Hi rb
There's only so many girls in each site. My experience is the number of letters you get will surge when you're a *new* fish...then decline because the number of girls that have not already shown interest in *you* has declined. Also, sites with a relatively small number of girls available will yield much smaller *interest*. Of course, no telling how many responses are real and how many the result of some bogus output.
what I find amazing is that only in america (A) the only people who are not racist are the ones that claim everyone else is. and they are the most racist. who got voted in for president? I assure you 99% of the vote mattered on one thing and one thing only for the non-racist group.
back to the point of this thread. yes I am a white guy, average looking everyday normal white guy
If I were to move into the middle of africa (a) among the huseyadaddy-huseyadaddy tribe and decided to find a wife, I don't think I would have much luck. they would look at me as an outsider - or just plain nuts. But I would do my best to charm one of the fine local ladies with my wit and humor. still they would reject me - of course if I'm not the next course for the ritual meal. Of course.
Give it a break!!!! People are who they are. If I don't want to date someone because they are ugly and have three teeth, does that make me a racist? If I don't want to date someone because they are 100 pounds overweight, am I a racist? What if I decided I don't want to date someone because they live under a bridge and push a shopping cart around all day digging through trash cans for food? Am I a racist? You should check out their site! What if I don't want to date someone because I am just not attracted to them in any way, shape or form? Am I a racist? By the way, I have dated black women. I must assume this is what it is all about. Stop your whining. Go to california. Plenty of dumb blondes there.
By the way, I tried to log onto to the huseyadaddy-huseyadaddy website. But I couldn't beat my drums loud enough to make half way across the globe. Perhaps I should get high speed drums!
Give it up!
I apologize to all about this. But I find it kind of humorous all the same.
I must corrrect my error in stating 99% voted for one reason only. The actual number is 96%. I apologize for my error and also my bad judgemnet in even getting involved in this discussion.
Let this all fade away into the "this made no sense" file.
The woman who created elenasmodels thought that was a good feature to add for the girls. So since that's a requirement, of course women will for the most part pick their own race, as that is what they're most comfortable with.
As far as preference for races goes (I have likely omitted or mixed up something): European whites probably come first (since they're the closest), Mixed (not mulatto), Asian (wealthy countries), and further off Blacks.
So resistance is a little higher (or solid, depending on the girl), depending on your ethnicity, but your job as man is to mitigate her fears and show her your inner strength.
being a racist used to mean a feeling of superiority over other races. Now it just means you want to marry someone in your race. I guess thats progress.
Looks like I'm joining this discussion a year late. I am clearly African-American. I don't live my life thinking about race or prejudice. I was an Organizer for Obama and helped him to become President. I get lots of interest on Elena's but most from women who don't meet my height, age, and beauty standards. The two that I actually clicked with and travelled to meet were great experiences. One is a doctor and beautiful. I've know her for over two years. If you think about race everytime something doesn't work out, it's self fulfilling destiny. You know if you are not the most attractive person in your local area, you won't be attractive online either. You must also have something special about your profile for women to be attracted to it. Don't complain is your profile looks and reads like the average person or a loser. Women there and here aren't online looking for THAT! Finally, it is clear that most of the people commenting on "race" and "racism" don't know squat! Most are "projecting" their own uneducated opinions... unfortunately that is the state of the world. Ignorance perpetuating itself and masking itself as fact. THE WOMEN everywhere like diversity regardless of what they write in their online "preferences" ie. White European. I ignore those preferences and write to them regardless... and have amazing success... inspite of being a differernt race, and much older... but that's how I roll. Rejection bounces off me and I move on to the next success. After awhile success breeds success. Women can smell it on you.
Way to go CA. Very nice posting and you are right on with your comments and personal observations. I am Caucasian and my fiancee from Russia is also. There are very few people of color in the FSU, so they have no experience. FSU women are very educated and they know all about the racial biases that exist in EU and in the US.
From my experience they have no bias either which way. I wouldn't say that the EM is racist because they include the designation of race as one of the women's requirements.
If you are a real person, with a real personality and something real to offer to a woman, then like CA does, write to them.
I know my RW's friend is engaged to a person of non-white skin color from Panama. There is less racism than you think.
What I can say is that the real FSU woman who is looking for a partner, values far more than skin color.
Good for you, Albert. But, I am skeptical in what you say. Racism bounces off of you, and you move on to your next success? What about not getting a certain job, getting arrested, or suppose President Obama was not elected, and it was clear or suspect that it was because of his race? This doesn't happen anymore? The euphoria of Obama getting elected has gotten to you. Racism is not licked.
I did not want to think racism with my problem with AOB. I should get letters, but I don't. Racism was the only explanation I could come up with. Still, that didn't make sense because I was given free queries, and 50% of the queries I do were favorable. I was just looking for a reasonable explanation other than racism. If I didn't ask, it would have been on my mind for a long time, as it was already.
I've heard Russian women mention the N word a few times without batting an eyelid.
They don't like Turks and consider them the same as non-whites.
Some women state on their dating profiles no Muslims.
I know a couple of Russian women who consider Ukrainians, Georgians and other sectors of fsu inferior peeps.
In polite western society with its stringent laws to avoid upsetting people this would be considered racist in the extreme.
I don't consider myself racist but I'm sure there people who would pick up something I say in simple conversation and construe it as a racist remark.
I agree raging.The only way to progress is to get rid of white people.We should have total black domination of the democratic party and ALL other positions of white dominance replaced by black people.
Jeremiah Wright way to go