Sancho, here this thing doesn't happen, but really the situation is that a person finished the Pedagogical Institute and after it he knows nothing about what he should learn...this is not only about Pedagogical Institute but in others as well...some students just dont care how much knowledge they will have after graduating.
re.: "......some students just dont care how much knowledge they will have after graduating. ..."
Actually, there is an interesting connection to the topic of the thread here.
What are employers looking for in applicants? The best, the most suitable...
And what are men looking for in women (here: women from the FSU)?
The best, the most suitable.
It is a competitive world we live in.
1) What are 'they' looking for ("let's find out")
2) How to draw attention to one's 'good sides'
3) How to 'improve' oneself in directions suitable for achieving one's goal...
Everything depends on the position the applicant applies, once I was offered a very nice position, to be the "face" of the firm, meaning that I should sit the whole day in the office, answer the calls, read magazines, give coffee to visitors and nothing else...very good really??? But I doubt if such a position in reality doesn't mean a lover for the boss, in fact I'm sure this is what was meant in reality. Of course in such a situation nobody is interested what skills a person has.
Can you imagine that when coming to apply for work, the boss will honestly tell his future secretary "and from 12 up to 13 I will have sex with you"??? This is really funny;) But in most cases, this is what is really meant, very seldom secretaries don't have sex with their bosses, but it's their own choise of course.
I could go work as a secretary many times, my skills allow much more then that, but for a beginning anything would be good, but it is very risky, and when talking to people who needed a secretary it was really clear what they really want. OK it was clear for me, but some girls don't see it and then start complaining....
It is sad to hear that many bosses are like as you described. At one time it was that way here also but probably not as bad.If women didn't give in they could lose their job. Now there are sexual harassment laws where the women can file a lawsuit against anyone for inappropriate comments or behaviour. Though some women will eagerly have sex with the boss just to get a good pay raise or advancement in the company.
And is it true, like I heard, that if a man says to the woman he sees on the street "hey what a beautiful here goes", she may take him to court as well??? And they also tell that if a man gives his hand to help the woman get out of the bus (for example) she can get him to court as well???
If all this is true, then I'm against all these laws!!!:)))
re.: "...Can you imagine that when coming to apply for work, the boss will honestly tell his future secretary "and from 12 up to 13 I will have sex with you"??? This is really funny;)..."
-It's a funny world...
In the USA the secretary could make a Sexual Harassment complaint, sue the employer, and - if it's a small company - cause it to be bankrupt. A bigger company would survive economically, but would most likely sack the boss...(-who would find it hard to find another job...)
-Of course, all the sleazy details would have to be discussed in court - which quite probably deters some secretaries...
Actually, just a thought, if your country wants to deal with 'the west', part of Risk Management could very well include what happens if Business Partners or Customers in 'the west' do not like the behaviour of the 'bosses' in the east!
(e.g. a lot of money has been invested in a planned business, when the 'western' Chief Executive Officer all of a sudden says about the 'eastern' boss: "He's a sleazy bastard, and I don't trust him. I don't think we should go ahead with this deal...")
re.: "...very seldom secretaries don't have sex with their bosses, but it's their own choise of course. ..."
Note to myself: Skip any Profile where she says she is a Secretary.
It could give a totally new meaning to quote:
"I'll have what she is having"
(with apology to the film Harry meet Sally - it meant something else there...)
After having read the pages above, and filtered out the irrelevant political clap-trap, I think that some men are really looking for a combination of an Angel and Wonder-woman.
They did not find her in USA, UK (or some other western country), so now they try Russia.
Good Luck.
I make no apologies for "having a go at you geriatrix",but while you are on the process of filtering all the political clap-trap,try doing something about your own irrelevance.This forum can be entertaining at times........informative too......and while a little poetic licence is welcome sometimes it really does wear thin when almost every post you make is irrelevant to the point of absurdity.
Or maybe you like seeing your name at the end of every post!!!!
As well intended as the purpose may have been, I seriously doubt that compiling a list of preferences about men or women will have little effect in bridging the cultural gaps between east and west.
In the end, it boils down to the two people who will like each other's photos, letters, looks, words, etc etc etc to find out if they want to plan a serious relationship...or not.
Not all men are the same (contrary to what feminists say!), but to some the ideal woman is clearly a nubile nymphomaniac, who is the sole heir to a brewery.