As part of last Sunday's sermon, was a story about Russia, shortly after the Soviet Union collapse. She said it was a true story.
A team of members of a church from the west were invited to work in an orphanage. On Christmas, the children were given material to do a makeshift Nativity scene. As they were reviewed when they were finished, they came upon a boy whose work included two babies. Through an interpreter, the boy explained that perhaps, Jesus would find enough room for him.
Traveling to Russia is highly discouraged or at your own risk. But if "the force is strong with you" then is ok as long as you look Chinese and don't say you're westerner. Hopefully the storm troopers won't harassed you. Haha!
Beemer,,, what are you going to Russia for?? As for myself,, even setting aside politics I wouldn’t go there. If I was in the area,,, I wouldn’t mind visiting some places for old times sakes,,, but three of those places don’t even exist anymore. The old Rossia hotel, which I believe was leveled for a fun park, the little restaurant behind it, and the Intourist hotel, which was torn down to make way for a Hyatt or a Hilton .
They have moose hunting in Murmansk, but that’s a long way to go for a hunt,,, and then to deal with customs when bringing a rifle over? Nah.
Lonely...who ever said anything about Russia??? Your post had to do with Ukraine...correct?? I think it doesn't take much brains to know where not to be or to not visit.....any area where any type of fighting has/had been going on.
Batman...the ban is for 'US civil aviation', not many US airlines fly in the area at or around Dnipropetrovsk or Crimea regions. European airlines still fly into Dnipropetrovsk.
Beemer: “Lonely...who ever said anything about Russia??? Your post had to do with Ukraine...correct??”
Sorry about that,,, it was supposed to be about Russia and it’s negative public opinion towards Westerners,,, mostly Americans.
I think I went on to a related story, and forgot to go back a page when copying the link?
The story I wanted to share, talked about how Western tourists are being treated in Russia, and how many believe the west is to blame for all of their problems,,,, including the downing of the Russian jet.
Another important part of the story talked about the availability of money in Russia for tourists,,, as cards are no longer accepted.
Lol,,,, I looked at the time of the post in question,, and it’s 5:56 am,, which is actually 4:56am here. I remember reading another story about the buildup of equipment near Eastern Ukraine,, it would seem that I got my links crossed. I’ll try to find that other link.
well nobody got hurt in those explosions so nothing to get scared about :)
It makes more sence to stop visiting NY after Sept 11 than to stop visiting Odessa.