The United States has sent $23 million in security assistance since March, including $5 million for night-vision goggles, body armor, communications equipment and food.
see the us are backing a nazi government to kill there own people ...shame on usa
yeah right putin doesn't need anything from Europe or America all he needs is Thailand for his vacation ....
You posted a link with photos of a high-rise development in Grozniy. This shows that there is reconstruction in Chechnya.
There was also reconstruction in Tokyo, Hamburg, Dresden, Hiroshima, Berlin, Warsaw, Minsk, Nagasaki, and numerous other cities that were flattened into rubble by warfare. That's what people do, when a city is flattened into rubble. Otherwise, they have nothing except rubble.
That reconstruction did not bring back to life, the hundreds of thousands of slaughtered civilians. Not even one of the dead was resurrected!
Since you don't understand the side-by-side photographs, I will explain. They both show the armed forces of former Soviet states regaining control of cities that had been occupied by separatist rebels. In the Russian case, the city was severely devastated, with many thousands of civilians killed. In the Ukrainian case, most of the city is intact, with dozens of civilians killed.
If you are angry at Ukraine for civilian casualties, then you must hate Putin's Russia with a terrible burning rage.
In Slovyansk, the "Nazi" government based in Kyiv is delivering food, making repairs to the city's water system, and providing money for pensions, stipends and wages to the city's residents.
Nuh-uh. 'fraid so. That's what you are, but what am I? My dad's car is better than your dad's car. What about my feelings? There is too a tooth fairy. It's the Jews, Americans, homos, you pick your group to demonize without substantial argument. You are like the movie "The Shining", "You have always been the caretaker" and your image of ignorance can been seen in countless photos of those that follow and justify tyranny. The weight of your "beliefs" are overwhelming.
@lonely (in response to your last "Putin Khuilo" comment):
It would seem that you created that thread to talk about Putin, and then sort of got a little off-topic ;)
1) Everything that happens on Earth is NOT about the USA. I remember Maggie Thatcher on my TV saying, "Europe is WEAK." It wasn't just her words, but the tone of acid contempt with which she uttered them. Well, EU's economy is now as big as ours, their military capacity is substantial (Europe's small forces are probably far more capable than Russia's "big on paper" counterparts), and Europe has the capacity (if they wanted) to up-gun their military to much greater strength in a short time frame.
The present crisis in Ukraine is a EUROPEAN crisis, and it is surely Europe's job to handle it. Have you ever known a drug addict? Usually an addict has "enablers" -- people who, thinking they are helping, make it possible for the addict to continue their destructive behavior. For almost 100 years now, every time Europe soiled its diapers, the US came to clean up after them, and then give them a cookie. WE HAVE TO STOP ENABLING THEIR WEAKNESS, OR IT WILL ONLY GET WORSE.
2) Everything that the USA does abroad is not about Obama. In 2003, the US made an absolutely illegal invasion of a UN member state, breaking one of the fundamental laws of the international order that has saved countless millions of lives since WW II. This was a horrible precedent, and Putin took note: I'm also a permanent member of the Security Council, so I can unilaterally invade any country I want by claiming to protect "security."
Then in 2008, Russia made a brutal invasion and land-theft in Georgia. The response of the US ("Naughty Russia! Bad boy!") was so limp and toothless, that Putin understood he had the Green Light: he could attack his neighbors and steal their land with impunity.
The US president who generously gave those Okays to Putin (and we're damned fools if we forget that China is watching all of this VERY attentively), was (supposedly) a citizen, veteran, non-liberal and patriot.
Russia is in the power of a ferocious, murderous blood-thirsty tyrant and organized crime boss. I didn't put him there, nor did you lonelyranger, nor did any US president.
Furlough all NATO troops and send them into eastern Ukraine for holiday with all military assets, then just knock the shit out of the separatist and don't let up for lying sack of shit and his Trojan horse diplomacy.
Durak: unfortunately in this no utopian world, you are wrong. It is about America not leading and especially Obama's weakness. It is that simple and what makes the hacks angry, they know it too. I travel the world and have had people ask "why America" and I answer "then who". On the street in Egypt, a man feigned fear of the "American" in a smart ass gesture, I asked if he was a gangster and he seriously said no, I said you have nothing to fear, he thought a moment and seriously shook his head affirmatively and apologetically, at least to me. In Iraq they waited, looking at the clock for the Americans to leave.. Hopefully, there are enough left in America, that are doing the same for the next 2 years and 5 months. Tick-tock tick-tock....... The lives and treasure were invested and not lost until Obama snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. The usual suspects see this and hopefully it will not take another massive blood letting to push them back into their cages. Or the world can just return to Feudal ways of the past, before the American Experience. You detractors can snicker at the statement, but you only covet the truth in what I write.
Durak,,,, I wrote that post, then decided to put it in with Putin Khuilo. It was aimed at any and all American voters.
The people that need (ed) a kick in the ass the most, are/were the 18 to 30 year old college students, that thought Obama was cool,,, and voted for him for NO other reasons.
Durak: “In 2003, the US made an absolutely illegal invasion of a UN member state,”
Are you calling that invasion illegal, because the US went in under a false pretense, after not finding any WMDs??
