Nas Nas Nas.... you still dont understand me. I have made my reasons to post on this forum very clear. I seek the answer to the age old question.... Why the FSU?? This really is not a question you have addressed. Instead you make assumptions about that i am posing as something i am not.... tsk tsk, why the personal attacks? Answer the question, The FSU has so much going against it as far as looking for love. Why the FSU?? Most guys coming onto this site are just average income joes.... Why the FSU ?? Language, risk, agencies, scammers, cost... Why the FSU?? Is the prize attainable there so much better then the fine women of Latin america and Asia??? Why the FSU?? The divorce rate in the the FSU is higher then HERE !!!! WHY THE FSU NAS??? If one is to look for love overseas, why not go to where the grass is greener. Why the FSU ? This very forum is filled with the bodies of the fallen in the war of love in the FSU. Just because you hit the lottery there, does not mean others are so lucky. The ideas put forward by websites and agencies are a WEE bit more rosy then reality dictates.
Gentlemen.... get on a plane and go to the philippines. You got a real chance there. No language problems, cheap, no need for agencies. You only need to stay out of the whorehouses to avoid the scammers. Its all about real success and real results. It aint happening so much in the FSU anymore.
Mike00... God bless you and you perfect english... I am rolling off my chair at your posts. Your clue bat makes I/o's look like a toothpick. It is such a waste too. Alot of good guys over here if those FSU gals could just take their eyes off the dollar signs long enough to see it. My FSU dreams are pretty much squashed, sure aint from my lack of trying over there. Too bad, i was looking forward to get to know that part of the world. I know there is good byrds there. I just dont know how to find them. i HAD to throw my hands in the air and surrender. Both Peru and the Phils have been so much kinder, fruitful and successful. Why shoud i not advocate for these places on a foreign dating website??? It is the result of my experiences. That others may share in my experience without the pain of having to experience it firsthand. I will be on a plane i just 2 short weeks and like you mike00, will spoil my buttercups just rotten, while martin and the king scour the web for the next scammer. LUVIN' IT!!
god bless you viva they all moan that i splash on my girl but whats the alternative money its paper you cant take it with you --------i dont splash to impress - far from it i give it to her tell her go have a ball .
lofe is life there is 1000 different ways to enjoy it iam correct .
you cant please everybody so please yourself !
you may be dead tomorrow live each day as your last i say .my girl i dunno -i love her to death .
ive made her life -not because she wanted me to do it -------over the broadacre of several years i thrust $$$ to her 8 times out of ten shes never on the beg so its 80% my doing .
whats wrong with that ???
i met a pom thier this time for 2 hours we spoke and i was paying my daughters scvhool fees for 1 year cost me 18k rubles -pom said to me ohh fugg em give the blubgers nuffin . jeses he'd make good husband ay sit there watch em starve ./
i felt like upending him .
To me iam happy my lot---- girl and daughter go without nothing same as a bloke id do family hear ---------whats wrong with that ? you have to have somebody to live for .
maybe iam wrong ( according to this pom i met he said give em nothin from A to Z ) NUT CASE i thought -why is he thier ? really queer !.
If you're not splashing to impress why attach a figure to everything you do unless you're trying to impress people here or create controversy?
Maybe the Pom has more value for the dollar than others or he deals with the reality that they were surviving way before we showed up in their lives. Upending a guy for being responsible with money. Now that's a novel idea.
850 bucks for your daughters education. You're the last of the big spenders. Since education over there is free, unless you're privately educating her, then comparatively speaking I spent that over 15 years ago for my daughters education, and the most priceless thing to that was spending my nights helping her with homework, then as she entered college watching her kick the ass of her contemporaries because she was challenged in school and not dumbed down in the public/government education system. There's more to being a parent and a significant other than the bucks you toss there way. Support is just one facet of it. The other your time. Hell we have a pathetic system in the States called child support and that's where many men and women stop their parenting, thinking all they have to do is pay money and they're a good parent, nope the most valuable assest given is one's time, not money. That's what my parents gave me and they sacrificed big time both in time and financially for me as a child.
