Adman, I am just the non-custodial father and me and my ex-wife work within a set of family court orders, 8 pages long about contact and childrens matters.
The ex-wife has the responsibility for the day to day care and educations of the kids.
I work with her..she is far more co-operative now days as the kids are all in High School now and generally agree on things or I comply with her wishes to keep the peace.
The fighting is long over and its time to be reasonable for the sake of the kids..thats how me and the ex work now days.
I concurr, I didn't quite use the Bruce Willis approach, but I did convey the message that I didn't have a problem with going to prison. Realistic, they're going to still do it? That's a cop out. If you convey that mentality to children, they will see the weakness for sure. There are absolutes in life, unfortunately some parents still don't want to support that. When you are a parent being called the coolest means, you don't accept the responsibility of the role. I told my daughter, you don't have to love me, you don't even have to like me, but you will respect and follow my rules as long as you live under my roof. I was an insufferable prick as Aussieman says, I forced her to work, to study and act like a decent young woman, rap music wasn't allowed, I broke one of her Tupac CD's in front of her. She hated me all her teen years, I'm sure she wished I died along the way. Now at 25 she's very successful, balanced and we are very close to each other. Bottom line you're a parent, not a friend or a buddy. Those are absolutes.
Parenting is difficult and made more difficult with a divorce. There are many different ways of raising kids.
It all depends on what you think is right. I am not really strict, I have guidelines as to what is right and what is wrong and my kids know this ahead of time. My kids are in late teens now and over last two years have become more vocal on what they deem to be right. I do not waver on some things I think are more important, respect, honesty, curfew, drinking and sex. They know how I feel about these things. I gave them the responsibility to make their own decisions now and all I can hope is that they give plenty of thought before making any decision. You just hope you instilled some values in them and it stayed. I let them have their way on some of the battles, music, going out, staying over friends, some privacy but always kept in mind to 'win' the war.
You've instilled the values, and hope they think long about doing something, as long as they know the consequences of their actions, then you've instilled in them everything. Today, no one wants to accept the consequences of their actions. Look at that bimbo Paris Hilton, crying for Mommy as they put her sorry ass back in jail. I was laughing my ass off yesterday listening to the radio and hearing all the major misinformation networks were focused on Paris Hilton. Then I thought, where was MADD in all of this? If it would have been a man in this situation, they would have been screaming at the top of there lungs. Kind of reminded me of the idiotic coverage of the Slow speed chase of OJ. Unfortunately our kids live in a topsy turvey world of Alice in Wonderland. Young girls are emulating this idiotic bimbo, because this has been the agenda for the last 50 years.
As for music, I don't control music, You can't classify RAP as music, it is a very destructive message being sent. I remember my dad freaking out when John Lennon decried the the Beatles were more Popular than Jesus Christ. The funny thing about it, and it was the begging of what I call the slow decay of the American culture, is he was right. Then many people forget all the problems Lennon had with immigration to the United States and now many in our government positions were willing to give legalized status to people here that committed more serious crimes than Lennon did. Simply idiotic.
I like your approach, you try to instill values and hope they stick. Along with with the values, you also hope they understand the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately, Ms. Hiltons parents didn't instill that in their children. I should have gotten off mentality is pervasive in our society. My daughter and I were in opposite ends of the spectrum until she was 18 then she started seeing the light. She was in the process of breaking up with her boyfriend, when one night at about 11:30 I heard a loud thump out on our front porch, I ran upstairs from my basement, and saw my daughter picking herself off the ground, well her boyfriend decided to get physical with her, I grabbed him and threw him on the ground and kicked him in the ass as hard as I could. He said he was going to tell his dad, I told him to do so and then bring his dad over and I would do the same thing. Michelle was a little bit embarrased, and kind of just shyly went to bed that night. The next morning at breakfast, she kissed me and said thanks, and said she truly knew that I wasn't the biggest asshole in the world as she thought I was. She knew that people can say I love you and pay lip service and then, you can say you love someone without saying a word.
Yeah, we try to win the war, and we eventually do, though most decent parents are really far behind in the fourth quarter, but we eventually make the comeback.
