We absolutely do not think of Russina women as just housekeepers. That is a stereotype about what we are looking for and completely incorrect - which should be obvious if you read any of our threads. If ANYTHING we concentrate far too much on the beauty and femininity of Russian women (after all most ARE beautiful and most ARE extremely feminine). But maybe we go a little overboard in making that generalization.
From my point of view housekeeping as a quality in my partner is Not an issue.
I dont want a woman just because she can clean and cook, I can do that stuff myself, I want my lady to share every day with me, to share the rewards of my hard work, and to enjoy our children together, working as a team, and not like western women who want to be in control, and in charge all the time ecpecting the world to be given them on a silver plate and do Nothing to deserve it. I am looking to find a partner, not an adversary or a slave.
It could just be that she does not understand our kind of humour.....you know with the language difference. Freeze, I don't think that you have to worry about that with the guys on this forum. You just don't know what we've had to, put up with, with our women here. The humour is just a release.
"Venting" is the word I think Man is trying to find to describe why some of the humor and anti-western female comments may give you that impression of what we, western men, want in a woman.
Since I have not met one in person, I don't have any other comparison to make at the moment. So, this means the last part if purely base don personal experience.
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