Rb,,, don’t take his word on it,,, he is wrong!
To correct two minor mistakes,,, the weapons in question were not of Russian origin, but were moved at some point with Russian help. And,,, the weapons were found at BOTH, in bunkers AND at the old factory.
But none of that changes the FACT that Iraq had WMDs!!
To argue that these weapons are in bad shape or have degraded,,, is stupid and insane!! Some of those canisters are still too dangerous to move! In one report, they claimed that if it was only 1% active,, it was “STILL LETHAL” and therefore, still qualified as a WMD!
But still,,, why are we arguing about this TODAY,,,, 2003 was ELEVEN years ago!! What was their condition back then??
And how does one obtain the condition of something,, that they can’t find???
Regarding websites,,, once again, you (durak) are picking and choosing the websites that fit YOUR OWN ideology.
I did a search for: “ISIS, chemical weapons” On the 1st page I found about 9 sites that confirmed that WMD did exist,,,,, and ONLY one that said: “No,,, WMD’s still have not been found” and the name of that site was “progressive” something? AND they contradicted themselves by saying,,, that WMDs were not found, because the weapons that WERE found, had degraded and were not usable “militarily”?!?!?! Once again,,, what does that matter?? Part of Bush’s claims,, is that the weapons could be used by “terrorists”!! These weapons are still dangerous today,,, and would have been much more dangerous in 2003!!
If anyone disputes that,,, PLEASE,,,, feel free to go over there and open one for yourself!!!!
These weapons can still be used today,,, and in many ways! One,,, place one or more in a city, along with a timed charge, or even a hand grenade on a trip wire?? Or drop them from a plane??
Don’t let your hatred of Bush, blind you from what is happening in the world today!
Obama, what an empty suit and braggart. He says 'They Don't Call Moscow' When There's Trouble In The World. He and his "Cut'n run policy", I am livid. He has snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Poroschenko has asked for help and been denied. He is the "Break mine off" president, promising everything and delivering nothing but mental impoverishment. He is a whore for a vote from the dumb-ass proletariat and self serving politically connected in America. THe damn truth is that if you cannot make a living in America, you are just a damn loser wasting air. There are people in real strive around the world and he goes golfing. What a piece of shit
I have only read the headline of the Turkish President's disgust in some statement of V.P. Biden. I could not bring myself to read the article,,,,,,,,,, because of what experience has taught me. American exceptionalism is devoid in this administration. It has been real for centuries, what spawns dreams to those who wish to have a better life and what fosters this very enterprise. It is also the reason for jealously and the coveting by some of those posting obvious distortions of truth. They have more in common with the intellectually depraved in the American administration.........................................
RT,, I saw the same article and must have read just one more line than you did.
I too, am disgusted at every single word or act of this administration. We should start a profile on fb that counts down the days until the end of his term.
We can only hope that this country does not elect Hillary or anyone like her?! I believe we would have civil war or states seceding from this union. If those things don’t happen,, then this country is really screwed.
That article on Turkey, is about getting an apology from Biden over something he said. I didn’t read it any further.
Kerry should cut the sleeves off his suit, as he did to his fatigues when he returned home from Viet Nam. What a delusional buffoon!!! Late-life crisis, he should buy a Harley and go for ride around with Barbarella and Steven Segal. Let it all hang out!!!!
“The soldiers at the blast crater sensed something was wrong.
From 2004 to 2011, American and Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and at times were wounded by, chemical weapons that were hidden or abandoned years earlier.
It was August 2008 near Taji, Iraq. They had just exploded a stack of old Iraqi artillery shells buried beside a murky lake. The blast, part of an effort to destroy munitions that could be used in makeshift bombs, uncovered more shells.
Two technicians assigned to dispose of munitions stepped into the hole. Lake water seeped in. One of them, Specialist Andrew T. Goldman, noticed a pungent odor, something, he said, he had never smelled before.
He lifted a shell. Oily paste oozed from a crack. “That doesn’t look like pond water,” said his team leader, Staff Sgt. Eric J. Duling.
The specialist swabbed the shell with chemical detection paper. It turned red — indicating sulfur mustard, the chemical warfare agent designed to burn a victim’s airway, skin and eyes.
All three men recall an awkward pause. Then Sergeant Duling gave an order: “Get the hell out.”
Five years after President George W. Bush sent troops into Iraq, these soldiers had entered an expansive but largely secret chapter of America’s long and bitter involvement in Iraq.
From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.
In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.”
Ukraine is getting the cold shoulder from Russia on two fronts, and that could be bad news for Europe. As if the military conflict between pro-Russian separatists and Ukrainian forces weren’t enough, tensions over unpaid gas bills remain high.Ukraine’s gas reserves are just over half full, and a half-dozen other countries are reliant on Russian gas exports for at least 50 percent of their consumption. While Norway’s Statoil recently struck a deal to sell Ukraine gas
Putin is in the news, warning the US and the west not to blackmail Russia.
He's the only one talking so the "blackmail" is more on his mind than it is on Obama's. By doing what he does best in controversy (keeping quiet), it will be interesting in the next few weeks how loud Putin can get.
"[Putin] bet almost his whole economy on oil and gas that only can be exploited long-term at the risk of disruptive climate change; ... he talked himself into believing that Ukrainians toppled their corrupt leaders only because the C.I.A. told them to — not because of the enduring human quest to realize a better future for their kids; and he underestimated how integrated and interdependent Russia is with the global markets and how deeply sanctions, over time, would bite him.
Let us not mince words: Vladimir Putin is a delusional thug. He created, fell in love with and is now being disabused of a fantasy notion of his and Russia’s power."
For a few months, it seemed to many that Putin was "the smart guy" with "the upper hand", and that the West's creakingly slow incremental response only showed its weakness.
Whether you like sanctions or not, they do their job slowly — on a time scale of years. It remains to be seen whether Europe will persist even through one year of sanctions.
But today, Putin doesn't look quite so dominant, nor the West quite so hapless.
We did not get heat until 1st of November and until recently it really still wasnt adequate to do much but take the chill off.
Yes, LR, Obviously we all now know Iraq absolutely had chem/bio weapons. only idiots still challenge the indisputable facts now.
much of the chem/bio weapons from Syria this year taken by US were of Iraqi origin which were taken there on Russian convoys and by air just days before the US invasion.
Obama has not done jack shit for Ukraine. We have never asked for the US to give us troops. Only modern weapons to counter modern and often sophisticated weapons used by those Russian troops that arent supposed to be here. The US and minor Britian(its anything but great)have blatantly failed to live up to their obligations they agreed to when we gave up our nukes and strategic weapons systems.
Russia has been testing their newest weapons in eastern Ukraine on Ukrainian troops. Thats how they regained the advantage in late August/early September. The Luhansk airport had no less than 5 Thermobaric bombs dropped by a TU160 bomber. The destruction was so thorough and heat so intense it looked like a nuke had been set off when I visited there in late September. Fragmentation, cluster and armor piercing rounds of depleted uranium have all been used by Russia yet that bastard in the White House stood idly by while as many as 800 Ukrainian soldiers were killed by these weapons within just 10 days alone.
We dont need US troops, just give us the weapons and we can take care of things just fine. Most modern US weapons are designed so that a high school graduate with a C average can learn to operate them within a very short time. Even an Abrams tank can be learned fully in 3 days from driving, weapons and fire control systems. wire guided anti tank missiles can be learned in minutes. A patriot battery can also be mastered in 3 days. Just give us the weapons so we can protect our own damn sovereignty that you are failing in your obligation to do.