Tim - I did like your reference to a bucket of very beautiful eels.
Another difference you might find in a FSU "disco" is that a group of guys will just get up and start dancing. Sometimes two, sometimes ten in a group. (If you see this in America - you have probably wondered into the wrong club!) It's just acceptable in the FSU and from what I understand - no indication that they are gay.
Also I should not - that although the beer in Ukraine was stronger - I was nowhere near approaching "drunk" with two glasses. Nor was I with the third.
One of my Maldovans danced right in front of me - making eye contact almost the entire while - she repeated movements with her hands - making it clear that I was to follow along - there was some strategic touching. It is dificult to descibe but as it progressed it was the most erotic thing I have ever done with my clothes on!
This behavior had my other Moldovan on the dance floor next to us before the next dance. This woman (who happen to be the one staying with me) told me later that she was jealous and didn't like to see me having so much fun with the first.
The other Moldovan seemed to have a style all her own - she had complex movements but kept a distance from anyone else and didn't look at anything in particular.
Wouldnt want them all over for Christmas myself either !!!!
What a war that could turn out to be !!!
Theey do indeeet, Disco is the name for All night clubs in the FSU as a colective group term. Dont be put off by the word, its not all back to the 70`s and afro hair does :o) Unless you meet the lady who doesnt own a razor then her armpits may resemble an afro fo course :o)
Here here on the format Jet, and your ladies will not be upset if you watch and enjoy, you are a man, its noraml to look and appreciate, but of course, dont touch :o))
Often groups of dancers will walk around and dance next to your table too, they expect a tip !! and if you dont give one you will offend your own girl as much as teh dancer !! Some of these girls will almost lap dance you too, again dont be concerned your gilr knows its all for fun and a tip :o))
"Russian dance music is completely different from that in the west"
Not from the clubs I go to in the UK it isnt mate :o) Aciiiiiiid :o)))
Tim: Of course I'm not familiar with the clubs that you visit in the UK but I've never heard anything like it. I asked my one of my girls if she would help me pickout some CDs with music like that which we danced to.
(Music, like most everything else in the FSU is sold at kiosks in converted building "department stores" (like "disco" its the word that they use for these things). If you are not fluent in Russian - GOOD LUCK - because absolutely nothing is written in English in the music stores. You will have no idea what you are buying. But there are a lot of erotic and a lot of cartoon pictures on CD jewel cases.)
Most of the people I have played these CDs for here in the US have never heard anything like this music.
I bought some polpular Russian music CDs on eBay - and found extreme variations. Some sounded like techno, others like goth, but the majority was this bouncy, phrase repeating, electronic dance music I heard in the disco.
One big surprise at the disco - someone at the table next to ours ordered a water-pipe (a hookah). It was large and chrome plated and of course, the flexible mouth piece was passed around so that all at the table and some of the dancers took a "hit".
I have to admit I had seen hookahs before, back in my college days, but nothing as big or eleaborate as this. (I know they are legal in Amsterdam - but I have never been there).
I asked one of my Moldovans what they were smoking (duh...?) and she used a Russian word which I didn't understand. Then she just said "It's narcotic..." as if it was no big deal.
These things are, of course, extremely illegal in the States so I had to get a picture. Not wanting to be too obvious I had one of my Moldovans pose and then I turned the camera just before I clicked the shutter. My buddy was less concerend and just went up and snapped a picture.
Later I saw an English language newspaper from Kyev and saw these things advertised as options at discos.
Glad I came across this and wholeheartedly agree with the thrust of comments.
After 3 failed marriages, last one to an American I have lost my faith in western women as marriage partners. The American plunged us into so much debt, it took years to recover and is still being worked out. You also have to consider that the legal system plays right into the hands of women during divorce. Because of this, I am more determined to explore marriage with women from less polluted cultures. Time to be a little more discerning.
I have never had any problem finding women and will not take lectures from anyone on who I can or cannot pursue.
Bravo to all of you who have the optimism and courage to persevere.