I think these same values help us become successful in our search for a lady in the FSU. Most of the girls are looking for a stable man. One who will stand on his convictions and puts family first. Even if the family at the moment is only the two of them. They like guys who mean what they say, and do what they say they will do. That has no economic class at all. When I first studied the prospects of finding a life partner, as in my case Ukraine, I really tried to understand the culture of the male in the FSU. To understand why so many women were searching else where. It was then I realized I had a real good chance of finding an exceptional woman. And all the pictures of these sites weren't the FSU's most wanted of scammers. You want success, act like a man and treat them like women with respect and you will do exceptionally well. Treating them with respect doesn't mean tossing dollars at them. That's easy to do. Be strong in your convictions and act like a gentleman and you will hit it big.
I think divorce and parenting for Ukrainian women like Alena and Monada is very difficult in Ukraine when it seems most of there men have lousy values.
Dead beat men exist in all Australia we call a father who does not pay child support and spends no time with his kids, "a dead beat dad".
In Australia there exists a good social security net to help single mothers abandoned by there husbands or who have had to exit from bad marriages, with single mothers pensions, family payments for children and concessions/discounts on telephone, electricity, water, gas etc.
Its not an easy life for a single mum here but its a lot easier than it would be in Ukraine as that country does not have any where near well developed social security and support systems as Australia has..we might pay higher taxes but the disadvantaged are looked after.
I am on a disability pension now until my medical problems are fixed up as I can not work full -time and maintain myself because of the condition I am in and need medical treatment and corective surgery for my work damaged hands ( carpal tunnel syndrome ) which has really debilitated me. Surgery always carries risks and my hands may not fully recover after surgery and I may need to retrain and change my trade occupation to something that is far less, hands on and intensive..nobody knows at the moment and its a long wait to get the surgery ( injury happenned years ago and got worse over time so its impossible to prove which work place it happen as I worked in a number of places so its not compensable ) so I am on the public hospital waiting system and getting a Federal government pension, so you wait for your turn on the list and it could be up to 12 months to get the surgery and they want to do it to both hands, one at a time and each hand is 3 or 4 months recovery per operation, so I am out of the foreign bride search business long term.
I feel sorry for divorced ladies with kids in Ukraine, as it seems there a lot of "dead beat fathers" because there men seem to have shit attitudes culturally breed in them!
For how many more years will western men be misled with the below cliched lines
Western woman are nowhere near as stuck and well dressed as ukrainian woman. Russian woman will not eat for days so they can wear the latest fashion....
Just look at the pics on all the bride websites. Just look at the attitudes on their faces. If anyone things russian woman cook and clean better than western woman wake up...
If you havent been to these countries you dont know what the facts are..... Russian woman are lazy and sit on their asses all day
the facts are Monada you and your woman are all after a green card from western men .. thats it. nothing more. now western men shoudl wake up
1 - drinking, drugs, laziness etc.
2 - we have MORE women then men
3 - our men at 50 are old and at 60 are ready to die
4 - every second girl is model, our men are too spoiled
4 - our women are too tired to work and earn money, wash, cook, clean take care of kinds and husband... so f'ck off hubs - at least life a little easier...
You have a way of bringing out the best in people.
I always look forward to what you have to say... whether I agree or not is irrelevent. Personally, I think you are too good for quasimodo. You may make me take a turn from going to Sumy and end up in Poltava!!
spoken like a true woman ..... and they rave on about being femminine......... As always ill enjoy sitting back and watching the next western guy come here and cry after being shafted..
"don't give a shit if what YOU think about my and all other women on the planet"
LoL Monada!
What I wanna know from the guy above Monada's post is how long are you gonna post your BS life experiences on this forum and expect anyone to believe you? Just because you failed and are obviously bitter about it dosen't mean everyone else will follow your footsteps. Your so damn wrong you should use that paragraph in a comedy bit
ok rodwalloper let me explain... ive been to ukraine 10 times for business. Ive never been married or engaged or even dated a ukrainian girl. And trust me Im an above average looking guy they are all over me in Kiev..... But you know some guys are smarter than others. i know many dating agencies... people that run dating agencies in ukraine are inflitrated throughout the business world in ukraine so you meet these people ...
My goal here on this site is to warn western guys what they really are getting involved in....
