Money cant buy you love, but it can make being alone a lot more comfortable :o)))
Here Here GLT !!
Once upon a time here it was an honour to be part of an old fashioned, stable and commited family. These days it seems to be every woman for herself and they dont care who`s necks they step on to get to the top of the greed ladder !!!
We suspect the actual author to be a bull dyke, at very least a man hater no matter where he looks for his partner !!!!
With you all the way G, and to back up that I mean what I say, read my posts about UK women !!
They are just as bad, and in some ways worse than your US ones !!
I was listening to the radio today and they were talking about a womans role today compared to 50 years ago (ironic isn't it) Well anyway they listed the things that were the mens role back then and then they listed the womens. then they started taking callers. Every man that called in was saying how they wish things were more geared towards family values like back then and every woman that called in was laughing hilariously at the idea we revert to more like thigs were back then . I wanted to rip my radio out of the dashboard and throw it out the window!! These women here make me wanna puke
Amen to that Crash, here too mate, and to think if Emily Pankhurst had been drowned at birth we wouldn't be dealing with any of this shit now !!
"Sufrajet !!!" Sufra bloody us more like !!!!
Anyone for building a time machine and going back to off the b*itch ?
Yes, I love it how these women here in the US think that their carreers are being interrupted and "inconvenienced" by thoughts of settling down. Sadly, their "carreers" constitute bartending/waitress jobs that only takes out 20 hours of their week -TOPS. And these slags are in their 20s with degrees! What I observe is it takes time out from their carreers as stinking barflys. I dated one for a year and a half and she was permanently drunk through the whole thing! They say russians have drinking problems?-HAH! I think every woman I've dated from the States would look better in a rehab center. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a pint once in awhile, but Lord!
Russia has a serious drink problem, but it is almost only the men who do the OTT drinking Mark.
If a women there is a drunk it usually means she is doing it to escape her life, if only until she sobers up. Some women there really do have a hard time of it with their husbands, beating after beating and treated like dogs !! But the women just stay, and take whatever is dished out !!
You will find the majority of women on will very quickly mention that they "don't like it when the men drink"
My Russian X wife's mother is an alcoholic, but my X was almost a non drinker and I only saw her drink for fun, never to get out of it because she wasn't happy. She would only ever drink when she was in a happy mood, never to achieve happiness.
The biggest problem being that in Russia you can buy a litre bottle of vodka for as little as $1.50 !! Its far far too cheap and easy to get, even for the very poor among them, and many men there drink because they feel its macho and the right thing to do, but the majority of the women Hate it !!
heres a little excerpt from my sweetheart from a while back..
"crash", it is so nice from your side to promise me that you will never be drunk. I am also very glad that you understood my thoughts. It is very important for me. It is good that you have such negative attitude
towards the alcohol. I don't like those people who drink. You are a wonderful person, "crash"! It seemed to me that such men as
you are can't exist in the world, but now I see that I was mistaken. You are a real man. Now I have only to meet you in
reality. I am looking forward to meeting you and I feel great excitement and at the same time I am very anxious!!!
Of course she used my real name, and it goes to show you how much they don't want a man that drinks. If your a boozer give it up cuz shes not going to leave her country to be with a drinker, she can have that without leaving!
Having seen it with my own eyes, I agree totaly with you advice,
Any guy who drinks often or to excess had best decide now that he is never going to convince Any Russian or FSU woman to marry him, let alone come back to his country with him (unless he does find one of the very few alcoholic women there, but they probably wouldnt be interested in moving to a country where Vodka costs over 10 times as much anyway !!! )
Time to clean up, or forget FSU women if you cant kick the booze.
And there is a real guy lives about 8 miles from me, in his 40`s who is called "Ronald McDonald" !! Poor bastard !!! :o))) But his parents coule never have known when they named him :o)
talking of burgers.......wasn't there an American politician called Eagleburger or beefburger or something like that????........jeez his classmates must have had fun with him at school!!!!!!!!!
I don't (can't) dance at a disco unless I have had two glasses of beer. Its arguable that I shouldn't dance then either ;) but seriously I am can do pretty well - ONLY after having the required two beers to loosen up.
My Moldovans had no problem with that and I can tell you it was great - dancing with both at the same time. More seductive dancers I have never seen.
