blu_craze and your wife didn't you notice that there are not only men here, but also girls:) We're rare here but we're here:)
What was the purpose of writing all that??? I see no sense in that, I'm not angry or something like that, I was just very sad and that's for telling that all women are alike when it comes to the core of a woman...sorry I have to disagree, living all my life in Ukraine and never been abroad makes me not a very good person to say this, but I believe that women are different, they are different from the inside, if all were the same what would be the purpose to search for the one and only, I'm not speaking about searching in other countries now, but in your own country even, if all girls would be the same there would be no sense going somewhere, searching for the rela I disagree on that!!!:)
Disastronaut, He wins an all expense paid trip to the Evelyn Woodhead Sped reding course, so his comprension and speling will improv wondurfuly. I hope his woman is in college he will need someone to endorse his welfare check with a real name not just an X.
Toad I loved the pencil dick comment. I had tears in my eyes. He must have eeyores blow up doll. I'm still trying to learn how they get the doll to speak Russian.
Hey Blu, traveling around half of Europe doesn't make you smart. Especially since you don't know much about America my friend. As far
as using your wife for such an idiotic test as you said doesn't show me that you respect her very much. First I would have more respect for my lady than to subject her to some perverted situation as you exposed her too. As far as being angry, hell I could care less. I like you of simple minds that just come here to stir up bullshit. You humor me with your classless ignorance. It wouldn't surprise me if you were a гомосексуалист, and Tatiana was really Tony.So take your two dates(ваши руки)and beat it. I hope you get the pun.But then again I'm dealing with the worlds most gifted idiot, who by far is smarter than I.
nasfan6, man, I have lived in europe, lived in america, traveled the western world, fought in two wars and spent time learning how are enemies are, yes and there your enemies too. Next time you here to judge or comment make it something worth while and take the time to read the article fully before saying something dumb, than you and have a nice day.
Go back and read all your posts and see who looks dumb.We're not going to take the time to decypher your sentences for hidden meanings. If you want to play games, get yourself a playstation.
Blu make it worth while? So we can delete all the bullshit you have written here as an excercise in stupidity??? Two wars now I'm impressed. Maybe I should get you to join my VFW. As far as judging, If you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen. If you think putting your wife up to some silly perverted thing like you did is of good character, damn right I'll judge it. Also my dear friend you're not the only one here is this forum that has been in a combat zone. So keep your sorry ass in Europe and I hope you wife wises up and slaps the taste out of your mouth. As far as enemies, the only enemies I have is idealogy and idiots.
Have a wonderful day
I have done 4 wars Nasfan, never much cared for fighting other people, only the idealogy of their governments, people are the same every where, they are sincere, they love their children, they valuemlife as much as we do in the west, you may have lived in Europe, but you sure as fuck kept your eyes closed, I spent 4 years facing the warsaw pact, but it was never personal and I am marrying a girl from the Fsu, war and killing people is crass stupidity
Blue, you are one fucked up child!!!of course you are too young to remember how women once were, in the west, I cherish the values that real women possess, if I want to marry a westerner, I might as well marry a guy(same thing) you are young and probably think our women are normal, they are not, they are fucked up and confused and with their role in life, why would I want to swap my soft, sweet, loving, feminine FSU intended, for some harridan from the uk, you have grown up with this shit, you are welcome to it have fought in two wars, I would hardly call Iraq or Bosnia fighting
Damn Trad you hit it right on the head. I was going to finish my line with Iraq and Bosnia. I do have some friends serving over there now. It's a lot more brutal than 92. Also I agree with you on on war. A real soldier does not want war or will brag about it.
Toad if you cup your hand over your ear you can hear the pssssssssssttttt all the way from over the pond.
Plus Blueboy, living in America doesn't qualify you as what a real American man is all about any more than me trying to tell someone what a woman from Ukraine is all about. If Pitchka is an example of what women from Ukraine are like, I can't wait to get on the plane and experience it for myself.
Later All
P.S. I second Trad on the apology to Ptichka, Sorry dear just a little too much testosterone in this thread.
Trad and Mike please don't apologize...I understand the situation, and the only reason why I didn't write anything here just 1 post, is that I didn't feel like liking this topic and the whole situation which was invented by blu_craze. So it's ok don't worry much about it, OK??:)))
Agree with Ptichka, what a stupid thread, unless of course women(Russian, Ukrainian, western) come off some production line that gives them all the same lies and dislikes