Guess it is successful if that is your goal.....personally, if I loved someone it would be nice to share special moments without having to wait 'till I'm there next time'....but if it works for you both, more power to you!!!!!
I can't answer that - but they keep popping up. Interesting reading the paste by ben on vanechka - nearly 2 years ago - seemed a nice mannered and considerate sort then - I can only surmise - he has been burnt bad and he is now a very bitter chap.
Aussies successful -- yea - most seem to end up very disgruntled. I thought NZ was meant to be tougher - but perhaps I wrong.
Agree – if your both happy with that situation – yes – success – but the most successful part – is you are not on this forum slamming the be Jesus out of others – because you had or are having problems. Good on you – of matter of interest – what is your flight route there – do you go via BKK and then AeroSvit through to Kiev ???
Peter NZ
Many of you yanks and poms don't understand us Aussie guys..we are very frank, don't beat around the bush and we say it as we see it and we don't give a shit whether others agree or not.
Aussies are very thick skinned..we can brush of the so called "insults" and get on with life..we don't dwell on the attacks of others.
"Hanging shit" on others, the Aussie term for criticising and making fun of others is an everyday part of life here and we expect to be criticised ( have shit hung on us ) in return and we ingnore it and brush it off and get on with it.
Aussies can put up with a lot shit.The insults that are palmed off between us Aussies are casually laughed off and ignored but if American did it to another American, they would kill each other because they are so serious and can't take a joke!
Your Point is? I don't think you know too many real yanks then. Real Americans have what we call {ride each others ass hard) We bust each others balls, but the PC crowd don't think that's too nice. I think you need to get out more Aussieman and met some real down to earth Americans, most of us are very frank don't take to going around the barn the long way, or taking too much shit and are not apologetic like the male castrate' and the Metrosexuals are here in the states. We don't need to get in touch with our feminine side. I for one could really give a rat ass what anyone thinks about me. I was citing I see too many Australian guys come here and complain about women from the FSU. Whether its you, Steeleman, Vanechka or a few of the others I've read here.
Gemini if that's what you are looking for, then it's your success. You yet haven't come in here to tell us about the misgivings of finding a lady from the FSU. Or remind us rodwallopers how idiotic we are.
Finding an FSU women is not for everyone. Each person must take a look at there circumstances financially, emotionally, whether they can blend into a marriage with a woman from another culture and the immigration rules and whats permitted in there country.
Many men don't think before they leap into this FSU mail order bride thing..don't do the research and go in blindly and get burnt and hurt.
I've never been to the Former Soviet Union countries but personally know 3 people who have and there experiences were not good.These guys were average men on good salaries and had money and woman from Latvia actually came out here on a fiance visa,only to tell him 3 weeks latter, she did not come here for love from him but for a permanent resident visa but found she did not like living here ( what the fook was her Latvia better but its a lot bloody colder and poorer ) so she went back home after he spent more than $20,000 on the whole thing and more than a year of his life..for what??..fooken crap! He was able to spend months over in Latvia with her before the fiance visa process ( he went for 3 months in the Summer over there ) because he was a partner with his brothers and father in a large poultry breeding farm, so he could take time off, while they ran the farm. He ended up marrying a philipino women and there marriage is good and he happy now.
You can't go to the FSU and get married to a model woman first just does not happen.
2 friends of mine asked me about marriage agencies and FSU women and I told them to steer clear of it and not get involved or do this thing and find a girl at home.
Its impossible to get one of them into Australia (FSU women) on a fiance need to do a hell of a lot of travelling ( multiple trips at around $3000 return airfare plus expenses each ), spend months with her in home country to just prove a relationship exists before you have any chance to get a fiance visa..the fiance visa or sub class 300 prospective marriage visa is a capped visa class, only around 5000 are allocated for all countries each year out over 100,000 immigration intake per year and once the cap is reached they don't give out anymore for the year, so less than 5% of visas issued each year in Australia are for a fiance so you have to have very good evidence of a relationship to secure one and it seems there is a bias of rejection towards FSU country girls as they are seen as economic refugees or potential immigration scammers.
Its gonna cost an Australian a hell of a lot of money to do this with no guarantee of success, the equivelant of 1 years average salary before tax to try and get a FSU bride.