Not finding is not the same as not having! Saddam had them,,, we didn’t find them,,, but ISIS did!! Once again,,, Bush was right!
“The 2003 invasion of Iraq lasted from 19 March to 1 May 2003 and signaled the start of the conflict that later came to be known as the Iraq War, which was dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom by the United States (prior to 19 March, the mission in Iraq was called Operation Enduring Freedom, a carryover from the conflict in Afghanistan[19]). The invasion consisted of 21 days of major combat operations, in which a combined force of troops from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland invaded Iraq and deposed the Ba'athist government of Saddam Hussein. The invasion phase consisted primarily of a conventionally fought war which concluded with the capture of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad by American forces.
Four countries participated with troops during the initial invasion phase, which lasted from 19 March to 9 April 2003. These were the United States (148,000), United Kingdom (45,000), Australia (2,000), and Poland (194). 36 other countries were involved in its aftermath. In preparation for the invasion, 100,000 U.S. troops were assembled in Kuwait by 18 February.[20] The coalition forces also received support from Kurdish irregulars in Iraqi Kurdistan.
According to U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the coalition mission was "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."[21] General Wesley Clark, the former Supreme NATO Allied Commander and Joint Chiefs of Staff Director of Strategy and Policy, describes in his 2003 book, Winning Modern Wars, his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: "As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." [22] Others place a much greater emphasis on the impact of the 11 September 2001 attacks, and the role this played in changing U.S. strategic calculations, and the rise of the freedom agenda.[23][24] According to Blair, the trigger was Iraq's failure to take a "final opportunity" to disarm itself of alleged nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons that U.S. and British officials called an immediate and intolerable threat to world peace.[25] In 2005, the Central Intelligence Agency released a report saying that no weapons of mass destruction had been found in Iraq.[26]”
This forum isn't the right place to get into a debate about Iraq's WMD. For the record, I have never seen evidence that at any time in 2002 or 2004, Iraq had any MILITARILY SIGNIFICANT* materials or systems for WMD.
However, what made the invasion illegal, was the United Nations Charter. It would have been illegal whether or not Iraq had a serious WMD capability.
If I think that my neighbor who goes by the nickname "lonely" down the street has firearms, and that maybe someday he will sell some of them to Ricky who is a known nutcase, and that maybe Ricky will use one of these guns to shoot into my living room window ... that does not give me the legal authority to shoot "lonely" in the head. I hope you agree with that ... even if my worries about Ricky have some reasonable basis.
My feeling Really Scared does not justify my killing people. Capiche?
You see, that's the thing about laws. Sometimes, laws create an obstacle to my doing something I really want to do (shoot somebody because I feel scared). The reason most of us put up with laws, is that they also make an obstacle to other people doing those things to me.
What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. When we trash the law, and then criticize Russia for breaking it, a lot of people throw that in our faces -- unfortunately, they are correct.
All UN members agree (in the sense of treaty obligations) to abide by the UN Charter. That charter made it illegal for Russia to invade Ukraine without UN authorization. It also made it illegal for the US to invade Iraq without UN authorization**. Days before the US invasion began, Kofi Annan (the UN Secretary General at that time) clearly stated that if the US carried out its announced intentions, that the invasion would violate international law.
* Yes, small quantities of radioactive, chemical and rocketry junk have been found at various locations within Iraq. If Iraq destroyed its WMD systems -- and especially if some of them were hidden and forgotten (say, because the officers who hid them were killed) or destroyed by coalition bombs in the Gulf War, you would expect some such junk to be lying around.
** The US claimed UN authority on the basis of three previous UN resolutions. That is more justification than Russia has, but if you take an OBJECTIVE look at these resolutions and the surrounding FACTS, perhaps you will agree that it was (at least) a really long stretch to claim that they authorized the 2003 invasion.
When my dad was a boy, one of his schoolmates was in the habit of bullying him without mercy -- my father was a scrawny kid who wore glasses.
But one day, it got just too much for my dad, and he wound up sitting on top of the bully, pounding his head into the sidewalk. (Funny thing -- the bullying stopped after that.)
If my father had today's "helicopter parents", they would always have been protecting him, and he would never have learned to stand up for himself.
Europe HAS to grow up, and to learn how to defend itself. The US can, and must, help. We can even give them some good shoves in the rear. But if we keep trying to lead them by the nose, nothing is going to get better.
We may not want to be the world’s police,,, but like it or not,,, we are,, or I should say: WERE!
Look at what happens when step away from that role?
Europe should be handling this on their own,,,, but they aren’t! Maybe they would if they knew we had their back? If this continues to escalate like it’s been doing,,, it will reach us whether we want it or not,,,, and turn nuclear.
Warfare 101,,,,, don’t let your enemy get a foothold!!
Crimea,,,, too late!
Eastern Ukraine,,,, too late!!
They even have 1 or 2 airports,,,, (Luhansk and Donetsk) and now they’re talking about deals???
The US had enough of Europe’s problems after WWI,,,,, and delayed our entry into WWII,, but the US supplied Britain with an unfathomable amount of equipment and humanitarian aid.