Now I understand why Viva had so much difficulty in the FSU, it was more important to be thought as oneself as being a god and not a human being. As for why the FSU Viva, I've been to and worked in the places you deify as being so wonderful and have found their morals below what you condemn the materialistic scammers in the FSU guilty of. When you base communication on a common language, you're being a little lazy. It's funny how Viva applauds Mike00 for the same thing he condmens the ladies of the FSU for, seeing dollar signs. That's hypocrisy. Language,risk,agencies, if you did things without having an agency holding your hand and depending on someone to do things for you, then maybe you would have been more successful. That's what impressed my lady. I didn't want or need her agency to do anything for me. We did it together on our own. Including learning to communicate with each other. Why the FSU, well maybe it's because they value many things in life more than material things. If it's so great in the Phillipines and Thailand, then why were there so many broken marriages from these places in the 70's when I first handed watched them break down. Too many idiot sailors married these women and got burned in the long run. Sorry your statistics are a little one sided. Why the FSU, I found not only an incredible lady, but one of the most incredible human beings I've ever had the pleasure of spending my time with. Her life, education and experiences just amaze me how she remained so positive and happy in her life. Each day is an absolute joy, because I wake up next to the most incredible person in the world to me. She's made my life, and didn't throw a damn dollar towards it. I didn't make her life, we made a life together, and it inspires me each day to do more for her in many ways besides just the financial offerings this life has to give. I guess if getting laid and being fruitful, keep spending on your buttercups, you can spoil someone far more than with just money. Time and commitment will carry you so much further. So keep doing life on the cheap financially Viva, there's more to spend in making something work than just the dollar.
MY daughter private school mate classes 20/ 30 strong instead of 50 plus strong they learn nothing ,
Why put her in the pen with all the others going nowhere if you can do it the other way shes 6 there is a fee evcery school you go to thier to kick off cost me 5000 rbls just to sign her up -i believe good education for your kids -dont you .
sure you can get free educate there ------but you get what you pay for !
pay zero you get grade of zero .
850 BUX nothin to me ! thats cheep for a year ! try get education in Aussie 850 bux a year you'd get laughed outu town !
yes they do have better values and not all built on monies thats for sure .
I see the forum hasn't changed. New names, same clash of egos and headline hunters.
I posted about Thailand and language since it is clearly relevant. The question is, can you make progress with a lady, without being able to communicate fully? My experience is yes.
Your arrogant dismissal of my post highlights your own ignorance. Most foreign visitors to Thailand only come into contact with 'working girls' in specific areas. Those girls pick up their English in the bars. One strategy, to filter out the working girls from the decent girls, is to find a lady who doesn't speak English. Logical... No?
As to being the 'height of absurdity'. You must be right. Please explain then, why it is working for me and I am perfectly content?
I don't go out 'on the hunt' if I am settled with a lady. Even though it's tolerated by the women here. Why go where a thousand other men have been, with all the risks that entails? When you give the person you REALLY care about the clap or she reads your posts online and dumps you for straying, taking the house, the kids, the car, etc.. with her, you may be less inclined to crow about your conquests.
I don't believe in 'schooling' a partner to expect a level of expenditure. At least not at the beginning. You may never know if you are buying their love. If you are a fat asshole who farts and holds her head under the blankets, then I hope you have plenty of money.
I agree about the RW being better educated. That's fine by me. I have dated and married both dumb blondes and smarty pants and find I'm much happier with a lady who's expectations are few and who is thankful for a good man, not taking it for granted. This is not to say she isn't smart. She just isn't imbued with all the BS about feminism, status and material acquisition.
A Survey conducted this month by language software provider Rosetta Stone has revealed that women are more open than men to learning a new language in the name of love. While 97% of women would learn a language to better communicate with a partner, only 71% of men would do the same.
The sample of 132 men and 98 women in their twenties and thirties, revealed further discrepancies along gender lines - 87% of women would like to learn a new language as a fun activity to do with a partner. This compares to only 60% of men.
However, the results tell a different story when it comes to impressing a partner on a romantic getaway - 64% of men would learn a new language for this reason, compared to only 22% of women.
When asked whether they would learn a new language to communicate with a partner’s family if they didn’t speak English, 97% of respondents answered yes. However, 44% of men and 27% of women would expect their partner’s family to learn English to communicate with them.
Immersion was considered the most effective language-learning method by 90% of respondents, followed by evening classes (8%). 62% claimed lack of time was the most difficult aspect, followed by pronunciation (10%).