In some other countries like US it will be far easier and not cost anywhere near as much and the good old USA will let them in.
Why would you do this, when the whole scene is littered with disaster of failed Western mens travels to the FSU or failed fiance visas or marriages.?
Mike, I agree with you on your previous post.
Ben, thanks for posting that. It amazes me how some people really get bitter from failure. Hell, even I failed terribly. She even came to America before we realized our failure. It was hard on me, but I didn't get bitter. I took a half a year to regroup and tried again with more determination, more wise as to what I wanted and what I didnt, and I couldn't be more happy with my outcome.
Tom I rest my case, Jetmba had the same situation. Why come in her and bitch about a nationality.
Aussieman, you've never been to any country from the Former Soviet Union?
So your background and evidence is base merely on hearsay from 3 guys you know? I mean you've never experienced anything, you give advice out without any practical experience or appliecation in the matter? What kind of advice can you share, except the difficulties of immigrating to Australia?
You can only share hearsay information about agencies, you can't give any advice how to make them work for anyone here, because you've never used them or been introduced to the whole process. Damn man you're life must be rather boring.
I wrote to many FSU women over a 2 year period, some were real, some were not serious and a lot were liars or scammers.
My polish friend gives a good insight on Ukrainians and Russians and my Hungarian parents don't like them..its a cultural thing..maybe still bitter about Soviet rule of the old days..many attrocities were committed and human rights violated.
I have had a few internet pen friends and read there stories of there travels and it all runs on the same theme...the gamble you take with trying to find a FSU women can be huge and in most cases you will loose.
Its not based on the hear say of 3 guys, far from it, Nasfan.
I was scammed in the early days in 2004 when I was a novice at this but it was a very minor scam as I am suspicious of all girls and don't open my wallet too much!
Also, I was married to a foreign girl not from FSU but another country and did the letter, writing, personal visit and fiance visa process for Australia so I know how it all works.
I have an exciting life and a local girl friend and I get a root most days.
We are not getting married but hang out together and fook..what is boring about that!
I am fortunate in that I work as an expat. I work 9 weeks on then 4 weeks off. I can fly Dubai then Aerosvit or KLM via Amsterdam. I can fly business to Dubai which is good but Aerosvit is diabolical. KLM have gone downhill a lot and their service is terrible so I am now trying to fly Emirates as much as I can. I have gone thru Moscow with Emirates a couple of times but there are no connections to Kiev from Domodedovo apart from summer. You can do Dubai to Kiev using Aeroflot.
Kiev is pretty much home for me now. Been to Aus 2 times in 3 years. I love it there and slowly learning Russian.
Happy to help anyone who wants info, know Kiev well and Odessa reasonably.
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Ok. Me too. I passed that.... there was time when I felt in love with western man.... I came to meet him clean as water... even dress on me was never touched by other man....... Look: he hided his real age.... he wrote about serious relations.... he went and didn't say nor "yes" nor "no"... and months commuication with him was torturing my heart I couldn't forget and could't get ..... I was fucking stupid waiting for him..... untill I found information of WHO is he.... i was dead and broken....
I love to be free, I was not seeking for marriage, but for partner and friend.... was is difficult to give? Or say "NO, we won't be together".
But I am happy for that pain. I never blame destiny and use any chance to develop myself..
Do not hurt the EGO of Woman guys.... you can't even imagine was this woman can do with men back.
If some girl "scams" you (as you think) always remember that she might have the reason for that. And probably somebody before you did kill her heart.
You do love to judge and put labels: thomasm3, jetmba, nasfan6, Thunderdome. My post is not for you, take a rest, guys.
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There was the one who told me: you are ok, but let's be just friend... and we developed a good friendship, he did come again and I was helping, translating and guiding him in Kiev, bcs he asked for help.
Now he has a nice ukrainian fiancee.
YOu know where is the problem? - MOST OF PEOPLE LOVE TO LIE.
That's why most of you are shocked by my style... that's ok, I just filter crap for myself.
I don't understand (sorry guys, the result of using timver brains) WHY you talk so much about failures?????????
I've got two very important lessons:
1. learned the value of truth, how paiful it can be and how good results it brings.
