I didn't bother to read the whole 7 pages. I just read the first and the last page.
Realistically, I would assume that some ladies would be apprehensive about talking to a man who is not white.
However, as Asian man, I've had plenty of women who sent me letters on their own, some of them very beautiful. I also had lots of women reply to my letters as well.
In all my life in US, I have never once felt that I was treated unfairly because of my race. Racism is an excuse used by weak people who cannot face their own shortcomings.
Maybe ActionPac23 needs to look in the mirror because accusing Ukrainians of being racist.
I found this Shakespeare classic verse while travelling in Ukraine-it is the Pakistani version..
To Paki or Not Paki,
that is the question
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of rioting Pakis
Or to take arms against a sea of Pakis or surerender and let them take over my land
To die: to sleep; No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
Hey Jet, Move to Adelaide with your Sub and start your own fishing charter business and on the mess decks of the Sub you can start your own Fish and Chips restaurant.
I bet you bought that submarine just to impress some girl in Ukraine. Martins got a way to go, hell he only bought a refrigerator. Though Danny has been promising a house for over a year an zip nada. So Wife_liar has nothing.
I just bought a Saturn 5 rocket which I will be flying as Soon as I bid on the Apollo capsule on ebay.
I'm flying on a Fokker 100 this afternoon, then a Fokker 70 tomorrow, if I have my pic taken with them will you guys believe me that the aircraft are mine?
Fishing line, like a pilot's license, is for sissies.
I simply throw the fly out (a REAL fly - not one of those artificial ones with sissy hooks) and when the squid takes it I drag him in with my bare hands. With my sandals on I tie it to the outback of my sub and go after another.
Martin I see your Fokker 100 and raise you an Me-109.
Though danny could handle it, he would climb the Empire state building and knock our planes out of the sky with his bare hands. Nope, I'm wrong King Kong had a higher IQ than Wife_liar.
Hey danny how's your math skills? I'm checking on something in the Guinness book of World Records.
As in another thread I see danny knows little about the Soviet/Russian Education system. He's about ready to get caught in another lie. Teacher from a University? Better check your facts danny. I think you're about ready to get trapped.See people who really know the Former Soviet Union, who actually live it know the realities there. You don't. Just one fabrication after another. So what you doing in Oz building that Pitts are you???? LOLOLOLOLOL!! Wife_liar fits.
You're an idiot danny and a fraud
Again this is an open forum and I will call you out regarding your idiocy and lies any time I feel like it. Kazak eastern university, oh that teachers school. Yeah I bet. Here's a shovel keep digging your hole.
Not sure what to tell you. When I tried that site out I got plenty or replies. I'm not a while european. I'm a latin male living in the US. I have also spent lots of time in Russia and found the women there have no problems with interacial relationships. It's all in how you aproach them and what you project. When it comes to these sites the content of your profile is VERY important.
First thing you need to remember when doing what you are obviously doing is that Russia is not your country and it will be defferent. Russia isn't the melting pot the US and various countries now are. They also aren't ruled by the PC police. They speak freely and frankly which is VERY refreshing. Anyway, I'm an American who grew up in NYC and Southern California. I grew up with kids from all over the world so relationshps with women from different ethnic groups and countries is nothing new to me. If you are from any of the nations like the US filled with people from other parts of the world then you also find it normal. Russia is not as diverse obviously. While there the only other ethnic groups I saw were asian and arab.
"What a mess this conversation is. Apersons preference has nothing to do with racism. I am looking at Eastern Europe as a place to find a white,traditional woman. Period... Thats what I prefer. Not Asians ,not blacks,Not Moslim. And yes I am white caucasion with European Ancestry, kinda fits doesn't it.
If I am racist I guess the world expects me to go for something that doesnot turn me on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Please tell me what a white woman can give you that a woman from some other etchnic group can't. And what the hell is a "traditional women?" When men say this I find it usually means you are looking for a woman to be their slave. Aren't there plenty of white women where you live? Or is it the fact that women where you live most likely demand respect?
When I was in Russia last year I saw a thing on the TV where they examined the whole mail order bride thing. They interviewed many women as well as the men who came to Russia to meet them. It was pretty interesting as well as funny. There were MANY non-white men there and they weren't having any issues getting dates. They then focused on one man in particular. He was an African. A black man. They followed him around for a while. After his dates they interviewed the women. They all had the same complaint about him. They all complained about how cheap he was. They cited that as the reason they will not be giving him another shot. None mentioned his being black as being a problem.
And yes it is racist, and all the <A href="http://www.ukrainian-russian-brides.com">women</A> on that site are! Oh and ndfb I hear that same line over and over from what you said and it's getting pretty old! My answer to you is simple YES it is!
I don't know about elena's models, but I'm still wondering about Army of Brides. I did my profile without sending a picture. I started getting about 8-10 letters per day for about 10 months. Then, it was down to 1-2 letters per month, suddenly.
I asked about it twice, and I was told that it was up to the ladies to write and they had nothing to do with it. But, I was also a member with RWGlobe, and I kept getting letters there.
My only explanation of this was because of my race, I was put into the back section, or another book or perhaps they didn't want me being scammed. I didn't complain about being scammed, but perhaps they knew.
Lots of you have an opinion on everything. Did I sum it up nicely about Army of Brides or noone knows? I did upload a picture after a month. With or without a picture, I still got 8-10 letters per day. Then, it was down to 1-2 letters per month, if that.
I activate my profile there now and then for a week or two, and I get no letters. But, if I activate my profile at RWGlobe, I get about seven a week. I don't answer them. Isn't that wierd? Noone wants to scam me at Army of Brides.