Besides, is there any other agencies that are not some kind of pay per letter? I have looked around and on most of them you have to pay per letter or pay when you receive a letter. I admit Anastasia is one of the most expensive but I can find no others like this website.
hey jnp,
i may be wrong but i accidentally found this one a few weeks back, it seems similar to fiance, 1st international love club
they even state what country they would like to find a man at as part of their profile.
haven't used it, had enough of agency's, fiance still seems the best way to go if playing with agency's.
i use only this site and have gone to non agency sites and i am finding them very good, less !@#$%? letters or women to swim through.
Anastasia has clearaly stated terms and conditions on the web site and their system explained very well. isn't it? so one can read it and not use it. but, no everybody likes attention of the glamour girlsa nd ready to pay hundreds of dolars for message exchange:)
anastasia has not refunded one penny to me, although I sent them proof that the letters were form letters--pre-written. I am disputing the charges with my credit card company.
their "clearly stated terms and conditions" state that form letters, or letters written by a translator and not the lady, are considered FRAUD. the problem Olga, is proving the FRAUD happened, and than getting your money back. they are very slick, and I am told the ladies are on contract to write positive responses to nearly every man, whether he disgusts the lady or not. Lonely guys are driven by Testosterone, Olga, something you know nothing about. A lonely guy is pretty easy to deceive. is obvious every first letter from girl is form letter. Is that your dispute? I deal very little with them but every letter since first is not form letter.
Do you honestly think all those first letters you get from girls is specially for you??
How about a whole load of us who have been deceived and conned by Anastasia all get together and pay these scamming guys a visit over at their offices??
Reading all these posts has emphatically rammed home to me what a deceitful company they are. Many of the things mentioned above I can instantly relate to. My God are there actually any honest women in Ukraine!!!
I know that these guy are crooks. I decided recently to do an experiment with them and joined up with them. I got a lot of intro letters on their site and decided to contact 2 of the girls who wrote me BUT through a different site instead. Well guess what? The one told me she wasn't interested in me and the other one never replied to my letter. I also replied to a girl who wrote to me on there and she never replied to me either. Some of the intro letters you get may be really from a girl but most of them most likely aren't, and you have no idea of knowing which ones are real or not even after opening them (which costs you an arm and a leg to do) These guys are making a fortune sending out fake intro letters to men that the women have no idea about (if the girls are even real that is) They should be put out of business.
I just wonder if anyone has actually had a genuinely positive experience with any of the girls met from the Anastasia website.
I am honestly thinking of getting a flight over to their offices in the States and "having it out" with them.
Crooks like them should not be allowed to operate!
Don't you guys in the USA have any laws against such corrupt companies operating??
I work in the legal field in the UK and I am sure that such a business would have been prosecuted or closed down by now.
Globus...we must think alike..I did same thing recently on anastasia. I have gotton many first letters from girls.
I have answered only 2 girls. Since I will be in odessa soon, I figure I will find out real quick if they are real. That is only way to work this. You can spend a fortune writing to girls on this site, so visit within a month or two.
What I found interesting on this site, I spent a week with a girl I met through fiance, she is not here anymore,and I put her on my favorite list. She sent me a first letter with the usual general stuff about herself. Everything was truthful on her letter only it seemed a form letter AND she made no reference to knowing me. My profile and pics are same as fiance site. I sent a letter to customer support to TRY to explain to me why this is so!!!!!!
I don't think they are fake intro letters...just form letters to send out to all guys.
I will give my personal thoughts on anastasia in a couple weeks if I meet girls I wrote to.
we been together for almost a year now.we met on a dating site called but now we argue everyday.over stupid things.we love one another we do. we live together . im older then him .when we fight we say things we dont mean,,,,i do at least i said something like...if u dont want me then ill be with someone else and get out of my house... it is my house he moved into..he left and said this time ill never call u again i said me either we both swore we wouldnt sad heartbroken and its borth our fault,but i dont wanna give in im tired if runnning back to himits a routine with us we break up all the time but i feel it really over now.he hasnt called at all... i called his house were he is at no answer im scared he doesnt wanna come home nomore do i wait its only 2 days now.and i love him alot
i broke it and called will he call me?if i dont call him i want him to miss me also im not sure if he does what should i do now?
he works and isnt broke he pays bills and helps me out all the time isnt cheap just we fight and he is good a loviin person he's a certified millionaire on i miss him, maybe money is a very important factor.But really I love him and miss him a lot.
I had a positive experience with Anastasia. I wrote to a girl and she responded with a letter that was a specific reply to my letter so I knew it wasn't a into letter. Since then I have since met her and things are going well but looking back I would have corresponded with her on a different website because Anastasia is very expensive and if you search around you can probably find the same woman on a cheaper website.
I was a little surprised when I asked her to delete some of her profiles on the net, the only one she removed was the one she had with I think her agency must get loads of money for her profile being up on Anastasia and some of these other sites.
you're wrong. I can prove that many of the letters AFTER the first letter were form letters. you can do the same thing. write to any pretty young lady from Odessa (the biggest scam agency and city is Odessa, followed by Lugansk). write her at least ten times. now have a friend write to her from a different city. don't be surprised when you discover that the letters are indeed all scripted. also, don't be surprised if you call her, that you are actually speaking with a translator, assigned to take her calls. but you will have to do your own RD on that specific subject, if you don't believe me.
ALSO, by the way gentlemen, in case you don't know, Anastasia Web has a computer artist who airbrushes a ladies photo's to make her look much better. this was verified to me by the man who owns "honest agencies network" Kherson ladies website. he and his wife visited the Moscow office of AWEB. off to the side was a guy on a computer doing the improvements to a ladies photos. for example, go ahead and look at #80775 her on (Oksana Mishanchuck). now look at her photo's on AWEB. you are going to be amazed at the difference!! I am not even going to tell you--I thing she is a pretty lady and very sweet (at least, the translator for aweb who wrote to me for her was sweet!!). just look at her photo's, and tell me if the difference is not almost night and day!!
If Beavis is right and the letters after the intro letters are not real either then they REALLY should be avoided.
I am not a fan of the ultra air brushed glamour photos either. You are only going to feel disappointed when you see what she really looks like. A lot of agency sites do this too unfortunetly.
The higher quality the photo - the bigger the gold digger? ;0
I met girls from Anastasia, and no matter how much you guys are gonna bash them - I still use them occassionally when I'm interested in someone's profile. I'm encountering a lot of insincere girls who are dreaming of the rich young handsome guy who will live with them in Ukraine... ;p
My respect to you all present at this forum. I have a question to everybody. I read that Odessa, Nikolaev are scam cities. And why nobody writes about Zaporozhye, Donetsk? Are these good cities with good girls?! I am personally in correspondence with two of the girls from Zaporozhye and I am going to visit them in a week.
If somebody is interested in it – I will write a report about my trip to Zaporozhye. If you have any questions – write to my e-mail: