I HAVE answered the question, I would have the vision of a whole international community being against the actions of Putin, with him being expelled from G8, all kinds of sanctions from whole blocks of countries like the EU, etc.
Putin only has on his side the controlled media in Russia and other rogue heads of state.
How is somebody going to convince a reasonable person that what Putin is doing is right by telling him that Assad likes Putin?
You may not convince a Russian lady that Putin is a madman and that he is causing a lot of damage to Russia. If so, then you have to think whether you want to be with her. You may chose to overlook her stance if you are blinded by her beauty and you are in love with her, who knows.
"How easy or hard is it to change a pro Putin around?"
I doubt that this question has been properly researched :)
Maybe the people most qualified to answer would be "deprogrammers" or "exit counselors" who work to free the minds of those who have belonged to religious cults -- because I believe that millions of Russians are now suffering from a level of mind control approaching that of religious cults.
I don't say this to be snarky, or out of anti-Russian hostility. It's my sincere judgment based on what I've observed.
Anecdotally, I have two tiny data points:
1. A woman in Kyiv who needed two months of phone talks to bring around her auntie in Russia.
2. The Russian expat to Ukraine I mentioned a few days ago, who has given up trying to persuade his relatives.
Religious cults instruct their members, "our group has many enemies [perhaps under the control of Satan]. People will tell you lies, and try to trick and manipulate you, to believe that there is something wrong with our group, or with your belonging to it. They are subtle, tricky, dangerous! You must be on guard against them!"
So whenever someone tries to talk sense to a person with cult programming, they will think, "Aha! It is the enemy who speaks to me. I will prove my strength and virtue by resisting his Satanic lies."
As far as I can see, many tens of millions of Russians are in the same boat. For at least ten years now, Kremlin media has been telling them that the West (and especially the US) is Russia's depraved, hateful and implacable enemy. Since November, Russians have been hearing every day that any actual fact they hear about Ukraine is part of a vicious storm of lies from the Evil West.
So, if you try to talk sense to a Programmed Russian, they will reflexively think "this person is just a mindless stooge for the US/EU/NATO, mindlessly reciting Western propaganda. I don't need to listen to anything s/he says, because _I_ know Truth!"
That is what happened, when I wrote to my Russian friend a couple of weeks ago (as mentioned above). She evidently thinks I have a false picture of Russia's leadership, government, and public attitudes. I'm a victim of Western propaganda, and a russophobe (she used that exact word in her email to me).
I rather doubt that she and I will exchange emails again, but I wrote back to her (paraphrasing), "no, I'm not a russophobe -- it's because I love Russia, that I am so distressed by what is happening there."
Durak, all this goes far deeper then a few years.
Russians have always pulled to the Kremlin far before yours and your fathers life time.
is it a phenomenon of only having half a brain like some "small amount" of your southern fellow americans:) or can this stupidity have been accidentally or slash purposely breed into them?
look at it another way, in our country we breed animals and insects for particular trait or traits.
Russia has had a life times of political and common-folk scourges, maybe that certain type of person who has constantly stayed alive, that gene pool is now unnaturally of a high density.
the very same gene pool that naturally pulls to the Kremlin.
that russian logic of not rocking the boat from inside.
i remember watching a documentary of a kiwi guy tracking down his fathers adventures from world war 2 which he never met.
he traveled to some region in upper russia, on the upper coast.
this was at the beginnings of the German invasion.
up there was getting stuka and larger bomber attacks on some port.
New Zealand sent pilots with i think Briton(maybe or they may have only supplied the planes not sure) to train russians how to fly the spitfire and hurricanes (in dog fighting)
the typical russian pilot was becoming extincted from their own stupidity, from not having the Kremlin sitting next to them in their plane, telling them how to live.
ok maybe their planes were seriously inadequate but it doesn't take a mastermind to jump into another car to follow basic road rules, its just another car.
and really how many wars have our pilots been in at that time to be called ace fighter pilots or be classed as professionals.
anyway they were there on a strict teach not to get to involved policy in the combat which of cause was not overly followed.
even at that time through his fathers writings he explained how russians were very sheepish and not allowed to mix with our pilots, the woman were even more difficult to approach if not impossible.
this was said to be some rule made up from the Kremlin itself.
was it a general distrust of the west and their alliances or just outsiders?
maybe its just that basic control thing,,, who knows, but it was something they had to break though to get them into a place where they could properly teach these pilots how to live.
it was quite a moving story, the moving part is of cause breaking down those walls.
even russians outside of russia today are very Putin minded, so is it programmed or is it their gene pool.
