(the stationair is my nextdoor neighboursits not licenced rejestered they only use on our property)
So he admits, again, that he doesn't fly. To use it on only their property, since their (owned) property does not include the airspace above it, means that the aircraft stays on the ground.
Nasfan... you Martin and Danny pollute this forum. Could you "three" stop posting comments in the legitimate threads we are all trying to read? You guys and your personal problems dont't concern us! Yet you continue to make us read your shi t. I will start a topic just for the three of you and you guys so you can stay the f uck away from the other legitimate topics... OK?
Mini Cooper
Polluting the forum! Huh, better than polluting PM inbox's like you did BMW Cooper, no doubt you sent the same PM to many users crying and complaining that your posts were being moderated.
Oh diddums BMW, now get your head out of your backside ans smell the coffee:
Mini Cooper send PM
Martin_FFC 04.11.2008 21:09:44 Hey Martin_FFC,
I have been trying to post a reply on the topic I started (Anyone getting flooded by "form" letters from Kharkov and Mariupol) but everything I post is rejected by a moderator. Are you able to post any comments on that topic?
You obviously have privelige to more information than I thus please do tell when I most recently responded to a message, I guess you mean a taunt, from nasfan?
Just to clarify facts, that is facts gecko, there seems to have been, atleast, a suspension of 'hostilities' between nasfan and myself for quite some considerable time and there has only been one individual, one dyslexic individual, until your post of today making you the second individual, that has attempted to break that 'suspension' by repeating previous words of nasfan, well he would repeat them if he could spell them, regarding my marital situation.
I am rising above his taunts, it takes a man, not a boy, to successfully taunt me and, more recently, I have merely been 'playing' with that individual's cr@p whereas he claims to be a pilot of multiple aircraft yet without a licence, medical, insurance, the list goes on. Is 'fun' strictly forbidden on this forum and if so please do tell who has forbidden it?
Excuse me gecko, but I've been here for a while, never to insult a mans woman, never to directly attack another member unless provoked by idiocy. Now that you have arranged to throw your two cents in, I would suggest you go back an read the posts where decent guys have been directly attacked by anal idiots like danny. Also knowing the background I have never referred to dannys woman as anything but a partner as he himself refers. You sir are a bit out of line, if you don't like me so be it. I've been there done what you are trying to accomplish. The problem is many of you don't realize you are getting scammed in this forum by misinformation and downright untruths.
This is not a support group, this is a site for acquiring information, and you need the truth. I was part of a group of many succesful parties here. Many that I have personally met with their wives. Her in the states and in Europe. Sorry Gecko, danny brings nothing to the table he outright attacks newbies, I don't, he outright lies in the forum I don't. Also I feel he is a scam waiting to happen. If you want to challenge me on these issues please feel free to do so.
I don't see the success anymore like I used to here. I have my observations, too many guys are way to smart for some of the older guys that have been there. Good Luck and if you need a support group, this is not the place for it. It takes a real guy with honest intentions to successfully find and marry a woman from the FSU. It isn't money, it isn't where you live. I mean realistically why do you sit and analyze and surmize strategies about these ladies? When the answer is at your own back door.
This isn't a game, though the idea is to sift throught the bullshit that you will run into while going through this. Too many hypocrites come here make the attempt than destroy the character of these ladies. I for one will not ever tolerate my wife being called a whore by anyone. So keep your powder dry and your own hypocracies to yourself. If you don't like this forum find another one.
Oh by the way this thread is idiocy in itself. Anyone knows who has traveled in the FSU racism abounds, ethnic hatred abounds, this is nothing new. Though it takes one clown to espouse the word racism and the handwringers come out. Do you know the word "nigger" is commonly used in Ukraine without repercussion. This isn't the limped wrist west you all are dealing with. It's a whole different world you will be venturing in and don't for a minute forget that.
Again it's not a whole different world, by the same guy who call the Russian people sneaky. The girls there are not the same as back home. And you have attacked new guys, but lying is your specialty. I'm still waiting for you to provide the post where I called your partner anything.
See danny your track record with the women above are all failures and now you are looking dead down the barrel of another failure, though I really believe it's some fabricated internet fantasy of yours.
"not a whole different world"
you are right there. Just the same person posting under a different name.
Tell us which person you are today?...... american_idol or nasfan
Newbie, I've never posted under any other name than this one. You can verify that with the moderators, I don't play games here. Only danny has used multiple names. Maybe newbie you are danny?
I just like blondes - russian, american, european. I am a Swede, you can always tell a Swede you just can't tell them much! Is that racist. No - Sheesh let's lighten up on our preferences. We are human with likes and dislikes. that ok.
No attack asswipe an explanation, I knew english wasn't you first language moron. You're the most ignorant individual to ever post in this forum and some I didn't think could be surpassed.
"Do you know the word "nigger" is commonly used in Ukraine without repercussion."
Nasfan, I have been to Ukraine three times. I have never heard that word there. I have heard "Negro", but not in a derrogatory way. As you can see, I am not exactly white. I have not felt any discrimination, although there have been times when I wonder in certain situations.
Here is a situation: There was a time when I got five intro letters from ladies daily, everyday on AOB. Suddenly, it stopped. I was lucky to get one in a month. I asked the administration why after about six weeks and again after several months. I was told it was the ladies decision to write and they cannot control it. They were rather upset when I asked them the second time.
I don't think it is the ladies because AOB does have a query, where you ask if the lady would be interested in writing you before you start writing. I always batted 50-50 there before and after the letters stopped. I was also a member of RWGlobe and I was getting about 6-10 intro letters a week there with no stoppage. There, I have discussed with the ladies my photographs as well as theirs, sometimes.
I am not damaged by any of this, but I do wonder what happened. I think one explanation is the agencys put my picture in the back of their albums or separate because I am not white.
Jehoba Witness? You're no Aussie. First it's Jehovah, do you know who Jehovah is dunce? Danny you are the dumbest individual ever to grace this forum with their presence.
Ragingbull, I've heard the word, many times in discussions. The point being made is not so much that specific word, but the overtones of the society, which in itself is not politically correct. Eastern Ukrainians have issues with Western Ukrainians. They have issues with Muslims etc, etc etc. So to target one ethnic group or race and calling a specific site as racist is ridiculous. When racism is used it is targeted mainly at the white male population and more predominately at the American and South African male.
The word racism is uttered to me when a specific group doesn't get there way and now even when the group is the majority of a population. Racism is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. It doesn't specifically mean color. Hitler was a racist in the purest form. The ethos has even crept into religion. If you dislike Muslims you are a racist. It's a very inflammatory word, to me that is used anymore when a specific group doesn't get there way and it has nothing to do with color. It puts a person immediately on the defensive, having to explain themselves even if their argument has merit and nothing to do with bigotry or hatred.