"Bravo to all of you who have the optimism and courage to persevere. "
you forgot to mention square eyes (from sitting at the PC),huge phone bills,and lots patience dealing with endless forms etc etc.....:)))),but the reasons you list for looking in this direction are the most valid.I for one am sick and tired of the "girl power" mentality that is prevalent in the west,and am very happy I know have a very loving,caring,beautiful and very feminine lady by my side.....:)))
"Because of this, I am more determined to explore marriage with women from less polluted cultures. Time to be a little more discerning. "
Quietcharm, have you ever BEEN to Russia ? I was engaged to a Russian girl who turned out to be the biggest shark I ever met in my life. I`m also a member of the UK <> Russian community here and I can tell you that most marriages end in failure, that Russian women have an *appalling* reputation for deceit and game playing - if you`re looking to blame the ills of Russian society just on the men, forget that one. It`s 50/50, I`m afraid.
"Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground", to quote the old Russian proverb.........
PS the article referred to in TM`s original post is a pile of BS, of course. ;-) Journalistic licence by someone with no idea what they`re talking about - but bad news sells. ;)
There ARE some good Russian women. There are quite a few bad ones.
The way to meet a Russian woman and to make SURE she`s good is - go to Russia, find one, live with her for a long time until you get to know her, and then take it from there.
Because of the ease of deception in long distance relationships, you will never be sure of someone`s motives until you get them to your country.
Americans - this`ll involve you signing for your future brides` social security payments for 10 years.
Brits- prepare to lose half the house if it goes pear shaped. Also ask yourself seriously if you can afford wifey`s flights home, transatlantic phone calls, shopping trips (which she WILL make) and whether two of you can survive on one salary for the number of years it`ll take her to learn English. After that, you only have the culture shock, resentment at your country not being total paradise, cultural differences , total seclusion from her family, friends and culture to get through - and if you get to know her some time later and she`s lazy, arrogant, childish, selfish or anything else (and it comes out when her English is better and she`s feeling settled and can legally remain) - tough luck, you married her, you took the risk........
FORGET the blatant lie that Russian women are somehow wonderful doe eyed self-sacrificing creatures, somehow different to any other women on the planet. They`re not. Some good, some bad. The girls on the dating sites are here with one - ONE - purpose in mind - to get a better life for themselves, at any cost. Russians tend to be opportunists - they do first, think later, morals cost money. Whatever the reality is on the other end of the phone line, you are taking a risk. How big a risk that is......... is up to you.
And no, you don`t "know her". Most normal couples get married and then get to know each other. Stop. And. Think.
DaveUK1965 I'm sorry such the bitterness in your words, but you describe the situation in all dark tones. And I have to disagree with you on the number of your points. Why? Because I live in Ukraine, and I see that you're wrong on number of your points. I'm not sure how it is in Russia, but as far as I know here, you point that "they do first, think later, morals cost money" is may be true for several people, but for most it is. Ukraine is known for it's morals which come from down the history. I know that there are women who also want to leave this country just to have a better life, but there are only few of them. The majority seeks for love and care. I know that myself, as one of my friends lives in the USA now. And several others are on their seach for their men. The girl who lives in the USA, studies to start working very soon (she is there for less then 1 year), she took all the house keeping on her own showlders...shopping...I never know she ever spent there, the sum of more then 100 $. And she writes me very detailed letters, just like the reports, because she seeks communication with friends from here. She started communicating with Russian girls there, but she god tired of that very soon, and she communicates with her husband and her husband's relatives. On their wedding there in the USA there were no her relatives, even her mom didn't come (they could invite her, but thought that was too expensive for them) and there were 95 relatives of her husband...and I may follow on and on. The fast is that you don't have to generalize, you had a bad experience, but you don't have to think that all girls from Russia and Ukrain are the type of your past experience. I admit that girls in the Russian or Ukrainian societys (I mean those that keep in groups, don't have enough courage to leave that circle) they may be anything...but those who come to another countries, the majority of them doesn't want to see people from Russia or Ukraine any more...personally I got enough of Russians here, but I realize that it may happen that I met only bad people on my way, and I don't think that they all are of that style of behaviour.