But then we went back to the table and I ordered another beer. (We had danced for quite a while.) Evidently with the third beer I went over the line, becasue sudenly i was being asked if i drank regularly (I don't), if I get drunk often (of course I don't), if there was any "drunks" in my family (there are not).
The third beer came and I nursed it for about an hour while being watched with wary eyes by my Moldovans.
I assure you I did not order a fourth - or have even that much alchohol again.
what's a disco? lol. On the music theme - what kind of music do they have over there in their night clubs? I'm quite choosy; I won't dance to 60's, 70's, 80's and even some 90s rubbish but have a preference for an ibiza type beat. I was in Germany a couple of years and was invited to go to a club after a cocktail bar but didn't even get as far as the door once I heard what nonsense they were playing! I don't need to get drunk to dance either but the first 2 mins are always the hardest but once I'm going, there's no stoppping me. :)
Thanks for the tip about the limit on alcohol not that I go daft with it anyway.
We are back to my descriptive again :o))
"Like a bucket of very beautiful eels" ;o))
Del` Im with you mate :o))
And fortunately so is most of the FSU I have clubbed it in :o)
Roll another phat one mate :o)))
And you dont need to go daft with it to upset a Russian prospective partner mate, thats the point !! One or two might just wash, go much over that and its "asta la vista baby!!! "
Russian women really are that concerned about drinkers !!
Thank you all for your eye opening comments about how FSU women see alcohol comsumption.
In California at least, laws are so strict about drinking & driving that the mere thought of drinking/driving/beating your woman combination is almost a thing of the past except among the lowest and poorest minority 'trailer trashers' or 'ghetto bangers' of the communities.
There is little or no public transportation to speak of around here, so driving for us in southern Calif. is like owning shoes for most people elsewhere. Must have transportation.
My point is that nowadays, people think twice about simply going out to get drunk at a bar or a party, knowing they have to get behind the wheel to get home to sleep it off.
Again, thank you for the FSU female perspective on alcohol, I will make it a point to discuss the topic with 'harem' asap....:)
Alcohol for me has always and only been a celebratory tool AFTER something good happens.
None of this "I hate my pathetic life, I'll get drunk and beat the wench to feel better crap", for me.
On the other hand, I cherish a woman who learns how to serve me a well made martini up, three olives while dinner is cooking and after I'm done paying all the damn bills...:)
Very forthright and honest views GL,alcohol is a very pleasant diversion used correctly but sadly there are still to many who take the latter view you wrote about.
do the "harem duties" involve one mixing,one preparing the olives,and one serving?.....or am I being greedy??........:))
Nothing inappropriate about keeping a 'harem' if you can afford it and the women buy into it.....BUT, beware that with the harem come the multiple mother-in-laws, lol....
<what's a disco? lol. On the music theme - what kind of music do they have over there in their night clubs? I'm quite choosy; I won't dance to 60's, 70's, 80's and even some 90s rubbish but have a preference for an ibiza type beat.>
Seems to me that "disco" is the only word (in English of course) I ever heard to describe a dance club in the FSU. It may seem antiquated here - but it is the term that they used.
I have to admit - I don't come from a huge metropolitan area like New York or LA so I am not a sophisticated clubber but I understand that the discos in the FSU are quite different than those found in the west. There is an admission fee - which you pay whether or not you actually make it for the stage show. The stage show is just that - a troup of good looking dancers does a show up on a stage about midway through the night - often there was a little nudity (some toplessness). The stageshow seemed to be a very big deal (not to miss) for my Moldovans.
Asking whether the music is 60's, 70's, 80's, or 90's is a bit of a shortsighted question. These people didn't HAVE our 60's, 70's or 80's (they had a little of our 90's) - so OF COURSE that isn't the type of music they play.
Russian dance music is completely different from that in the west - some say they see elements of techno from the early 90's in it , others say that certain "phrases" are repeated often (maybe too often) as a theme.
Since the lady with me was 23 we watched a little "Russian MTV" on cable. There we saw a mix of about 50% purely Russian/Ukrainian music, 30% European (French, Italian, etc.) and only perhaps 20% American MTV-type music. Videos were polpular and much like those seen in the west.
But if you hear Russian dance music you will not mistake it for anything else. Forget the 60's, 70's, 80's thing. Remember this is a different country, a different culture (a different world).
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