Searching for romance in poor countries using dating agencies or websites, is (as so many of us have seen) full of hazards. Mainly, the hazards of deceit.
Men, if you are gullible ... weak in critical thinking ... unable to see what's truly happening, because you are so desperate to see what you hope to see ...
... your fate is to suffer exploitation in the international dating business. To them, YOU are the sheep, volunteering for the wolf's dinner plate.
"I just want to say to you —- now, I've answered some of your questions with things that I made as factual statements. Don't let me get away with it. If you've got any question about them, check it out. MAKE SURE THAT I WAS TELLING YOU THE TRUTH. Your generation is hearing more words from more sources -— from TV and TV news and panel shows and radio and in the press and everything else -— than any generation that ever lived. Don't let anyone get away with it. WHEN YOU'RE GIVEN SOMETHING THAT IS PRESENTED TO YOU AS A FACT, CHECK IT OUT AND MAKE SURE IT'S A FACT. Do that with me, also."
President Ronald Wilson Reagan, 21 January 1983 (emphasis added)
Quote: You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time. It’s a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience.
--Ronald Reagan
Quote: “A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.”
--George Washington
"A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."
This quote is partially accurate as the beginning section is taken from Washington's First Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union. However, the quote is then manipulated into a differing context and the remaining text is innacurate. Here is the actual text from Washington's speech:
"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies."
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."
A certain forum member posted a fraudulent "quotation" from Thomas Jefferson. I replied with wise advice to check things out and make sure they're facts. Within hours, he posted a fraudulent "quotation" from George Washington. I have no doubt that he posted them in good faith, believing them to be true. If you don't want to keep on getting fooled, read on -- I hope the following may be useful.
To err is human. I don't blame people for making mistakes: I make them daily. Still, it makes a big difference whether we profit from mistakes by learning from them, or repeat the same mistakes over and over.
So, two ways to protect yourself from being exploited by others:
Anyone who has studied and UNDERSTOOD the history of the founding of the USA, would know that those two "quotes" are fraudulent, because they are inconsistent with the beliefs and philosophies of the men who are supposed to have authored them.
The man who posted these falsehoods is plainly bright enough -- there's no doubt about his capacity to understand. But to come to understanding takes HARD WORK. If we don't put in the time and the effort, we remain ignorant and easy prey for deceivers.
If you're spending your time and money, and exposing your heart and soul in a strange foreign land, it's vitally important that you do the hard work to gain some understanding of that country. If you go without knowledge and understanding, you offer yourself up as dinner for wolves.
Learning and understanding are armor against the predators.
Conversely, those who feed us lies hold us in contempt. They are DANGEROUS, and we damage ourselves by associating with them. I've had to learn this the hard way; maybe have too. But these lying liars know how to manipulate: their lies are WHAT WE WANT TO HEAR. They are the sweet, poisoned honey.
I suppose that the man who posted those fraudulent quotes got them from sources he trusts -- men, DON'T PUT YOUR TRUST IN THOSE WHO LIE TO YOU. They are your enemies, even though they claim to be on "your side."
The scammers of the dating world will tell you what you hunger to hear. We've got to exercise mature judgment, in deciding who is trustworthy.
Durak, are you one of those people that believe the 2nd amendment and perhaps others, are outdated or antiquated simply because the founding fathers could never have imagined the weapons we have today??
In all seriousness, and respect, I haven't stated any opinion here about the meaning of any of the Bill of Rights, or about what gun laws and regulations should or shouldn't be in the US of A. Obviously, you made the leap from "durak disputes 'facts' from gun advocates" to "durak is anti-gun". I've tried to explain how this is not sound logic.
As I wrote a few days ago, this is one of those topics where many people have passionately held convictions. Those who might change their attitudes, will probably do so only with the passage of time and the slow accumulation of information and experience. It's useless to debate the policy question here, and I won't.
I know and respect people who are very strong on gun regulation, and people who are very strong on gun freedom. I believe that by keeping an open mind, one can learn a lot.