2. I have become stronger. My law is: RELATION IS FIISHED WITH THE FIRST LIE.
Hi Ross
thanx for that info. My wife leaving Kiev tomorrow to come home after 1 month visit to mama and daughter. Part of me wants to start some business or venture over there. Was very keen on home stay for westies in Western Carpta region - but might have missed the boat - real estate values gone through the roof now. My wife has an apartment in Kiev - so we may use this to relocate into a less valued region of Ukraine one day.
Hi Max
I was wondering if you had any ideas about getting a tourist visa for my Russian girl to come to NZ ?
I stayed with her in Russia last month and we are now planning to meet in Thailand in August. I was thinking if all goes well, it would be great if she came to NZ for a month at the end of the year.
I want to have all my ducks if I apply for a tourist visa. Any ideas on what I could do to improve the chances of the visa application being successful?
You must get all your paper work together – regarding proof of relationship – this is if you are going down the track of – you as sponsor and she as girlfriend/fiancée, if you are engaged ???
For memory – she has a good job – lawyer or something ???
If she can satisfy NZ Embassy (Moscow) that she WILL return to Russia (good job makes a huge difference to their attitude on that score) after her short tour of NZ and you don’t want to go down the “sponsor Fiancée” route – then perhaps she might get a tourist visa issued.
So – if you do the sponsor option – get all your tickets – proof of the time you spent together in Moscow - SPB etc and also proof of you trip together in Thailand. This should satisfy the Pedantic pricks that you are in a stable relationship. Also – an engagement with proof of ring purchase is a big thing to them.
For what its worth (as I have said many times before) I think that you are legitimate. You are not what we want to see in a Ukrainian woman necessarily - you show what a lot of us are fearful of - but I think you are legitimate.
Some doubt you because they have only had the good fortune of running across either entirely different sorts of Ukrainian women (and the friends of those women) or complete scammers (women who are pulling simple letter fraud etc.)
I HAVE met Eastern European women like you - who justify their behaviors with rationalization that we in the west just don't understand. My Moldovan was one of them. I caught her in a lie that would shock most here in this forum (no I won't tell anymore details) but she thought that it was perfectly okay - and only blamed me for using what she considered an underhanded way of finding her out. Her reasoning and logic was completely out of a different world than I was used to - but I truly believe that SHE thought she was in the right!
Some think that you might be a identity of MARTIN (actually a male writer who was fianlly kicked out of the forum). There is no way that you are a creation of that guy - as that guy could never have staed in character long enough to portray you.
I may be booed by my fellow writers in this forum for saying this but I welcome your contributions. You are a good example to show that not all Ukrainians think as the rest of us do. Some have had to make tough decisions and it has changed them.
Hey, a good busy man has nothing to do here. That's why Martin has gone.
Are you able to kick smb out???? Are you joking??? :) )) )) )) )
Don't worry, I won't disturb you here too long. My life is full of evets, people and LIFE itself....
being in this bog among frogs is not for me.... yeaaa.... I'm stupid being here... the only excuse in my age ....... :)) ) ))
I think you type of woman is phillipino. No normal lady whould like to be with you... and you hardly would like to be with Molekula type... and you are tooo lazy to search for YOUR LADY.... so go to Tailand. Ukraine is not your place :)))
Most of the people love to lie? That's why you are shocked by my style. What a load of crap. How about living a life in the forum of a lie. Your treasure and power is deception.
So you helped a guy find a nice Ukrainian fiancee? How much did you fleece him out of that? Since you have such experience why don't you share this with us judgemental people here? I'm interested in hearing a good story.
You haven't brought anything to this forum ,though Jet seems to think so, but I can't buy into it since I don't think you are legitimate Ukrainian woman. Let alone, since my travels there, you are not representative of the Ukrainian woman. We all know scammers browse these forums. They're always looking for an easy mark. Hell you can just look at some of the chit chat in the womens forums.
As for being judgmental, we are all judged everyday of our life. God gave us the ability to be judgemental and the right. You judge us or you wouldn't put our names in your post. You made a judgement by justifying taking money from men for whatever repayment you chose to give them. Though you cannot have a label put on it, as you would say. Well it's easy when you spell it out. Though I still believe you're a fraud.
Keep the letters coming:)
Love them smiley faces :)