Agree LR... Klitschko's victory would have been a morale booster for Ukrainians. I am afraid to recognizes Ukraine situation fading away cause there is a lot going on. Brexit, French elections, Syria and last but not least Trump.
Ouch,,, how this girl must have felt to see this on her profile??
"Hey xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx I made up a song for you. And here it goes..... Twinkle twinkle little slut name a guy you have not fucxed. Was he big was he small nevermind you fucxed them all. Twinkle twinkle little bitch close your legs they smell like fish."
RBS: “What does this mean? What you write was nonsense. Nobody can explain it”
Martin was right, (again) you are thick!
The crayons are out everybody!
It’s as I wrote,,, it’s from a girl’s profile,,,, on fb! One of her own fb friends wrote it onto her page. Rather harsh don’t you think,,, oh right,, you don’t!
You see Rb,,, one girl is calling another girl a slut because she’s slept around,, a lot! If we could post pictures on here,,, I could use the crayons to draw stick figures having sex in case you’re still confused??
And in case you haven’t noticed, I posted this in the “Misc.” thread.
A girl’s profile!!! How many sites are out there where someone else can post stuff??
And why does it matter??
RBS,,, you’ve gone past the point of no return,,, haven’t you?? Now you have to nitpick it to death, to try and make some kind of imaginary RBS brain dead points?!?!? That’s why someone should get the padded room ready for you!
Get your head out of your ass!! How many threads do you want to ruin??