On FB, VK, Google Plus, major news article comments and even fiance.com forum, I have pointed out the lies of Russia. There is often truth that they base their lies on. They hang on to that truth, even when I point out the lies. It has often gotten to where they are silenced. Yet, they go on posting at another time and another place with the same rhetoric.
They even take on the characteristics of Putin. They make up their own lies. They do not go on logic. They go on nationalism and emotion.
I would like to believe that the situation is not as bad as all that ... but so far, the evidence does not support a more optimistic conclusion.
kiwi wrote, "even russians outside of russia today are very Putin minded." I keep seeing signs of this, and it is deeply discouraging. These are people who obviously have plenty of access to non-Kremlin sources of news. And they are living in countries where life has many advantages over Russia, because of rule of law, strong democratic institutions, transparency of government operations, and honorable adherence to international treaties (always with some exceptions, every country has its sins).
In other words, they are living inside laboratories that prove that doing the opposite of what Putin does, is very good for almost everybody. But so many of them still seem to admire their new Tsar.
In the past few days, I've gotten my first comforting news from the Russian Federation since last winter.
You may recall that I've been hesitant to reach out to Russian friends, basically because I'm afraid to find out we won't be friends any longer.
I wrote to a friend who was first a business contact -- he has helped with my travel arrangements in Russia for a long time. Over the years, we have gotten to know each other rather more personally. I wouldn't say we have become intimate (I haven't visited his home or met his Mrs, for example), but he's a really good guy I've grown quite fond of ... one of the people I will miss, in my estrangement from Russia.
As an example, he rather startled me once when I mentioned some worry about plan for accommodation falling through, when he said, "don't worry, you could stay at our house if that happened" (he's a family man).
Well, I had higher hopes for this Russian friend, because we have talked a little about politics*, and my impression is that he is neither strongly pro-Putin nor anti-Putin. In other words, I don't see him as a Kremlin-bot.
He responded very kindly to my letter, and to my suggestion that we might meet again someday outside of the Russian Federation (he travels pretty often). He didn't show any signs of offense, in response to what I had to say about where Russia is going.
It means a lot to me, and brings me hope, to still have some connections that aren't poisoned by the collective madness.
He hopes that Russia will soon be on good terms with the rest of the world again. Though I am deeply pessimistic, all that would be necessary would be for Russia to immediately come into compliance with its international treaties. The decision could be made and announced in one day, and the world shown that Russia is "walking the walk" in a matter of weeks. Sanctions would soon be ended, with an immediate powerful boost to Russia's economy. The cost to Russia would be negligible -- in fact, Russia would start saving costs on the first day.
It is one cruel, selfish gangster who bars the way.
* Russia is not back to Soviet political conditions, though in some ways it is moving rapidly in that direction. But even ten years ago, I had a clear picture of who Putin is, and was concerned that Russian citizens might be affected by criticizing him. This is one of several reasons I have generally not raised political topics with people living in Russia, though I've been interested to learn their views when they brought the subject up.
here is the interesting thing: virtually all my Facebook Ukrainian friends post anti-Russian items: the Russians shot down the airliner, Putin Khulio, the Russian army invades, etc..
Whereas my Russian friends never post anything anti-Ukrainian, pro-Putin, anti-West or even talk about the war. I also belong to two cultural Russian FB groups and nobody posts anything like that either. It does not mean that the do not support Putin, though, I do not ask them to avoid conflict if they are pro-Putin but they all see my.constant postings attacking Putin (never Russia) and they do not say anything or cut me off.
An article in Washington Post about tomorrow's parliamentary election:
Leaving the election to one side for a moment, consider this (about Marina Demko, a woman from Ukraine's Donbas region):
"Like many people in the east, Demko has family ties to Russia: Both of her parents are Russian, she grew up in Siberia and her brother still lives there. Until recently, he vacationed with them every summer in western Ukraine — but now, since he consumes a steady stream of Russian state television that says that the protesters in Ukraine are neo-Nazis and are committing genocide against Russians, the two are barely on speaking terms.