'Russian Roulette" isnt a dramatic enough word
Ive been on this site for 5 years and argued with guys like you. Smartasses who mislead the new guys... Time and time again i see the same guys come back here and sulk "my horror trip to Ukraine" etc etc
At the end of the day the jokes on your and ukrainian girls laugh at western guys. they have no emotional connection
I get cheesed off when i see misleading info on this site from western men who have no idea what the hell they are doing....
Skiired I guarantee you will either dissapear from this site like many other shafted western men or come back and sulk...
Im presuming of course you are travelling to ukraine to find a hot girl.... right? If you are going to find a woman with kids like some other men on here you truly have lost the plot ... babes or no babes its bad news
Not only is your advice worthless, if you weren't so reading challenged you would know Ski is already married. See the loser in this mess is you. All you do is come in her clog up the forum with your utter nonsense, no practical experience dating a woman from Ukraine or Russia, but you are the voice of reason for scammers. How about stop dating your hand and find a woman in Ukraine or Russia and tell me some factual information.
Why would you know dating agencies if you're not interested? If your so smart why waste so much time? What is sounds like, is you were the typical know it all, like many others here, got your ass ground up like beef by some woman, because you really weren't that smart. Any other form of information is heresay. This forum doesn't need heresay, but practical applications from real guys that have done it.
Why were you trying to circumvent your own countries immigrant laws if you were so smart? Why even be interested in a woman to come to Australia, if they all are thieves?
You're the only bad news here. Along now with becoming the forums greatest rodwalloper, since the other has been retired and returns under pseudonyms.
That is why they call you 'VANECHKA'... do you know what does it mean in russian folk? ups...I see a lot of good people on that forum and also don't want you to give the worthless advices... I want people to be happy as they are and don't be so snob...
One day you may fail in your business in Ukraine too. I know what does it mean.:) Change your mind, please. VANECHKA.
Vanechka you pissant, let me be the first to label you the village idiot.
I dont care what you look like and why would I even care, huh??
Your the type of fool that is jealous of the guy next door cuz hes got a better job, hotter woman, nicer car, bigger eh hem.. I know your type
You actually get off watching people fail don't you... DONT YOU
You need help, mental help. Find something to do, smoke a JOINT but get the idea of finding a woman out of your head. Because every woman you meet will stick it to you right up your a$$. and you wanna know why? Because you are a self righteous a$$hole that thinks he knows more than everyone, ARENT YOU?? Look in the mirror and look real good because in that reflection you will see why you are such a failure and ALWAYS will be.
Oh ya, and like NAS says, LEARN to read you boob and go wallow in your sorrows you loser
I swear where do these idiots come from? In my life before I started this search, as the idiot above testifys, he's never dated a Ukrainian etc. Why would you come to a forum and post. I mean, Jesus, I'm bored today, so lets go to some Russian womans forum and post bullshit. Never dated one, doesn't know diddly squat, been there 10 times on business, Christ I've been there almost that many times seeing my girl who is now my wife. WTF? I hate to sound demeaning, but I have yet to really talk to a successful Aussie on this site. I can't remember one, going back to idiotdetector?
Vanechka maybe not has dated a Ukrainian, but hes posted before (see below)....
This was posted after making the same statements as above.
Probably forgot to login under a different name.
Enjoyed reading the posts. Im wondering how many guys here have gone
through the process of sponsoring a girl from Ukraine to Australia. I
have not started the process yet. I am a little frustrated at the
incredible red tape involved and the very low chances of getting a
fiance visa for example approved particularly through Moscow.
I have not started the process at all. But I am looking at going on a
holiday early next year with a few friends. And am wondering incase I
actually meet a girl I like what i should do before hand. For example I
would prefer to meet someone face to face but i have heard that a lot
of men write for 6 months before hand then meet . Which apparently
strenghtens the case.
Im always wondering about another issue. Moscow seems to expect you to
spend a considerable amount of time with a girl but not take into
account that you are from another country and can't leave work all the
time. Is there a way that anyone else has found on here that lets visit
a girl once and having a succesful visa application?
Anyone know any good legal people involved with Ukraine who know how
the process works . Why is it so anal with Australia they let muslims in by the truckload
thanks Antonio
Im Aussie and have a girlfriend in Kiev. Been going out for 3 years. Next week going there for 12 time. Talked about marriage but neither of us is particularly driven by the need to marry. Does that count as successful?