Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham, no real losers there. They both are edgy and I like that in a woman. I listen to Laura Ingraham every morning. My days starts With Laura, then Rush, then Sean Hannity.
Hannity was trying to Put Laura Ingraham on his website for dates, she balked at it. I'm afraid the response would crash Hannitys website. I sure as hell would be there hitting my reload button.
Ann Coulter or Laura Ingraham, no real losers there. They both are edgy and I like that in a woman. I listen to Laura Ingraham every morning. My days starts With Laura, then Rush, then Sean Hannity.
Hannity was trying to Put Laura Ingraham on his website for dates, she balked at it. I'm afraid the response would crash Hannitys website. I sure as hell would be there hitting my reload button.
Pitchka, thank you dear for protecting my manhood while I was away, lol...:)))
Western women in general do not interest me any longer for serious relationships. Period. I am done pursuing them for marriage.
Many of them are willing bed partners and sperm receptacles. I welcome them and use them for those particular purposes only.
Spanish women are western women the last time I checked and fall under the same category.
Therefore I, like many others, now aim my search for an FSU woman with the traditional family values that most western women lack....yes spanish women included.
On the other hand I suspect you're not even Spanish after all but just another ignorant illegal inmigrant chichimeca hiding from the migra.
My mother is an 81 year old saint and I have not sisters.
It is myth that spanish women are hot (unless, of course, their air conditioning system broke and the lazy husbands they married cannot afford to have it repaired)
Ill tempered, short, fat, just as falsely entitled as their anglo sisters and devout practitioners of the aspirin birth control method (aspirin pill between the knees) is more of the general rule regarding spanish women.
Sanchogut, I'm not here to do your convertion tables for you.
A 10' pole is longer than Don Quijote's lance.
If you mean spanish women to be every single latinamerican woman from central or southamerican countries, then those I would not touch no matter how long the pole is.....and they are not spanish, they only speak the spanish language.
That is the same line up Nasfan, that I would have on, if I listened to radio. These days I am plugged into Russian Language CDs a good deal of my time.