Good on ya Mike, good to see you had a change of heart. Good luck on your relocation too. I certainly know how you feel about things being such a rip off thesedays and people don't give a toss. At least someone is going to do something about it.
I know what Nas means thou about having to run around after your girl when shes in your country. Doctors visits etc etc. I got in trouble not knowing something about nail extensions when I booked her an appointment (I still don't know). I booked her into a place with all Chinesses who did a quick and nasty job and didn't speack english. But it was the only place I could find. They did a poor job and charged 15 times more than in her country. And after she was in a bad mood. Having to organise someone elses life can be hard work at times especially at the start and when your working. Like he says getting the visa is the easy part.
Yes to me ben its the last frontier -iam not going to have my girl in Aussie letterboxed into the -ohh to get a job you must first stand in the que
you must register
your life is now a competition
your ass is owned by us --and for our dictatoral regime we are are going to give you a whole $14.72 cents an hour take out tax, petrol, lunch money, and you really not much better off than USSR !
you cant use your phone -at work
you dare not fart
timed toilet breaks
and the nepitism il put you in ''greylands '
the jealousy il drive you ouT of that job in 2 weeks because being a russian your meticulous your a good sort !
the boilers tripple chin jobs hate yu guts because your the perfect 10 in figure !
All the yaY --teamers cant think for themselves there has to be 20 of them to amass A TOTAL VOTE ON A SUBJECT THAT 12 YEARS AGO 1 BLOKE DID IT !
NO MATE i wont bring my girl to a cess pit of accountabilty my first girl i brought her hear in year 2000 it near destroyed her she found herself doing things that everybody else wanted HER to do --------she lost her god given right of choice !
thats really degrading the western system sucks ----------you find yourself daily jumping through hoops that in FSU nobody has heard off
Why complicate there lives ?-i mean aint they done it tough enough !
I revel in a society where folks put each other long before the dollar comes into play ok those joints are getting harder to find but still take 20 years before russia goes to the Do - well system or more years than that .
mate to me id toss my big job live on beans to be able to say BE in a society SAYS --we'll do things different !
my girl anna in year 2000 mate after 40 days hear her nerves were gone west she just could not adapt in any way or form i recall she near ran back to the plane then the next one you meet not a worry ---------its horses for courses not all will adapt .
I know 1 aussie guy lives with his love in KIROV now ive known em 5 years shes been hear but same as my first 1 just didnt survive -you take him away from her in russia the walls come a tumbling down --they are a couple that 10 metres apart they just cease to make it work but put em together nothings a problem .
very much how myself and other half work ,
and its good being there with em you can protect supervise make sure no nasties in the woodwork .
man likeS to see over his assetts lol lol .
IVE HAD WORRIES ALL YEAR this visa crap temporary residence iam reluctant to play thier games i like to be totally independent of anything in life ------i WONT FILL IN TEN FORMS AND BEG TO EM i wont leave country each 6 months chasing new visas so many things I will NOT DO !
I WONT GET WORK PERMIT my bux are mine ive given enough to russia thanks very much !
sorry my accounability door is nailed shut .
I may even do as one norway guy i know did whom lives in remote village about 90 miles out of Novgarod he vanished / on purpose arrived moscow 3 years ago just decided to stay tossed visa in the bin lives with his lovely in a shack --he owns furniture business him and his brother in norway brother sends via his girl to him $450 a month the guys rich,
he speaks russian better than a russian looks like grizzly adams and nobody has ever come to his door looking for him !
why would they bother its a big joint they would not use up resources tracking him down ( where would they start to look ? would they bother ? no they'l just let him come unstack via his own ways wont they)
he said fugg the system whats worse they can do to me ? ------send me home beaut free air fare who cares --iam sure there are many from other countries err just decided to stay .
Send: 30.06.2007 5:58:45
Navarreman against sounding negative, you're a long way from accomplishing anything yet. She isn't here, and that is not subjective. You can be personally tired as much as you want. Again for being confrontational, I hate hypocrisy. Challenge me anytime you wish that's fine. As for being an expert. When you are married with your lady from where ever she is, then you can tell me about experience. For now you are what you are, applying for a K1 visa, and that's the easy part. So be tired as you may be, you haven't touched the cusp of what yet lies ahead. So when you've accomplished getting her here moving her here, getting the change of status, getting her drivers license, insuring her, you will be well beyond the 5 grand mark. Then you will have the adjustment period, you will be required to do almost everything for her, including scheduling her appointments, taking her to doctors etc. Getting her used to a new society, understanding checkbooks, credit cards, our monetary system.
There's an exception to every rule, I wish you all the best but you are from from putting the feather in your hat. The K1 is the easy part. So you're not going to attend her interview at the embassy? I mean to each his own, but there are some advantages of attending her interview, but since I'm not as nearly experienced as you I will leave it at that. Don't let your own arrogance get in your way. Remember your own friend proclaims it can't be done on the cheap.
Well Mr. Nasfan6, I'll take that feather now.
We finished the K1/I-551 last year and we married in June 08. Got her here and in my arms for under $5K. She is working and competent and doing very well. Checkbook was a small issue but she is after all an accountant by profession, balance sheets and all. And just so you know, you cannot attend the interview, it is forbidden. But you already knew that right? Just felt like bringing you up to date you pompous MF.
Well Bill I don't know where you had your interiew, but I was there, sitting 10 feet away from my wifes 3 minute interview. Spoken in Russian so it wasn't relevant to me. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it. You don't even know where the interview takes place at the embassy since you didn't attend I assume. You made your wife stand outside the Embassy like the other people. Hey if that works for you fine. So you got a conditional green card. That's what usually happens after people get married. So you've been together here in the states a little over nine months.
Again Bill since you did'nt attend the interview, you can sit right there, the window where they are interviewed is only 10 feet away. Hows that for a pompous mother fucker.
I'd say that for the particular pompous MF we are referring to it is amazing. So now it's about the interview? What happened to having accomplished something by getting past the K1? The marriage? Why do you insist on changing the bar after we accomplish each step?
Your words:
When you are married with your lady from where ever she is, then you can tell me about experience. For now you are what you are, applying for a K1 visa, and that's the easy part. So be tired as you may be, you haven't touched the cusp of what yet lies ahead. So when you've accomplished getting her here moving her here, getting the change of status, getting her drivers license, insuring her, you will be well beyond the 5 grand mark.
My answer:
The drivers license has been a bear. I'll give you that one. She drives just fine but it is the written (computer) test that is the problem. This will be overcome. USCIS insures that things will be as difficult as possible by making us go to both Jacksonville and New Orleans. While this is a royal pain it does afford the opportunity to let her see some of the USA. She has her own medical insurance and the only reason I set out to do this on the cheap was people like you saying it couldn't be done. Our experiences are ours. Your experiences most likely are vastly different. I'll be willing to bet that there is no single correct way to approach what we have accomplished but I can guarantee that there are lots of ways to not to do it. Since we both achieved what we set out to do, why don't we agree to disagree and get on with our lives?