Michael Lefante, spokesperson for Rosetta Stone EMEA, says:
“In today’s globalised world, international travel and the internet have provided new opportunities for people of different nationalities to meet. To make the most of these opportunities, people need to be more open to learning new skills. It seems that women more so than men will go the extra mile in their efforts to make a relationship work. To help them, learning technologies that mimic immersion situations can make acquiring a foreign language much easier.”
I spent two years on this board, am well travelled and unlike many who talk the talk but don't walk the walk I met several ladies in Russia, some I communicated with through an interpreter and some who spoke adequate English. In both situations I was perfectly happy. The bottom line for me is, is the lady the right one for me? Some people rely on gut feel, some on extensive observation. Some may read the tea leaves. If they are lucky they may get it right.
I say again, and if you do a search on the subject online, others agree, that language, although helpful, is NOT a barrier to love, no matter what country you are in. Russian ladies are not stupid, unlike many western men, and will will pick up languages quickly.
I think it makes perfect sense in this forum. Just not to you.
Hope things are looking up for you. It was an adventure. Right?
Can't respond to everyone but those that expressed good wishes, thank you and right back at you. And to those with black hearts and closed minds, you have my sympathy. No woman will bring you the happiness you seek. Just a brief distraction from your sorry selves.
Language can and does get in the way of real communication and we found that we were able to get by, very well, without unnecessary chat. Some people are very uncomfortable (and unfamiliar, these days) with peace and tranquility. However, we both enjoy a peaceful home.
I didn't have a complicated checklist of qualities I was seeking. In fact I like my g/f's simplicity in describing people... 'Heart good' or 'Heart no good.' Once you have that 'heart good', everything else follows. Not easy to find, though, no matter where you are.
"I think it makes perfect sense in this forum. Just not to you."
did you hold a referendum? Anyway, I am not that interested in arguing this point. I think that a common language is important. You don't. More power to you.
QC, info in post makes no sense????
97% of women and 71% of men would learn a language to better communicate with partner but
To have a fun activity with partner it goes down to 87% women and 60% men and
To go on a romantic getaway to impress partner it goes way down to 22% for women and 60% for men???????
I guess you have to be doing nothing together to learn language to better communicate with partner?????
Immersion was considered the most effective language-learning method by 90% of respondents. Duh, You don't
need a survey to know this. I was waiting for the punchline in this survey and this was it......
'learning technologies that mimic immersion situations can make acquiring a foreign language much easier.'
Apparently Rosetta Stone.......mimic's immersion. Where can I buy this???????????
Thanks QC for info... I wonder how many guys in this forum choose girls based on their english skills???? I
would think it would be quite high!!!
Nas Nas Nas.... how can i let such foolishness go un answered. You accuse me of wanting to be like a god... LOL, in asia AND latin america, you are treated as an equal. A girl will not think she is too good to even talk to you. Its all attitude Nas, who really wants an arrogant and condecending woman. I might as well date at home. Just because a girl is eager or happy to talk to does not equate to being godlike. Actually quite the opposite is true. When girls WANT to talk to you, you DONT need an agency. The only reason the agencies still thrive in the FSU is because they do the begging for you. I saw how hard they had to twist arms to get dates for us all during my tour. In peru, the attitude of women there opens up a whole new world. You now get to meet the waitress and the cafe, the clerk at the grocery store, the NSA guard girl at the airport..... the possibilities are endless. You point to the broken marriges in asia during the 70s... HA this is laughable!!! Those guys married prostitutes.... and you know it. Any man is a fool to marry a bargirl (although i know that even those marriges are more successful the FSU marriges).... you cannot compare the morality of the philippines to that of the FSU. Girls of the philippines are deeply religious and take commitment seriously. What can the FSU boast of??? The worlds highest divorce rate ?? The FSU is a place where gov't was god for a long long time. Would you want a girl whose recieved their moral values from church or gov't ??? call me cheap if you must. Is it my fault greener pastures are cheaper then the FSU ??? There is still no reason for ANYONE to take a chance on the FSU. Any fool can see you have a better chance in mexico.
