KR i agree. (finally ;=) i agree with someone)
at a little outher beauty as well or as i say "looks nice enough" (and there are plenty of those)and sometimes a bit cute, sweet, the right background (4,5) or hobbies etc could be helpfull as well.
Reading the list as toad and nasfan put on page 4 i don't really see what i objected to first**, or maybe me ptichka and arta are mellowing you out. (golden cage stories)
(** My first impression of you was(and still a bit is), the woman belongs in the kitchen odore her husband for the money he has or makes, and because of youre money she has to be shallow and drop dead gorgeous.)
It is probably you who have mellowed out a bit Ron. Men usually appear a bit rough around the adges untill you get to know them. Espesially Toad. ..LOL
I envy you...
I was writing a long list....
Then I realised that a lady who met all those criteria would be entitled to set a few criteria herself...
(somebody once said: "I was looking for the perfect woman, but when I found her, I discovered she was looking for the perfect man...")
So, number one on my 'list' would be:
She can accept me.
I think I solved the puzzle!!!!!!!
You just gave me the clue.
It's dyslexia that's affecting the western women or those learning the western ways.
They traded the L in loyalty for an R.
I don't think that was what my post said at all. If you're referring to toad, I think he's pretty much being tongue in cheek, or maybe he's the fourth member of the woman haters club behind Moe, Larry and Curly. Last thing I want is a stepford wife.
Maybe brush her teeth first eh? I forgot I need to be descriptive with you Cap'n not your tongue in her cheek but hey that doesn't sound like too bad an idea buddy!!!!LOL, or maybe I need to say which cheek I mean!!!!!!
you said it all for me, Toad, could have been my list.
Also Nasfan, thank you for you support to your English allies.
I have no great problem with the dutch, but people in glass houses......
Our continental friends are involved and being pulled headlong into a United states of Europe. Monetary union has arrived, political union is but a moment away.
This is mainly the brainchild of the French, having lost thier importance in the world, they seek to pull all the countries of Europe into one union and military power, they seek to recreeate a bipolar world with which to compete with hegemony of the USA.
They(and the rest of Europe) would be better off, keeping their close ties to the USA, in readiness for the day when China will dominate the world.
What I cannot understand is why smaller countries like the Netherlands go along with this stupidity.
Europe can not become a single state, there is no large transfer of funds from rich to poor countries, there is very limited mobility of labour, the currency does not fit all countries and eventually seccession will raise it's head, take lessons from the American civil war, once a central government has attained power, it does not easily give it back, it can take a war
I don't like being a stooge for the USA as we already do. I don't like the dominance of German/France i suppose i better learn Chinese. The problem is that the Netherlands can as a result (among others) of the EG (which was in the beginning a good idea) no longer stand on its own legs and everyone knows. together with the weak politicians the downfall of education and industry the aging population and growing bureaucracy i predicted a 30 year downfall, i suppose the first few years are already covered. But the Big Brother bureaucracy from the USA lead by the Parasitic class does also not appeal to me, does it to you?
Buy the way if Bush III or whoever will be the new overspender and the budget deficit becomes to large (100-120% of gdp) or/and the Chinese or Japanese want their money back would we be so well of being linked to much to the US or would it be better to stand on our own legs as the EG? By the way there is nothing bipolar about not having to listen to what US says, if there is more independence the US might even self-destruct a bit later.
Buy the way 2, Is the US not trying to integrate Mexico,Canada and support dictators in
Cuba and Latin America. Maybe Jorge Orwell who saw a world covered by 3 superblocks whit a state that knows all of its own and controls the news and has fictitious enemies only off by 40 years or so.
The US is not perfect, but then no dominat power ever was, not England or Rome, however it is a countrywith good intentions regardless of the results, you will have you bipolar world, but it will not be the ageing and increasingly irrelevant EU nand the Us, it will be the US, her allies and China
Learn your American Political history, esp. Constitution, No President can spend a dime, all spending starts in the house of representatives, So my feeling is the President isn't nearly as important to me as congressmen. Which most I despise with a passion. So if the president initiates good legislation I guarantee some idiot congressman will look to tie some idiotic spending bill on too the bill the President is trying to get passed. As far as being a Bush Fan, I'm not, I wasn't a fan of his fathers either, But John Kerry is the worst of the lot the Democrats ever put up for President, I wish he would move his sorry as to France with his buddies there.
Ron I never thought the Dutch were a stooge for the USA and if you are then that's your fault not mine. I wish more countries would act independantly, but as usual when shit hits the fan they come to the doorstep of the USA. They are lucky I'm not president, because of the treatment we get in the world when we help people I would tell them all to Fuck Off.
The countries I admire and respect for are England and Australia, whenever we got involved in an engagement of arms the Brits and the Aussies are always the first ones to show up and help. Were is the rest of the world???Also my favorite person in history is not an American, it was Winston Churchill, You will be hard pressed to find a statesman of his caliber anywhere in history, He put England first in his mind and I respect him for that. He even tricked the US into coming into a war to help his own people. I admire him for the courage to do that.
Imagine how different Europe might be today if the French had followed his lead during the French revolution, instead of letting it degenerate into the blood bath it became.
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