As I pointed out at the start of this thread, it really doesn't belong on this forum at all. But when I looked at a ridiculous video someone posted, I did see a serious relevance: a man's ability to distinguish reality from deceitful manipulation is important to his safety and success in a place like the FSU -- maybe more important than anything else about him.
Throughout, I have been mainly addressing here questions of "what is" and "what ain't" (matters of FACT) not "what should be" or "what shouldn't be" in the world of politics (matters of OPINION) -- a glaring exception being the lecture on my notion of responsible citizenship in a democracy.
Usually when I write on the forum, it's to provide information I hope will be useful to other guys, or to tell stories about my own journey and experiences. It's deeply important to me that the information I put out is correct, to the best of my ability. I'm sure I've made some mistakes and put wrong info in some of my posts, but I try to deliver 24 karat. And when I offer opinions, I do so in a way that I hope makes it clear that it's my personal opinion, not factual data.
I respect truth deeply. My skepticism is to ask, "does this make sense, and fit with other information is available?" Asking, "do I agree with or like what I am hearing?" is not skepticism: it is pig-headedness. If someone who absolutely disagrees with my position is offering solid information, I take it seriously and try to learn from it. In fact, the more strongly I feel about a policy question, the more interested I am in studying the views of those who disagree -- not for the purpose of cutting them down, but rather in hope of gaining a deeper understanding. Since I was young, it's been my hope to keep learning until my last day.
Durak,,, a post like your last one I will respect,,, but not several of your previous posts.
I do need to know for argument sake, if you believe the 2nd is outdated and needs to be changed. I promise it will be a worthwhile discussion.
It doesn’t bother me if people don’t like guns,,, their not for everyone,,, but when those people want to decide for me,,, then we have a problem!
Oh, THOSE people. I know exactly what you mean. THOSE people are always screwing it up for the rest of us.
Things were fine, until THOSE people moved into the neighborhood.
We all know who those people are. One day, those people are going to get what's coming to them, I tell you boy, and I for one won't shed a tear for THOSE people.
“IF” I posted altered or fraudulent quotes, then I WHOLEHEARTIEDLY apologize!
It was not done on purpose or by design. I believe quotes are something that you don’t phuck with, to do so is counterproductive and self defeating, which only hurts the cause! Having said that,,, you are still choosing one “on-line” site over another. The GW and Thomas Jefferson quotes came from fb,, the Benjamin Franklin quotes came from site (1) and some other quotes came from site (2).
Durak,, the first quote that you corrected has me intrigued,,, why would they want to change it??
"A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies."
“”to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies“."
Today in this country,, we have a shortage of ammo! I’ve been watching it in the news and online, stories about empty shelves in stores, police departments waiting for backorders! Why? The wars are over for the most part,,, why haven’t their inventories been replenished. Most likely price fixing,,,, “sticky prices”,,, but they also want to make ammo hard to get. Some have wanted to tax it like cigarettes, to put ammo out of people’s price range. Then,, the battleaxe herself “Hillary Clinton” actually wanted ammo to have a shelf life,,, ammo that would degrade with time?! That is wrong on so many levels, that I won’t even bother to start.
I wanted to know your position on the 2nd , because a lot of people think it is outdated. I’m sure the founding fathers didn’t know that we would have guns that spit bullets out so fast,,, but Ronald Reagan did! You seem to approve of him??
Quote: You won’t get gun control by disarming law-abiding citizens. There’s only one way to get real gun control: Disarm the thugs and criminals, lock them up and if you don’t actually throw away the key, at least lose it for a long time. It’s a nasty truth, but those who seek to inflict harm are not fazed by gun controllers. I happen to know this from personal experience.
--Ronald Reagan
I hope you don’t want to argue over this quote,,, because I actually remember this one!! Perhaps not word for word exactly, but the essence of it! Reagan was the first President I voted for.
Durak,, you know, you should really go back to the first page of this thread and read it over again. I posted a link,,,,, but NO comment or opinion about it!! You did exactly what you have been accusing me of! I was civil up to the middle of the 3rd page,,, but your: “Free Self-Administered Mental Test” ended it! Did you really expect anyone to be civil after that??
