durak, you make a good point, martin, I'm falling in love with you,
this has gotten out of hand. My only wish is that I am the one who makes the first post on page ten.
Where has prince - I mean California albert been lately. He is obviously too smart to continue in this charade. He made a point. And a good one. Whether or not you think he was truthful or not that he lets it slip off him, he was right on point. By the way Martin I did not want to get the Clintons involved in this. It was only to make a point that the color of skin has no relevance to me. And by the way, the KKK - I did not bring this into it - I think they should all be thrown down a mine shaft and fill it with water.
The start of this came from a person who thought elenas was a racist site. Did anyone consider the hate and discontent of the original author? It is amazing that this perpetuated as it has.
We are all victims of racism. It is a fact! If you want to discuss racism, why are all the towel heads (racist term) wanting to kill everyone who does not subscribe to their ideology????
Until 10,000 years from now when we all look the same - except for the Amish - there will be racism, real or imagined. Most of it is imagined. Move on. Deep down, every one you meet is a genuine person and could not care any less of the color of your skin. It is true!!!!!!!!!! Sure I have felt the racism. Imagine being the only white guy on the court. And when you smoke the opponent it comes to fisticuffs - because a white man should not be able to dominate a black man on the basketball court. To be threatened and almost erradicated because of this, I can say I experienced racism.
The girls on elenas are only going with what they know. Is every woman who marries a white guy in america a racist? This has gotten so out of hand. It has become a joke. And that is why I am hopeful to make it to page ten.
Enough already!
As I originally stated, the only ones who are raccist are the ones who continue accuse others of racism with no basis. This of course does not relieve the true racist sects. But in general terms --- get a life!!!
I should have pointed it out then, but I kept quiet. Nasfan and Bear were arguing as usual. I posted, "Why anyone would go to the computer everyday and argue with people they don't like is beyond me." Out of the blue, Martin posted explaining why he was not here to argue. I named no names, and he wasn't even on the thread to begin with. Furthermore, he just got through arguing with me on the "Jamie, move on" thread.
Here he is, not arguing again. It's OK to argue, Martin, but you're in denial.
Well here is the 'Jamie, Move On' thread, this gets funnier, there was no argument from me in that thread but there was a somewhat interesting discussion going on, arguing and discussing are two completely different things:
Am I arguing now, no I'm not, I'm merely pointing out that RB is deliberately disrupting this forum because someone, rightly or wrongly, accused him of blaming all his problems on white people, he couldn't accept this, he needed someone to take it out on, he decided to pick on me (for reasons best known to himself), and now he's attacking me ..... and I just happen to be a white person :)
RB two things, The American Civil War didn't end slavery world wide, it sure as hell ended it in the States. As history revisionists would like to have it, the United States perpetrated the greatest crime on humanity the world has ever seen, when it was Africans themselves who sold their own. That's my position.
Second I haven't been posting much lately and you see the idiocy danny brings along. Who creates most of the arguments. I'm sorry RB if you don't like it you'll get over it. Danny would like to talk truth, he doesn't even know the definition of the word, when he knows he is the ultimate wife buyer, I mean serious how could a woman steal money from him, 30k as he claims if he didn't tell her about it, it's location etc. That's buying a woman and she took advantage of him and burned him, then for him to tell this ludicrous story that he went back and abducted her for his money is pure nonsense.
On the subject of slavery.Here are a few Facts that the left wing media types like to keep quiet about ...... -Thousands of White European Christians were captured ,enslaved by black Muslims in North Africa between 1530 and 1780 .
I wonder if Spielberg will make a film about this...I doubt it
What have Obama & Mrs Clinton got to do with Elena's Models might one enquire?
US politics belongs somewhere but it's not on this 'FSU Dating' forum.
This is why I am picking on you, Martin. Who do you think you are deciding what subject belongs here?
Nasfan, I am going to stay out of your argument with Bear. I was just pointing out that Martin was also arguing and he denies ever ever arguing or ever intends to. Now, he wants to argue that I am doing this because he is white and he wants to argue grammar.
I do understand how Gecko wrongly came to the conclusion that I blame all my problems on white people. If anyone finds proof that I do, I will apologize.
Before making false allegations learn to read and understand the English language.
I have never denied ever arguing on this forum, you accused that I was always arguing, the definitive word being 'always', and that is utter bullshit on your part.
And to argue means a heated exchange of different opinions, the definitive word being 'heated', and you haven't the ability to make me even draw sweat and I certainly have not been arguing with you, if ever I became 'heated' on this forum then it was a very long time ago.
Now back to school ragingcalf and learn what the word 'argue' means.
Sooty, you should be in charge here.
I find it interesting as a newbie that this must have been going on for quite a while between several of you. Don't know when it all started or why, but to an outsider it is pretty damned entertaining.
McFlure, I'm not sure it's possible for "us all" to get along. Ever since the apple incident way back in the beginning of time, er uh biblical time if you subscribe to it, we have not been getting along. There seems to be a common denominator in all of this. >PUSSY< Am allowed to say that? I don't know how all of the arguments started between some but it is the P word that has drawn us all together. Sex is the great motivator. If you just wanted a good woman to spend time with, hang out at the local nunnery. Plenty of good women there.
