And when the virgins get to really know you..... they will choose to remain virgins. Even if you are the only guy they have a chance with. And even though you make them driftwood frames, one after another. (It won't change their mind.)
I think after I die I will not be a king and will not be surrounded by virgins but I feel that I have a better quality of life, have been helped through some difficult times, and always have someone to talk to without feeling I am going insane with my faith.
Quite seriously - if YOU weren't in this forum I would gladly tell all about my experience. But since your annoying self IS here, with your twisted ways of recounting things - I will pass on telling anything in detail.
And I'm sure you have been a very useful force in making women want to KEEP their virginity.
In fact - I bet that more than a FEW women have taken one look at you and not only decided to STAY a virgins - but maybe to pursue LADIES instead of MEN!
"kindergarten ... anywhere in russia is gorgouse . chelny is a great place though . you should try this city . its safe it has money it has something special about the place just tucked away in the forest on a great river . its cheap everything is new . the people are happy . music in the street . really good nite clubs . all kinds off women . and no western people . not one tourist english person i have seen in over 12 months "
............and don't forget to bring the $4200.....hahha...all the way to the bank!!!!!!!!!!
I can't believe that you all feel that Monada is for real. She (if it is a she) is a liar. He/She/It probably lives in the United states or is a Jealous Ukrainian Skinhead.
you people are too funny. The people here that say they represent Ukraine are probably from the good ol' United States. I've been to Ukraine. Most women there do not care about race. Most of the men feel there feel this way however. I am white. I feel that people here are desecrating the beauty of Ukraine. Leave racial hatred in the former soviet union/russia where it belongs.
LOL we Yanks get called racist, Hell I never seen such racism or ethnic hatred as I have seen in the FSU. For some punter to come in and try to sell their is no racism or ethnic issues is like trying to say hell is as cool as an Antartic night.
Nasfan6: Spot (to the tiniest dot) on...!!! The “Exception” screamers usually jump on these ones with but, but, but, I know this FSU woman married to this, you name the race, man. Rah rah, yes it happens and in certain locations, due to the history of Asian (East and Central) traders residing or visiting there it has happened quite a lot but on the whole, non white folks are more of a curiosity to FSU women than serious potential mates. They will talk the PC talk but very seldom will they walk the walk…………..down the isle.
Can a non white guy find a decent UA or RU or other FSU woman/wife? Absolutely…!!! If he is up to the mark, but he will need to be aware that he will encounter plenty of underlying natural racism. There is not necessarily any particular hatred attached to it but rather a simple ethos of I won’t marry a non white guy, often with no particularly good reason for feeling that way. BTW, did you notice the Russian jaws drop when the RU basketball team substituted a Black American onto the court during the Olympics? Shades of the Berlin.
Ukranians are sensible people.They have seen the results of Racial "diversity" in usa and riots in cities when black do not get their demands,and so called positive discrimination where employers has to give job to black person instead of better qualified white person.
Yes sensible decent ukraine avoid these problems and ignores lectures from ignorant western people.
Nasfan i seen in 2007 in russia alighting a plane a kenyan chap - black as midnight get hassled by militia --by god didnt they give him a decent old pasting - i viewed it he did nought wrong
he was the wrong colour it opened my eyes really he appeared as the only darky in view but militia went to him at once ''like blow flies to a turd'' !
they seem to love to hate the non whites !
didnt they give him buggery ay !
militia held him up all the time i was in airport vacinity ( i heard one older women remark ! oh why they such stupid come russia??? --not they learn militzia not like it black )
he still bled red -and lots of it too ! not nice to see !
method in there madness though --in our countries natives big problem - the russians seem to have the answer -its a bit over the top --but at end of day - russia does not endure 10% of the shit cast upon us by native races ---i think we could water down there system a bit
but certainly i opt for ''taking a page out of the russian book ''
they nip the problem in the bud - before it even gets a foothold ! not so foul huh !
try it on a few of your ''darkies in usa '' iam sure it would make a big difference -- our coons hear mate if only i could win lotto ! i'd gladly buy the 300,000 of em a lovely 1 way ticket each to russia ----
Russkies know how to eliminate native problems --they just make em dissapear and id recieve the order of Australia for disposing of the countries worst problem .
Iam not racist i just got no time for the worthless sections of society lol lol.
there nothing but grief bludge off the system no ---------waste of space !
More of a curiosity Dunroamin - yes agree 1000% more of a ohh!! dats bad huh !
the bad end of the stick is what they see ! thank god they enough brains to see that huh.
Not much on offer that one can build life upon - err from the ''dark side of town'' so to speak .
Russians know what produces life's pie ! they also know that the GOOD pastry is WHITE in 95% of cases lol lol lol..
How many natives you ever seen with an honest earnt dollar ???