PS.... im heading back to the good old Philippines in 3 weeks to spoil my buttercups once again, and much like yourself, we have time, and commitment but NO RISK. So while you are sweating it out about where to hide ur money from ur wife, i will be really enjoying life, having a relationship free from all the constant threat of divorce and "taking half", alimony, court ordered child support and false abuse accusations. (the way it shoud be!!)
I still wish you the best Nas, but i fear a rude awakening is coming for you.
I'm staying out of this one. Because in the long-run who cares about statistics as long as your happy doing whatever? Learn a language, find a wife, keep a wife, have children, protect em and educate em... who freaking cares about other people's lives if it doesn't pertain to your own life and self-interests?
I dont cater to one country over the other. A sincere pretty girl who doesn't lie? Is the rare gem I seek. Others are just playing mind games that make you believe what you want to believe anyways, regardless of whether or not you fluently speak the same language...
It's expectations that cause relationships to fail when they are not met, or they are betrayed, not a statistic... or someone's language...
Viva, now I know you didn't travel much in the FSU. Religion was based in Ukraine way before the Phillipines. Though the soviets tried to destroy God in peoples lives it didn't happen. As for being extremely religious in the phillipines, that's why muslim extremists have mired their way into their society?
Yeah tell me about the morality, sleeping with this woman before marriage, I think Catholicism is the predominant religion. That's a bit frowned upon, now go into your foolish diatribe about how that's an out dated concept and create your own morality.
See the problem Viva is I don't hide my money from my wife, I don't hide anything from my wife. That's your problem Viva, you and Izi surely make up the hall of fame of losers here.
Do what you want, but I think you are morally defunct. There cannot be a true relationship without some risk, but then you and Izi both tried to have it your way only and that's just a pathetic existence. You don't have a relationship, you have an existence with someone 5000 miles away.
The comments you make about half, false abuse etc, that's an american womans MO. So you base everything on the American woman, that's why I choose a woman from Ukraine. Though being the fool you are, you let the agencys lead you around by your nose and do it all for you. That produced zero, because with you arrogant attitude you thought the women from the FSU where going to fall at your feet. You probably didn't like the challenge of an educated woman and they are religious ones in Ukraine. Though you didn't look beyond your dick to find anything significant.
Viva you're a loser, and the only thing you post here now are the merits of the PI. Sorry pal that don't sell with me. Since you don't know shit about the FSU why explain the merits to you. Hell why fly all the way to PI for a bang, you can just hope over to the Mustang ranch and have the same relationship.
If you would have stepped out into the real world a little bit. Many people are approachable in Ukraine, especially the women. Though your lack of being prepared makes this whole pursuit wrong. I guess you couldn't do much without the agency setting up dates for you or having a tour handle it for you. Now thats Laughable. Well enjoy your San Miguel and Mojo and check out if Mamasan has a butterfly knife. You're an absolute waste in this forum anymore.
Nas - Remember that girl in Ukraine I met, who admitted she lied about ever letter she wrote me? She was Orthodox and had just turned 18 when we first began writing. I too thought it would be immoral for such a woman to have pre-martial sex. I also believed a false accusation of sexual abuse, the most remote thing possible for any FSU girl.
I experienced both of these things first hand from her immoral character (false accusation: demanded sex) even though there was an agency translator present at all times and she left each meeting at a mandatory 9pm every night.
Recently she also posted on blog how pleasant it was for her to have pre-marital sex with Ukrainian men, without even so much as an oath of love while still in a marriage agency writing men who were sending her flowers. I can back all this up and give you the blog where it is permanently stored.
So please, get off your high-horse if you are defending every single FSU girl over any other girl from the Philipines based simply on some statistic and your personal opinions.
To me personally, it makes everything you wrote seem like some sort of sick fantasy that is not even remotely resembling whats going on in the FSU now.
As for the phillipines, sure there are very humble, modest, God-fearing Catholic girls there that are indeed virgins - whether you want to believe it or not. I am sure there are a few virgins in the FSU, but don't get on some pedestal thinking you can find me a virgin in one of these FSY agencies... it aint going to happen...
The Phillipines are not some sick factory of prostitutes. It would be the equivalent of thinking every woman in Nevada is a whore for money because of what goes on in Las Vegas.