And one more, please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seamed to be that you speak of a woman from here like of an animal, from which you don't know what to expect. With that kind of attitude...I would myself do something crazy, so to make you look on me like a human being.
I was tempted to read this article and said to hell with it. Just another moron with an ax to grind. After reading the posts here I came to one conclusion. You don't need a college education to write articles for the media, you just need to be anal retentive. I work two jobs, I work out 5 days a week and I'm learning to fly an airplane. Let me see, That's the definition in Websters dictionary for lazy ass. I pretty much walk to the beat of my own drum, and if I worried about what someone wrote or said about me I would have put a gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger along time ago. The reason I am here, is in the United States, the feminist movement has ruined time honored traditions of marriage and family life. In there definition, my parents who were married for 35 years were abysmal failures in life. I had such a horrible childhood according to them. What the hell makes the difference if you travel across the street or across the world to find someone special? That's our damn business!And if it's the point of finding women here, that's not much of problem. Just belly up to the local pub with a few bucks in your pocket and a line of BS and you can get laid. That's a pretty vacant concept to me and boring as hell. In my observations and past meetings with not only Russian women and eastern European women is they have a more time honored value of traditional family life. That's what I'm looking for. Most of the women here have good careers and don't need to be saved from an impoverished life. I think Sally S. should do more research on the topic she writes on, but again you don't have to be accurate in the media, just inflammatory. Hell there are poor people here in the States, so if I date a poor woman here does that mean I have no character or redeeming qualities? After many years of marriage and a relationship after my divorce, I find many women here to be way to pretentious and materially selfish. I'm not saying all of them. Also I find too many women here stoned on prozac, zoloft and myriad of other anti-depressants. Damn we have it so tough here. It's just too easy here to chemically alter your mood and not deal with life. In short Sally's ass is probably more expanded than her mind will ever be. Good luck everyone in your search, I will not let one moron's rants even be a blip on my radar screen in the search for happiness.
I think DaveUK is a russian male whose grammar school (*) sweetheart married a western man and lived happily ever after....
What other reason would any man have to work so hard at discouraging us from seeking the woman we want among the beautiful FSU women???
(*) Dave probably never went to school past 6th grade level.
I'm glad to know some of your girlfriends in the west are leading happy married lives and doing what it takes to prove american women are not worthy of the men who marry FSU women.
"I was engaged to a Russian girl who turned out to be the biggest shark I ever met in my life."
I was married to one for 3 months, got her back to the Uk for those 3 months, and she turned out to be a total loser and very stupid too, but Im still here because I believe there are better than she was, and now I have found one who is better :o))
Here here Mike, many of the reasons I am here myself, I want a lady for a wife, not a man in drag !!! And I want a stable happy family which we will support and create together as a team, not like western women all the time trying to out box the man and come out on top somehow !!
Marraige should be a n equal union, of support and equality, not one trying to gain over the other all the time !!
I heard a good one last week :o))
it went "50% of US women are in therapy, and the other 50% should be !!" ;o)))
Noone could discourage me GLT :o))) Been there, done that, ripped the T shirt off her as she ripped mine off me :o))
Yeah GLT !! What you said !!!! Not worthy, happy married lives,
An all that, I agree with you 100% :o)
Tim It's Only 50%? I must live in a target rich environment for prozac queens. You don't even have to ask, you can hear the pills rattle in their purse as the walk by. But then again, that may not be pills. Later all
Dave UK Why not pay for her social security, Hell I pay for all the other deadbeats from all over the world that comes here. Even for the deadbeats that are citizens. One more hand in my pocket won't be noticed
Here's an Old american Proverb It's better to keep one's mouth closed and be considered stupid, than open it and remove all doubt!
Hi, forum new here. I have been corresponding with Anna Kuktenko from Kiev Ukraine also . Bye reading some of the letters is she a scammer or what . Can someone tell me .