I meet this girl Valentina back in 2005. I spendt 2 days with here but I qikly realised that she was a scammer. By the way she spook English back then....Always remember that Agencys are business and they want to earn money. The very often scam you if they can. Especialy the agencys run by local owners are bad. Better use private helpers. I used my friend Slava and I meet my wife with his help. He ri=unned newspapers ads in Kharkov for me.
This Valentina girls was a cold cat..She looked good but she a clear distance to me all the time. She had meet many foreign men and where looking to get in discos for free and to recive gifts. She also tryed to steal my MP3 player, but my friend Slava was helpfull and got it back for me.
But as most exsperinced men knows so never go fare to meet only 1 girl, you must always have a back up plane...