Great posts and a good thread. I am on the fence after five months in the FSU. I have met mostly younger attractive women who would rather go to bed with Hannibal Lecter or Jack the Ripper than me. I am a good looking guy but bald. And those two guys fit the bad guy mould - I am just too darn nice. Also a couple of females have been warned off me by their friends - who have never met me. Ukrainians love to keep other Ukrainians down, even their best friends. I no longer try to impress these women with money. Mile00 you are spoiling your girl and she will pass her new knowledge on to her friends.
Many of the Ukrainian women I meet are haughty. Good looking females disdain eye contact in the street - just like in the west. I have had numerous dates by chatting to girls but it is all hard work for little reward. Mike00 is right - I am a chance for a fantastic improvement in their lifestyle - and I want to stay here and live with them. I am happy for a woman to be in her 30’s with a child - such women usually snub me when I try to be friendly. It is easier to chat to the younger ones.
Mike00 and vivalasvegas are right about their respective ideas. Viva that the FSU is a crummy dump and not worth the trouble, peopled by lying atheists - no he did not say exactly that. Most young FSU women are atheists in my opinion. Maybe in west Ukraine they are more religious. Going to church does not mean someone believes in God.
Mike00 is right too - there is no such a thing as gratitude, nor courtesy nor usually honesty. Nasfan says that’s ok because these ladies are proud. Yes they are proud - way above their efforts and abilities. There are many good people here and almost all of them are older and less attractive. I have never been lied to or cheated by the poor members of the Ukraine community such as fruit and vegetable vendors from villages. I am ashamed to accept the change for such a tiny amount of money paid for a kilo of tomatoes or potatoes.
Nasfan, I got married without a prenup too. This actually drastically shortened my marriage. When I found concrete proof of several serious conniving plots and treacheries by my wife, I asked her to sign a post nuptial contract, and cease and desist trying to pick up her wealthy doctor (an illegal and very dangerous relationship for him of course). She refused - that “pride“ again - isn‘t pride such a nice thing in a woman? So I ended the marriage - after telling immigration first about her behavior. This prevented a false DV claim and possible criminalization of myself and the ruining of my life. But with a prenup we might - might - still be married. It was hard to kick a young hottie out of my house - especially as she went straight to my mother’s house and tried to wreck my family from that location - and maybe get my mothers assets also. What a charmer she was. A great actress and a Narcissist in the extreme. A gold digger. If any person marries someone without assets then a prenup will actually lengthen the marriage in my opinion. Why should I pay twice - first to support a lazy bum who refused to work, then a cash lottery win as a reward for supposedly facilitating me earning my income through housework etc? What a joke - she cooked evening meals and did almost no other housework of any kind. Traditional values - hah!
Mike00 was right too about the early part when the UW tries to dominate and control her man. Mine succeeded and if she had failed - had I been a real “man” I am sure she would have ended our relationship and found a softer target. I have letters she wrote to her best friend explaining how she needed to find a suitable man to control - a soft educated man. She wrecked our marriage intentionally - deep down she believes herself to be worthless (she was abused as a child) so all the good deeds I did for her just made her hate me. Why should she be grateful to someone who is spoiling her and she knows it?
I have never been to Thailand but I might give it a go. Imagine - politeness after all the rudeness here and rubbish lying on the streets and parks. Not to mention my female neighbour threatening me with an axe. This was after she turned off my electricity for the second time - only she has the key - and me stopping her physically from closing her own door until she turned it back on. After this she called the militsia who sent two Cobra guys in black uniforms and berets. Luckily my passport and visa were in order. Ain’t life in the FSU grand - it is never boring but is not always fun. Today she has put all her husbands possessions in the corridor and changed the locks. I got another visit from two men claiming to be Militsia but without uniforms afterwards. Seems her husband has alerted the authorities of his wrongful eviction. I gave one months notice to my own landlord to leave today, not before time.
Lastly, I find many people here sometimes tells fibs to me, even my Western friends. Living in Ukraine seems to do that to a person after a while.
i agree with "anothermug"- ukraine women have turned lying into an art form that they believe there own lies.
i sympathise with you anothermug because i too am bald. I wore a wig/toupee when i went to krivoy rog but it got caught in the sliding lift doors in my apartment -fotunately there was no one else in lift at the time.
Anyway enough of fsu countries- Within the next 3 months i am going to try Honduras in central america.i have seen some quality women there.Should be interesting.