her name is ANNA. SHe has higher ENGENEERING education. She is slim. Beautiful. Supportive. Not deceitful.
She has been deceited so many times that you can't even imagine.
I was working with her and admiring her strength. I was looking at her and thinking: "God, how she manage all that and be able to smile".
I was dreaming that one day I will have strength too. And Monada's dream happened.
I didn't have maniak bashing me to death. But I have my parents hating me from all heart and trying to hurt as much as possible.
I don't know what me or any other woman in Ukraine HAVE DONE so that WE have got all these shit falling onto our heads.
Don't forget, that on top of all in this place WE - WOMEN take full responcibility or our kids bcs most of men don't give a fuck about.
Let me metion names.... Olga, my university mate.... she kicked off her husband laying of sofa watching tv when child was 10 month old... Katya.... her boyfrend died in accident and left her pregnant.... and she left the child... YOU have no idea what she's got from her parents....... and she is beautiful, honest, streaight, hardworking..... and I don't know how she passed through....
Monada,stop with the constant victimization of the women.Women in the West do exactly the same through feminism.They always complain about men and make them get away and search for brides in other countries.
I can imagine how many ukrainian men have become alcoholic due to behaviour of their wives.Ukrainian women can become unbearable,confrontational,complaining,jealous and possesive.They can change temper in a second and want men to put up with it.They may play with men,laugh at them,take their money and leave them in garbage and they are proud of their smartness to do that.They change boyfriend when they find a richer one.
An ukrainian woman can make your life a hell if you do not know how to handle her.They use heavy manipulation techniques that allow them to achieve everything they want.For me it is normal that ukrainian men have turned to be like that.I sympathize with ukrainian men.
They may use extreme violence in some cases but ukrainian girls can be extremely abusive as well,verbally or even physically.
If you also ask what is the opinion of russian girls about ukrainian girls,you will learn a lot.
Not that I agree with the ukrainian men brutality.I just find one part of it justified through the harshness of life,the alcohol and the women's temper.
Women's temper.I mean ukrainian women are not cows or sheep,not adaptive.They have a constantly changing temper,one moment they laugh and are full of energy and passion and the next moment they are in deep despair,they cry and accuse you.You never know what the mood of the girl will be when you call her.It is constantly changing.
For example czech women are more calm and tolerant,polish women can be temperamental as well to the point of hysterical.I have found many similarities between polish and ukrainian women and between belarus and russian women.
I don't think older generation is fucked.Women in their 30's in Ukraine have commonly better attitude than young ones in their 20's and it seems they followed some rules at older times.
Let - i think you have summed up ukranian woman quite accurately-They drive MEN TO DRINK.This subject of men driven to drink has been analyzed some months back previous in the title of another post i remember . You can find a normal calm even temper ukraine woman though -BUT they are a very small minority and bloody hard to find.Many of the ukraine women are unstable like a sicilian women on the edge of Mount Vesuvius.