I just saw the video too. Well at least his honest and got the guts to admit his approach wasn't the best.
As Jetmba says don't fall in love with someone you haven't meet and the girls aren't stupid.
And don't post details about the girl you like on the internet. I doubt anyone here would have said something but who know who else just reads the forum.
You can only learn from your mistakes, so good luck and have a good trip in August.
Ok. Thanks men. I will soon begin to get more ukraine girls. This time i wont just get one. I will get a few. And i wont be lying to them. Thanks for the advice. I will let you again know when i'll be prepared to get to ukraine. However, just because that has been said does not mean i won't be rocking up on her doorstep just to see how real she was...
There is a saying 'learn to walk before you run' ..... a few my ass, he can't even latch on to one in real life :)
martin, not the first post to mention this to you, LET IT GO! Everyone else has, why cant you? I'd tell you to grow up, but that only works on kids. You are a man. LET IT GO!
Gotta admit - I ould also be "rocking up" her doorstep just to see how real she really was. Even if that would not necessarily be the best thing (or most advisable) to do.
I've seen this thread going past and thought my own.
Only when Kirkland posted his comment, the one commenting on your apology, I watched, quite like Jet, your Utube movie.
I've got respect for any guy who admits he was wrong, and on this you've earned your full colours. I, vainly, presume I speak for most of us here when I say that.
Never mind the childish one on this block Noogs, he'll never learn, so - you better let him go ;-)
Want advice from (according to some) an antique geezer?
Go, have fun, simply because you're way too young to commit to anyone. Go see the world, and that part you seem interested in has plenty of scope indeed. You'll learn heaps, never mind the fun bits.
Well if being childish refers to one not letting something go then there are two seriously deranged individuals on this forum that need to take a good look in the mirror at themselves ..... but an amusing post from one such deranged individual :)
I will be knocking her door down, Personally I dont see one down side to it...
hey men, this girl, Julia has taken her profile down from globaladies, it now says 'sorry this lady is no longer available' but what is going on here? http://www.anastasia-international.com/profile-mail-order-bride-from-Ukraine-Jul ia-1099962.htm
wouldnt her agency let all sites know? something dodgy is going on do you think?
And just as a point, and I have just scrolled back a page or so of this thread, I cannot see that anybody has said I'll/we'll 'let it go'. Perhaps they may have, perhaps they may have had other things to do and may return in a day or few from now but you didn't exactly enter this forum trying to make friends with all, just look at the title of this thread that you started, you were 'name calling' us from the outset and thereafter vainly attempting to ridicule us.
Don't worry nooga...she's in good hands..:)))))))))))))))))
Hey....do you still want me to annouce you and your mates arrival in Odessa for August 2008(notice I gave year).I'll be there in April...you know girls need to be ready for you!!!
Girls are constantly coming and going on sites but yours seem to be going...what's up with that?????? Must be your utter charm!!!!!! Is this the Julia from global???
Nooga...I'm the dreamer here????? Like dreaming of being with a ukrainian girl..not..I of course will be busy in April and certainly not dreaming!!!!!!
Do me a favor nooga....write to Julia on anastasia and you will get a letter that she doesn't even know you!!!!!!!! Makes you wonder WHO you were writing to on global, huh??????????????
You may not need a headstart googa, but please take the training wheels off!!!!!
I tell you, THE JULIA ON GLOBAL WAS REAL, as I had man take photos of her for me and give her flowers... However I cant say that I know if her INTENTIONS were true or not. She will be sorted out at her front door when the time comes...
Nooga, my advice to you would be to drop Julie....she ain't real.
And definitely don't turn up on anyones doorstop....assuming you have a legit address.
Most people who get bitten get shy...but you're jumping right back in there with your eyes closed again.
Ukraine is not a playground.
It is a favourite 'trick' for agencies, not ladies, to write letters, say everything a man, indeed boy, wants to hear just to generate 'letter writing' revenue but only 5% of these letter writing guys is said to actually travel to meet with the lady so it's easy money for the agencies.
But as soon as a guy announces his travel intentions that's when they disappear into the blue yonder, you're not supposed to find out that you've been talking personal and dirty with a guy so they make up a story 'I've just fallen in love with another guy'.
As they say 'there's one born every minute'.
Let it go Martin & beemer ..... no focking way, this is too funny for words :)
noogie....just saw your u-tube. So you were going on hiatus???? Don't take my posts so serious, I like to have a bit of fun and be serious at same time. Just be able to take it if you can dish it!!!!!
Your apology sounded sincere but now it looks like you got that cockiness back. Want some advice....Dont bother to write girls, you are young enough to have fun on the run while in Ukraine....that is all you will find because girls got plenty of yourg guys like you at home. You will never be taken serious by girls there.
I doubt any guys here had anything to do with julia, I've seen that happen many times over past few years, just part of the process. She gave you hint by leaving site...do you get hints?????????
If you show up at her home unannounced...prepare for police to rudely show you to station...and no 'one' phone call from there. it will cost you some 'bribe' money to get out....and just hope......to get home safely!!!
Just trying to be real with you!!!!!!!!
The police are going to show up and whisk him away to the station? Did you forget that we are talking about UKRAINE HERE? Its NOT the US where if a man writes a letter or tries to call a girls who jilted him, he is suddenly slapped with a restraining order and branded a stalker.
Have you noticed the "Security" guys at every store and the large steel lockable fences around every property of any value?
Ukraine is not lawless by any means, but its not a virtual police state like the US can be sometimes. And it doesn't have feminist inspired laws that would cause nooga to be arrested merely for showing up unexpected.
It might be awkward to be sure. She might be very well be real, and she may have an equally real boyfriend for sometime, who may take exception to his intrusion. But unless he does something REALLY outrageous ('course we are talking about nooga here....) I doubt he has to worry about the police.