In an interview with Fox News Bill Oreilly, President Trump said he wants Russia to be partners with Putin in the fight against ISIS. Oreilly said that Putin is a killer. Trump answered that the US is not so innocent.
Suddenly. the opposition is demonizing Trump, stating that Trump implies that US foreign policies are the moral equivalent of Putin's policies. Whatever. That wasn't the point. If you're going to get Putin to fight with you, you don't first call him a killer.
In the meantime, what the US ambassador Nikki Haley said a week ago to the UN said stands. To lift the sanctions, Russia must withdraw from foreign territories. That includes Crimea.
"Hate" is a very strong word and any Septic (Yank) isn't worthy of my hatred and, to the best of my knowledge, my country has never had a conflict with Korea.
I agree with you. Donald Trump said that he loves Putin and media shows that Donald Trump is Russian Puppet. I don't think he will do anything like a puppet.
A·mer·i·ca (ə-mĕr′ĭ-kə)
1. The United States.
2. also the A·mer·i·cas (-kəz) The landmasses and islands of North America, Central America, and South America.
The continents are North America and South America. "America" is the usual word used for the United States of America."
RagingBull since you skipped out of middle school and probably never read a history book.
America comes from Ameringo Vespucci who named the newly discovered CONTINENT after himself... boom!!!
First, you have no idea whether or not I skipped out of middle school.
Second, America is not a continent. North America is and South America is.
Third, if you are going to correct someone, spell it correctly. "Amerigo", not Ameringo.
You have been thinking about this for months? There are seven continents in the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. America is not one of them. That is geography, not history.
Your friend, whom I corrected did not dispute this. Because he knew he was wrong. The problem with you is, you still don't know after it is explained.
Many people, including your friend, hate America (the country). They recent the fact that there are many countries in North and South America (the continents), and only the people of the United States of America are called Americans. Too bad. That is what it is and it is what is used and accepted to describe us. What else would anyone call us? United Statesians?