What have we done for Ukraine so far,,, some food rations, money enough for 600 night vision glasses,,,,,, and some spare tires that may not have been delivered yet?
And then there’s the Budapest treaty!! The perfect precedent for other nations to NEVER give up their WMD‘s,,, or put their trust into any western country!!!
Where’s America??? They can’t all be playing golf,,, can they???
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Durak,,, perhaps you are unaware, that ISIS found LARGE stockpiles of mostly chemical weapons??
I found something interesting in that Wiki link that I posted,,
“a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: "As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan." “
It sounds like Bush and the Pentagon had a battle plan for 6 other countries besides Iraq?!! Each place is currently an extremist hot spot. I wonder how things would be today if Bush had followed through on his plan???
“Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of terror attacks on 9/11”
“Islamist militias in Libya took control of nearly a dozen commercial jetliners last month, and Western intelligence agencies recently issued a warning that the jets could be used in terrorist attacks across North Africa.
Intelligence reports of the stolen jetliners were distributed within the U.S. government over the past two weeks and included a warning that one or more of the aircraft could be used in an attack later this month on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington, said U.S. officials familiar with the reports.”
One of the gents asked, "Durak, perhaps you are unaware, that ISIS found LARGE stockpiles of mostly chemical weapons?" If "found" means "discovered," then no, I am not aware, because I study news, not ideological fiction.
If you are interested in FACTS, here they are:
1) According to Iraq's government, the "Islamic State" forces have occupied territory including the al Muthanna chemical weapons facility
2) al Muthanna is VERY WELL KNOWN to the world, and has been FOR DECADES.
Got that, boys?
Don't take my word for it. Read this CIA report, which in a few weeks will be TEN YEARS OLD:
3) al Muthanna is in very bad shape. It was severely damaged by bombing during the Gulf War in 1991. As part of agreed disarmament activities after the Gulf War, equipment was dismantled or destroyed by Iraqis (subject to inspection by UN weapons experts). Some warheads were emptied, others were chemically treated to neutralize the agents. The most toxic were sealed into bunkers, because it so dangerous to handle them.
No evidence has been found of chemical weapons production at al Muthanna after the Gulf War. The chemicals still stored there are more than twenty years old.
4) Nothing at al Muthanna during the past 20 years has been a militarily usable weapon.
So, did ISIS take possession some very toxic waste they _might_ possibly put to nasty uses? F*CK YEAH
Did ISIS discover some hitherto-unknown WMD, proving Bush-was-right-all-along-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah? F*CK NO
Look, guys. I try very hard, to ensure that everything I present on this forum as fact is true, accurate and correct. Sometimes, I discover that I got the facts wrong, and I tell you so. I do so, because I respect you.
If you read from any website or other source, that ISIS found new WMD proving that Bush was right all along ... well, that source is dirty lying liar. That source showed extreme disrespect to YOU, its readers. That source is EXACTLY AS EVIL as the dirty lying liars in the Kremlin.
If you have ANY RESPECT WHATSOEVER FOR YOURSELVES, you will never read those websites (or other "news" sources) again in your lives.
Durak, if your post is to prove that Isis found no WMD's then I'll take your word for it. When I posted about WMD's however, I stated that Saddam had plenty of time to ship them to other countries like Syria and Russia. What many in the media are claiming right now are the WMD's used in Syria came from Iraq.
Saddam chased the UN inspectors out time and time again. The inspections were supposed to take a few months and it took several years.
Durak,,, I don’t believe that ISIS found anything at any old factory,,,, they found them buried and hidden,,, and as if they knew exactly where to look??!
I don’t believe they were even made in Iraq,,,, but were from Russian origin.
These news articles are a couple of weeks old now,,, and I don’t have time to look now,, but I’ll try to find them tonight.
Until then,,,, stay away from the caffeinated Kool-aid!
Durak,, I found that old post of mine that had two links from when the story was only days old.
Most of the claims that were made in both links have been proven true,,, except for the 1st link, that claims ISIS has stolen nuclear capabilities,,,, I don’t know about that one.
So here are the old links and the post from three weeks ago,,, go sift through them!
Send: 8/10/2014 11:06:03 PM Report to Moderator
“”””This is being treated like some kind of surprise or secret. Rb and I knew this all along.
“BAGHDAD — President Obama is currently meeting privately with his cabinet to discuss the news from Iraq that ISIS has discovered scores of Weapons of Mass Destruction that Saddam Hussein had hidden before the start of the US Invasion in 2003. The UN security council is scheduled to meet for an emergency session.”
“Wikileaks revealed in 2010 that during the occupation of Iraq the U.S. military discovered many small caches of chemical weapons, but others claimed that Russia had helped Hussein hide the most dangerous WMD stockpiles in Syria. The plot took a new twist when Syrian rebels began identifying weapons that came from Iraq last year. Then when Russia began to oversee Assad’s supposed disarmament of chemical weapons John A. Shaw, the former Pentagon official who claims to have tracked Iraq’s WMDs being moved out by Russian special forces, claimed that it was possible some of these chemical weapons were being hid back in Iraq.” “””
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