Two other members posted numbers about what happens to helpless-defenseless people,,,“sheeple” and you said nothing!
Does anyone know about the battle for Stalingrad?? The winter battle where the Germans out ran their supply lines?? Does anyone know what happened the next spring???
Two other members posted opinions/facts and source info “FBI” that conflict with your “UN” data,,, you said nothing!
This country and most of it’s people are going to be at odds with the UN sometime in the future! I tend not to trust someone or something, that wants to take something away from me by force!!! These so called “fraudulent” groups on fb,, don’t want to take anything away from me,, in fact, they want to preserve something very precious to me!
My freedom and liberty!!
My position and opinion has not changed one inch over the quotes or posts on fb!! I don’t believe everything I hear or read, but many of the quotes were similar to my own beliefs, so I posted them.
You keep calling me “Gullible” for the quotes and FSU dating,,,, who has learned about FSU dating and who is still searching????,,,,,, and “”NOT!!”” finding????? There are times when I laugh at everyone on the forum,,, including myself. If you join a website you are foolish,,, if you fly over you are gullible! FYI,,, do you know what I named my 2009 thru 2012 trips?? “Getting stupid” After my marriage to Irina, I said: NEVER again!! I had real reasons for saying that,,,, it’s regrettable that I temporarily forgot them!
When you kept saying,,, “check the facts” I thought you were referring to your UN data, and only today/yesterday did I realize you meant the quotes. I didn’t spend one second checking your UN data,,, it’s not really relevant to me. Not that human life isn’t relevant, but two wrongs don’t make a right! Changing the 2nd amendment is very dangerous, as it protects the others.
"Those who do not remember history, are doomed to repeat it" Do you remember how this country was formed?? By Rebels!! If the war for independence never happened,, how would this world look today??
Well,,, isn’t this sweet??!! As I am about to post my reply, I see that you have posted again durak. Back to being a condescending prxxk again!!
“No I'm not saying ... I'm a real man and everyone else isn't .
I'm saying that you are a sissy and girls can see it ... They want a man and no real man would buy earings on a first date ..... That's weak .
No real man would use lol ... That's gay
Do you think killing things with your gun is being a man
Loony real men don't need a gun for protection “
Men shouldn’t buy a girl anything on a first date?? Good! I didn’t either! It was the last day,,, Valentine’s Day!!
Men don’t use lol,, “laughing out loud“??? We,,, “MEN” are laughing out loud at you all the time!!
Killing things with my gun isn’t being a man?? Men have been hunting with weapons from the time they could walk upright! Ah,,,, now I see your resentment!!! Don’t worry DUNT,,, you might walk upright someday,,,, just try to keep hope alive.
Hunting maintains nature’s balance. Without it, animals would die of disease and hunger. When animals encroach upon a city or town, they first try to trap and relocate them,,, but if that don’t work,, they hire “sharpshooters”.
Many members of this forum and women in FSU claim hunting is very manly. Isn’t it the sport of Kings???
Men don’t need guns for protection??? Why do police and body guards have them,,,, they even took personal defense classes??!!
A question for everyone,,, What if you lived in an apartment building, where everyone was armed,,, with guns. Half of them were criminals and the other half honest law abiding citizens, and you had an opportunity to disarm only one group,,,,, which group would you choose????
It's a fair criticism -- maybe you posted that video link in a humorous vein, thinking that other folks would get a laugh from it. I assumed that it offered seriously (as in, this is worthwhile information), and in doing so maybe I jumped to a false conclusion.
I know you're a good man at heart. Obviously, you're terribly anxious and disturbed about possible future gun laws. Maybe if you took a deep breath, stepped back and looked at the bigger picture, you might see some things you'd find at least a bit calming. I know what it's like when I see only the dark side of things, and it's no damn fun.
Do you know you actually broke rb's record of "replying to oneself?" (I mean, a rapid succession of posts from a wound-up forum member without anybody else posting.) I never thought I'd see that!
I don't want aggravate anybody's worries, so I won't visit this thread again. You guys can post anything you like without comment from me. Good luck to all.