Too late !! Got a pair at the Army & Navy store. A very attractive dark blue, not Versace but still quite flattering in a Gabby Hayes way. I got one pair of special socks lined with Gore tex. $10 a pop. Lastly a nice scarf, I really like that scarf. I think I will buy a couple more for gifts. My jacket finally arrived and the beloved Elvis' Blue Hawaii album. Somebody has to listen to it. Not me her.
She loves it. Personally I think it is one of the worst movies ever made.
The typical scarf may be dressier, but I went with a fleece turtle neck, instead.
My son convinced me to try the one he uses for snowboarding and there is no way a scarf can match the warmth and comfort this thing provides.
I'm bringing a shitload of CDs from my music collection as well as two portable CD players.
We'll spend a significant amount of time riding trains, taxis and buses almost every day I'm there, so when we get tired of talking or sucking face we can listen to music..:))
She can listen and keep any she likes.
If she loves Elvis so much, you better start practicing your hip throws, mate
Ddddhhhhzzzzaaaannnkk eeewwwww.....ddddhhhzzzaannkkk eeewwwww bbbeeerrrrryyy mmmmmuuusssshhh Mmmoooommmaaa baby!!
I have already perfected a version of Blue Christmas as sung by Porky Pig. I told her I would sing this to her but only in person. Today I did sing Lydia the Tatooed Lady down the phone. Try explaining that one to the Russian woman.
I just got off the phone with her. She is very concerned that she will have enough room in the car to be able to fit my case and bag and you and Lena and baggage into the car. She wants to take you into the city to the hotel I guess. I told her you have it covered but she was insistent that it was "Russian Custom". Not like American pigdogs.
I think this car is tiny and one of us will have to hang off the door - we will have to play it by ear. Work with me on this if she insists then go with the flow. I already told her you and Lena have everything under control. She also says it is warming up over there.
Big party Saturday which she is making only a guest appearence at. It is the work party for womens day. From what I heard it sounded like the drunken barn dance. Also apparently last week there was mens day which was actually the day that the soviet army and navy were formed so that was another drunken barn dance.
She suggests we drink cognac at the airport in Ekaterinburg and what do I want for breakast. Haven't heard that on a first date before!!
I had to promise to call each day and from the airport in Miami before the plane takes off. I have also explained about my cunning plan for world domination by drinking each countries toxic brew, in house, so to speak.
She doesn't get it.
I am still doing it though. I already have a leg up. I've got Bahamian rum, Mexican tequila, English beer, American bourbon, Canadian whiskey, Japanese saki (yuk), Italian limoncello and of course moonshine from the bloke on the 5th floor of our building.
This whole thing could turn into a giant drunken barn dance. I think it is my turn with Cartmans mum.
I really really really appreciate her gesture, but please tell her I cannot accept her generous offer.
Lena is already stressing because her train from Tyumen arrives only 20 minutes before we land in E-burg.
She is relieved now that I told her I'll have a car and driver meet her at the train station, bring her to meet me and then take us both to the hotel.
If our adrenaline allows it, we might be able to do something after we dump our bags at the hotel, but I much rather keep those few first hours private...;))
I already told her this. Forget about it I'll handle it. As for doing something after landing, I don't think so. I will be so shagged out it ain't going to happen.
The breakfast thing was specifically aimed at me. She already thinks I am going to be asleep all day. I also want to spend some private time, it is only natural. We will have dinner when you return.
I know this sounds stipid but I am intrigued by this Dubliners place. Olga told me that it can get so packed you have to book. An irish pub in Ekaterinburg who would have thought it.
We talked today and she said it will take minimum an hour to get through customs and immigration. There will be the ususal cavity search and interogation. This takes time. Lena has tons of time to get to the airport and meet you, tell her to relax. It won't be that bad.
Marina isn't even starting out for the airport until about 10.30pm. Frankly even if Marina is not there for a bit I won't care, I don't think I will care about anything at that point.
This reminds me of my trips to Malaysia, a Chinese guy called Crazy Eddie would come and get me from the airport in a beat up minivan circa 1965. He would then defy gravity through the crowded streets of Penang while I tried not to throw up. The second time I even managed not to. I have a feeling that this trip from the airport to Marina's home is going to have elements of this about it. Just a hunch.
Can't vouch for Irish food in the FSu but I have had a few interesting experiences in "Mexican" Restaurants. Will never forget the burrito I ordered in Odessa - looked picture perfect on the outside with sour-cream and the whole works. But one bit tole you that the meat was something pickled. Did not TASTE like a burito at all.
Then there was the fajitas I ordered at the Hotel Cordru in Chisinau - I was pleasantly surprised when they DID bring me a flaming platter of meat just as you might expect here. Then I pariently waited for the tortilla th sour cream, the green pepper or ANYTHING else that was supposed to accomany it. There was nothing. Fajitas were just flaming meat.
Wow! I am reading the adrenalin hyped notes here and I am getting very jealous. I have to wait until early May until I get to return...just about 2 months but it seems like forever. And listening to you two isn't helping. You guys are going to have the time of your matter how it turns out. Best of luck to both of you. Enjoy every minute, take lots of pictures, experience everything you can, and soak up every bit of culture around you. It's going to be GREAT!
Ok, just to show I enjoy a bit of the old poetry I knocked this out while I was waiting for the coffee this morning. It just came to me, like one of those inspirations I read about.
Well here goes, it isn't as good as Martin's but at least I tried and I thought it was suitable in this thread.
This day is called the feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tiptoe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:'
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.'
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day: then shall our names.
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remembered.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhood’s cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
If anyone is interested I have some stuff about a Danish bloke. Nothing to do with pastries and to Norwegian it was originally about Norway but I changed my mind. I couldn't fit trolls into it anywhere and I felt that there were enough in this forum anyway. So I stuck with Denmark.
Ok this is my last post today. I am off to buy scarves and some watch batteries for the Russian Womans Grandpa's watch. Then I am going to unpack and pack for a bit. It helps. Then eat a packet of Rolaids and finally make spaghetti. This also helps.
I think some Amber Bock is in order, followed by falling, then bandaging for those who fell unsuccesfully.
I mean it I am out of here. My work here is done and Martin unfortunately is still upset. I did try. He is really a nice guy I think, not much of a poet, but then who am I to criticize, did you see my pathetic effort?
Well, hopefully all will appreciate my poetry with tongue firmly in cheek.
I'm just a regular joe,
With a regular job.
I'm your average white,
Suburbanite slob.
I like football, and porno, and books about war.
I've got an average house,
With a nice hardwood floor.
My wife, and my job, my kids, and my car,
My feet on the table,
With a Cuban cigar.
But sometimes that just ain't enough,
To keep a man like me interested,
Oh no,
no way,
uh uhh.
No I gotta go out and have fun,
At someone elses expense,
Oh yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah,
I drive really slow,
In the ultra fast lane,
while people, behind me, are going insane.
I'm an asshole
I use public toilets,
And I piss on the seat,
I walk around in the summer time,
Sayin' "How about this heat?"
I'm an asshole
Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces,
While handicapped People, make handicapped faces,
I'm an asshole
Maybe I shouldnt be singing this song,
Ranting and raving and carring on,
Maybe they're right when they tell me I'm wrong.
If we are going to reference Shakespeare, then Dennis Leary has his due, too.
Shakespeare, Shakespeare? What Shakespeare? Are you refering to my muse by the coffee pot this morning?? Bloody cheek. I, as has been demanded of Toad, demand satisfaction. A public apology AND I want it cut and pasted right here, right now.
Angry from South Florida