belgium.
I guess I didn`t know ! A complicated place-the Netherlands! Thanks for the geography lessons,guys. Thanks for finally saying hi too,Annika. I thought I must have angered or insulted you long ago. There lives some happy place inside of you--Please do not suffer yourself with unpleasntness or little irritations. Hang on to little happinesses in your everyday life. Embrace small wonders,and use those frown muscles to laugh.