To reinforce his point, he further told his subordinates, “Some characters from the mainland [i.e. Russia proper] came here and claim that Crimeans are useless idiots, while they [federal authorities] are the heroes who want to change things. I guarantee you, this will not happen.”
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"lets just be thankfull crimea is back with the russians where it belongs .
lets also hope they soon freee the rest of ukraine from the evil it has. "
spoken like a true dunt!
Crimea has become a wasteland in which extortion is normal and meat is available if you show up at the market at 7am.
much like thew donbas, toilet paper is treated like silver or gold outside tourist areas.
Russian subsidies used to keep businesses afloat in Crimea but like Russian soldiers in the east, no one has been paid in weeks
because Russia is running out of money
If Russia is running out of money then it's nationals have a funny was of displaying it.
Before this situation I would receive a fair amount of Russian guests, my place even has a Russian language review on Trip Advisor, but these days with things overseas being some twice as expensive as previously Russian guests have, by far, been less frequent.
But just these past few weeks they seem to be coming back and not, it seems, on a budget, at my place they're booking air-condition, rather than fan cooled, accommodation, reservations for two to three weeks at a time, last evening another 15 night reservation came in etc.
Greece is running out, has run out, of money, banks closed, ATM withdrawals limited to EUR60 per day, one can't travel very far on EUR60 per day, but Russians are certainly travelling so it doesn't sound like they're running out of money to me.
Rick you live in ukraine not russia so your info is second hand and false . You cant comment about whats going on . Where as i have many family and friends living in russia ....was i saying anything about where you live or do you already consider your home russia .
Crimea IS Ukraine, dunt. Now it is simply occupied by a cruel regime with Imperial dreams.
in Kherson I am closer to Crimea than Rostov, which is the closest point from Russia.
we can get news broadcasts from occupied Crimea. I know people living there now and get
stories first hand. You are located thousands of km away and get propaganda from brainwashed idiots
willing do without toiletpaper if it means Putin can buy more body bags for cargo-200
Yes im thousands of miles away with a russian wife who talks daily to family and friends my info is first hand . You talk crap about russia becouse your mind is brain washed and you talk crap like one third retail shops closed .. well its bullshit russians are doing ok . My brother inlaw just bought a new car and a bigger appartment for his new family . My mother inlaw has no problem finding shops open my father inlaw is busy doing his electrical work and getting payed. See first hand i know your info is crap . And rick i dont have time for tv i actually hate tv and my buisness in cairns which i travel through crimea once a fortnight is taking all my time . Unlike you i dont follow or care about news .i dont disagree that they get less value for money and the price of locally produced things are dearer but its not all doom and gloom like you try and brain wash people .
.my buisness in cairns is in struggle my wife commented .... we will be fine what ever happens im russian .... where as ukranians are weining lazy complainers that want to do the dirty work with some other persons hands .... it history rick no secret
Rick .... im in cairns now and happen to be with a russian friend a lady 38 from ufa who has been living in aust for 9 years she has a mother and brothers in russia ....i showed her your post she laughs at your crud
just a few of 17,312,455 hits on google related to Russia's suck-ass economy. I know you are a brainwashed dunt so I cant expect you to see reality
that Russia is a shithole.
these are thousands of articles about how life sucks in Russia and occupied Crimea.
Of course Australia keeps screwing itself over and over. Australia sucks so bad 1USD can buy almost 1.40AUD
Do you REALLY think ANYONE believes your shit anymore? you are a joke. How long before the current wife gets sick of living
with you and decides death is better than life with you?
And whats the big deal of being in cairns? a small town in Duntsland with a population of 150k....BIG DEAL, WHO GIVES A F***
I'm reading the report of the BBC link that Rick provided, Russia has banned foreign cheese imports and the BBC show a pics of an empty foreign cheese shelf in a supermarket ... Wow, now there's a surprise, foreign cheese ban results in no foreign cheese in supermarket!!!
They ban frozen fish imports resulting in fish prices going up, whoopee doo, hold the front page, we have a big surprise to write about, likewise Russia bans foreign yoghurts and another shelf becomes empty in the supermarket ... This really isn't rocket science, do these news reports show pics of the shelves that happen to be stocked of other products in the supermarkets? ... I doubt it.
I recall the reporting of the super typhoon that struck the Philippines in 2013, RIP all those that perished but merely one region of the Philippines became affected but these asshole journalists, with their exaggerated reporting, pretty much killed Philippines tourism for two months or longer.
And, many a year ago, having myself been a victim of false reporting of a journalist (that resulted in his cameraman getting a slap and a broken camera) I tend not to fall for their selective reporting too easily.
If all you lot weren't so heavily fixed on Ukraine there might be some forum members actually on the ground in Russia who would be able to provide first hand, eye witness, accounts of how things are.