if you've got ICQ - just pick one of your contacts (which you have to add first, and maybe wait for their approval) and send a message.
If they are off-line they'll get it as soon as they log on.
MSN-msngr allows both speach as well as a camera, either or both. Need netspeed though, but you've got that I think. In fact better than Skype because you have ALL facilities in one package, but the reliability is not that great I've found out.
One thing that we DON'T need is for this forum to become coed (ie a merging of the mens forum with the womens forum). I certainly don't mind the contribution of our female members like Ptichka and Annika77 - but this is a forum for MEN to discuss the common problems and discoveries we have in crossing culture and....land mass to find the woman we seek.
As I understand it - the pricipal subject of the ladies in the womens forum is leaving homeland and family and traveling to a new place where the culture and language are unfamiliar. They speak of the potential of being homesick and is it worth the risk to have an economic advantage.
We talk about scammers and roamce Tours and leaning the language.
If this forum became coed - all the tactics and logistics talk would stop - and we would spend all of our time hitting on any females that happened to show up.
As has already been mentioned there is plenty of opportuntiyt to converse with Russian ladies - and in realtime as in a real chatroom on ICQ, and varios Instant Messaging sites.
(When we can be civil to each other the forum anyway) - the forum is terrific as it currently exists.
Guys what we need to do is open a business in the FSU and sell High quality video conferencing to western men. I have done it for 12 years all we need are the investors. With IP technology now available it is practically dirt cheap. Skype has replaced equipment in my business that cost thousands of dollars on each end and it does a better job. You can also buy desktop professional quality video conferencing equipment for 2-300 dollars on ebay. Almost TV quality in real time with broad band and compatable with many desktop messengers.
.. invest, open that bizz and go bankrupt eh?
By the sounds of things you've got oodles of speed where you are - do you know that there's plenty of places where a simple dial-up is all there is? If I'm really ZOOMING I get 5K out of my 56K modem, simply due to a raped timeshared bandwidth available. Oh, twisted pair copper hey, no fibers or stuff I've 'heard of'.
Yeah, more fancy hence more speedy IS possible - but then you pay such astonishing amounts here that you simply will not believe me, and still that speed is not comparable to what a simple home-user in Europe can expect.
Your Investors want a return on their investment - where will that come from? 'Your' side can be set-up cheaply, the 'other' side will cost dearly (if at all possible). Cross-subsidizing or One-sided recovery will likely kill the demand, especially when niggles (highly likely) occur.
Why do you think MSN & ICQ are so popular - and free?
Hi my friend jetmba, Im happy you are not against wumen in that site. And as you already understood, such people as птичка and I you can discuss everything from travelling and leaving country and finish learning language and scammers!
True Thunder but the idea is provide it there not here. It would be free to the ladies. Where are you Thunder Satalite should solve your bandwidth problem. In the US broadband is over 60%of the market. I think that is a big enough pool.
You cannot compair MSN and ICQ to true video conferencing equipment the difference is night and day. The processor in video equipment is the equivlant of 7 pentium 4 chips doing nothing but video processing.
I am convinced those women would not be as honest and open with us as they are with each other.
And like Jet said it would only turn it into a meat market, lol
Toad the problem is not in the meat market as I think if you ask any of the women here it has been anything but. Instead it is old farts afraid to share meaningful information. It is worse than a political campaign and there is very little trust or meaningful exchange that can be relied on. I think if we used our real names and it was expected they where here you would see a vast change in not only the content but the attitude of those here. I must say it would take very little to be an improvement. I don't want anyone to take it personal but the forum is stagnet...it needs new sources and new attitudes to survive.
Shaggy - I don't think Toad was saying that it IS a meat market - rather he was agreeing with me that it would BECOME a meat market if it went coed.
The input that we have right now with women is fine but to advocate melding it with the women's forum is wrong. Let them have their right to dicuss among themselves (the problems that they consider, after all, are unique). And let us have our space as well.
Change for the sake of change isn't always good.
But your contention that we in this forum are afraid to excahnge meaningful information!? Oh, come on. With the exception of a very recent epriod of time where everyone suddenly took license to fire potshots at everyone else, this forum has been pretty civil and pretty educational. And I for one have not been "afraid" to share any of my experiences of eight weeks in three FSU countries.
If there is something that you would like to know - ask. No one here reads minds.
The criticism I had of other members recently was that this forum was becoming a goof-parade with people making no comments of any meaning whatsoever. We had self-admitted hijackers who simply posted one-liners, forcing those of us who really care to check every thread to see if anything pertinant was written Ninety-five percent of the time nothing of any meaning was being posted. It was just an attempt by some of us - with no experience and no real aspirations to see our monikers listed multiple times.
You can't have it both ways. You can't ask for meaningful information and then also have endless oneliners by those who "hijack" the whole forum. That was what set me off.
I don't have time to check every thread and wade through the prattle each time I log on.
Keep the women out, I say..
This is a men's forum for men to talk to other men is similar fashion as men talk to other men on real life.
I know eastern women, if availalbe to enter the forum in mass, could give us several points of view regarding FSU subjects, traditions and information to help us understand their countries and societies better, but it will not stop there.
And frankly, I don't care to read what an eastern woman thinks about western topics.
Their potential contribution is more than made up by Olga's never ending wisdom and not so perfect site management skills.
perhaps we could just have a womens' forum amd a mens' forum and add a mixed leauge as in bowling, we could kust keep changing names like YOU KNOW WHU and share meaningless dribble that exacerbates the contionous flow of bullshit and ill feelings!!
Jet I have only been here 6 weeks so as you say it may only be recent but I still say that 80% of what is here is meaningless. You said it exactly it is people trying to one up each other. I think the attitude here is part of what has driven western women to be who they are. As far as pertinant I do not think their experiences have much to do with their attitudes. Toad has provided me yet another fine example....I do not know about any of you but I have no desire to marry my mother especially as she is a corps but again it is always easier to put someone down than to reach out to them. Being an ass does not make you a man. Neither does standing around scratching and spitting...I never said that they should come here or we should come there just that a joint forum would provide much more meaningful content and less big ball swinging.