'He says I’ve been zombified,' Demko said."
Guys, did you get that?!?!?!?!?
A Ukrainian citizen speaks truth about her own country -- reality that she observes with her OWN EYES (she moved from Donbas to Kyiv a few months ago, so she knows the score on "both sides" of Ukraine) -- and her Russian citizen brother's attitude is, "No, you don't know what the fuck is going on in Ukraine. _I_ know because my Putin-TV tells me!"
Even for me, who has loved visiting Russia for ten years, one of the most noticeable and ugly things in Russia is naglost' (a Russian word translated as arrogance, insolence or rudeness). I have met many dear kind people in Russia, but this attitude of naglost' is in the air and water -- it is a deep part of Russian culture. Believe me, ordinary Russians are the usual victims of it, and most of them will tell you what an obnoxious problem it is. Please help me here, those of you men who have spent time in Russia -- have you not seen this?
The ignorant Russian bastard from the newspaper story, who recites bullshit lies as if they were gospel, has the stones to tell HIS OWN SISTER that she is "zombified". THAT is naglost'.
You tell me: in that family, which one is the cult-programmed zombie?
The reason I emphasize this story, is because I have heard it over and over and over again. It is not exceptional, it is Russia's new "normal". [If you don't remember, a kind pen-pal from Odesa told me that a friend or relative in Russia had written to her, "What's going on in Odesa, they are killing Jews and babies!"]
Ukrainians hear from their Russian friends, and even blood relatives, messages that boil down to, "YOU don't know what's happening in your own country. WE in Russia get Truth straight from God. You are just ignorant Ukrainian peasants."
That, my friends, is insanity. I don't mean this metaphorically, or as an angry put-down. I mean, that I cannot escape the regrettable conclusion that millions of Russians are suffering from a pathological disorder of thought.
My sad conclusion: as with Nazi Germany, the leader is only PART of the problem. Hitler could not have done what he did in Germany, without the vicious bigotry and slavish obedience of many millions of Germans. Sure, Putin is a depraved gangster -- but a great part of Russia's population (perhaps the majority) has a deep psychological and spiritual sickness, that fuels Putin's onward march.
I hate to think this way. I would love to be proved wrong. I am following the evidence, and this is where it leads.
Many marriages fail for one reason or another. To put all the Russian and Putin debacles in the middle is asking for trouble. Of course, that is up to the couple, not me.
"With us on the train was a Ukrainian who was traveling from Finland to St. Petersburg, so 10 border guards gathered around us, ran guys in uniform, confiscated his passport and made a circus. My luggage was also inspected and this inspector from the pic literally dug in our underwear. And it's because of the fact that my daughter and I were looking at this madness. I'm shocked !!!"
Saint Petersburg, the second largest city in Russia, has an annual beauty pageant for married women (called "Missis Peterburg").
One visually stunning finalist, 25 year old Viktoriya Maladayeva, became the focus of online conflict because of her ethnic impurity -- she is from one of the far corners of that vast country, and her facial features suggest (to my eye, at least) east Asian heritage.
Along the way, a man who apparently thought that such a racial mongrel is unworthy of Peterburg, reproduced comments Viktoriya had recently made on social media. Among these comments, she referred to Putin as the "worst thing that has happened to Russia since the 1950s," and said, "Once again, we've put ourselves on a par with the Third World." (Her comments end with a jolly Cyrillic hashtag that transliterates as #fakputin)
She has been accused (online) of hating Russians, and being an enemy of the people.
Here is my best effort at translation of Mrs. Maladayeva's (now deleted) social media post:
From September 22, the internet will be cut off in the "case of an emergency." Lord, how the top is afraid to lose place! Of course, we should not be surprised, all this went on for a long time. Private channels closed, unwanted media replaced, bloggers obligated, VK seized, foreigners banned from owning media and creative enterprise. Well, we live in the toilet of the world! Equating itself with the countries of the third world once again. (What do we know about freedom of speech). So many stupid people, who clutter the windows of Putin. One would like to ask: "Are you really so stupid, or do you arse-lick for free ??" Then an opportune phrase comes to mind "Putin - the worst thing that could have happened to Russia in the past 50 years." And finally do not join in the polemics. #fakputin