Is Elena's a racist site? NO! Are most of the women in RF and Ukraine racist? Possibly. So if you call foul about racism then find another direction. Just because you call someone out for being a racist does nothing to change them. They are what they are. My mother - happy mother's day - is a racist. And she is not even aware of it. She thinks you have to be Chinese to eat rice!!!! WTF?? Born and raised in a backward and poor society. She doesn't have a clue about real people.
So the fact that most of the women on elena's site prefer to be with a European looking person, don't call them racists. They don't know any better. It's how they were brought up. The fact that they would even consider an average American man is beyond me. A good percentage of Americans are dopes anyway. Why would a woman who probably gets hundreds of letters from many men not be choosy? It is called supply and demand. Not racism.
Durak, I will answer a little bit of what you asked for now.
If any woman, whatever nationality does not like me for a mate because of race, I believe it's alright. It is her mate, and she can only pick one.
I cannot say enough about the FSU woman. I lock eyes with every few that passes by. When I look back, most were still looking. Some women talking to my gf even told her that they wished they could find a man like me. I cannot say the same about the American woman. I can count the beautiful women that even considered me in one hand in the last five years. If there is racism here, it is not the FSU woman.
The first woman I visited did not introduce me to anyone, no friends, no family. Her family, she said were in Dnepropestrovsk, but what about her friends? Nothing. I left her two days before my flight and found other friends on my own. I stayed with the second woman I visited, in her apartment. I met her family, but no friends.
My gf introduced me and I partied with her friends in Kiev and Yalta. I wanted to go see Kerch, my gf's home town, but she went and booked the apartment in Yalta until I had to leave. She then asked her mother and her daughter to go join us there. She explained to me that people will talk if she brings home a minority bf. The talk get less if we were married. That made sense. She would not kiss me if we were near the window. This is while we were in Yalta, and she didn't even know her neighbors. This next time, I told her I want to go to Kerch. She agreed. She has been telling her friends and neighbors about me.
It's more to do with competition than racism. For Smokinhotkova from Sumburg at the age of 23 with an arse (and prolly tits also) to die for, there is umpteen zillion white male punters trucking in who'll cream their pants at the sight of her. If she farts, most of them will run a mile downwind just to catch a sniff. A handful of non whites. Choices? Where do you think she is going to look? No brainer really.
nasfan6 - "The American Civil War didn't end slavery world wide, it sure as hell ended it in the States. As history revisionists would like to have it, the United States perpetrated the greatest crime on humanity the world has ever seen, when it was Africans themselves who sold their own."
And once again, Sooty chimes in with facts. Not opinions or assumptions but known data.
So fuck all American blacks/african-americans/negroes/people of color/niggers ---- oh, he used the 'N' word. The N word. What kills me and I absolutely know this to be true! Blacks, excuse me African-Americans use the word NIGGER more than any white person I have ever known my entire life. I played a lot of pick up basketball in some interesting places. So don't even try to tell me it is untrue. I have lived on both sides of the tracks. I work with guys with a permanent tan. They are cool, educated and intelligent. Much more so than most of the rednecks that still have a problem with the black/white issue. I am straying here.
A few years a go I attended for the first time the pigeon shoot in Higgins. PA. What a trip. All the antis where there. I am a hunter but I am not one who demonstrates or postures. You have to know this place to appreciate the story.
As the day went on I run into this black guy. Yep, the first black guy I have seen in 48 hours. I asked him his purpose for being there. He told me was driving truck and delivered there. He asked me what this was all about, small talk etc. These are the exact words I told this man. "You need to be careful. They hate niggers here." I used those exact words to make a point to this man. And we hung out together after that. He drank my beer and ate my food. A guy I didn't know from Adam. So those who may have an opinion of me... I am a humanitarian.
Where was this going? ......
Oh yeah, I am sick and tired of the bullshit blacks using history as a means to get ahead, not having to be qualified for a job to get it over a very much more qualified white man,and using the racists card ALL THE FUCKING TIME if things don't go your way. And now, you are trying to use it against other people from other lands who don't have the slightest fucking clue that you can use this crap in america and everyone will automatically bow down to you. It is a shame that my country has become so messed up. The liberal agenda -sorry Martin - is fucking our country.
I am not a racist. I think the person who originally started this is a racist. I have nothing against black people. I have nothing against people from Afica - I have met some pretty cool people. I just hate niggers. And they only exist in America. They are a self serving and seperatist group...
So for you my friend to accuse a dating site to be racist is total bullshit. By the way, why have you not responded or chimed in to the monumental discussion you have started???
one more thing about racism in america, elenas models or whatever.
this only applies to americans. why is it that in every network television program that shows movies or advance late night tv, the word nigger is sensored from the sound track. especially the turner liberal shit stations. TLS and also any derogatory reference to the black man is covered up.
Yet ALL references to the white man: cracker, hOnkey, whitey etc are never censored. IT IS A FACT!!!! And there are always references to the white man from blacks in a lot of programming. Do your homework if you don't believe me.
Another thing. We have invented the word 'reverse discrimination'
There is no such thing as reverse discrimination. that's like saying reverse forward. Thanks action pac for reminding me why I can't stand living in America.
Too bad you are a weasel and haven't the guts to reply or expound on you initial inquest.
I almost sent this but I read Dunromin's post. He is absolutely 100% correct!!!! That is the point I have been trying make as well.
thanks Dunromin