Jet ,
Just got back from Presque Isle, Lake Erie on my H.D. Did not realize your moment was so soon !! I wish you the best of luck to you and your fiance .
Thanks JMO - I wish you the best of luck in your continuing search as well. By the way - I had mentioned before abandoning my emailaddres as listed here (jetpostal) I will not do that. If any of you care to write to me feel free to do so. Be a little careful though - she reads english very very well and likes to sit with me when I check my email.
And if at the last meoment she decides to cash her ticket in and doesn't come at all - well I will be back here real quick - like by July 13th!!
If anyone out there wants to know what my fiance looks like - look up profile number 38526 here - that girl is Moldovan as well and could be the trin sister of my lady. Okay - she looks enough different so that I KNOW its not her - but you can CERTAINLY see 95% similarity - my lady is twenty 25, though has no children and has a bit of a bigger bust.
onekingman - please write to me at my email address listed ( and I will send a picture of my fiance - not just to compare her to 38526. Tell me if the similarity is not remarkable.
It is indeed Jet, and lucky you are.
I was wondering, now that you're going to be fully occupied, clean all the cupboards and chuck unnecessary things off your harddrive, you're going to auction your now obsolete contacts? Hmmm, Ebay here we come I suppose:
"Prime Russian Contacts on Offer!"
The first to knock the door down is the FBI for sure :)))
Keep that eddress alive.
Wish you two well, I suppose an 'Adieu' will do.
Thunder: Regretably I'm a lot less sure of what I am doing than many of our graduates. Perhaps it is because I am an eternal pessimist. I WILL be deleting manythings from my hard drive - pitures etc. (Got a few dirty pictures on there too of women I've never met which will have to go as well, sigh...). As far as the contacts are concerned - I may need them again - there is that pessimism again. Besides - a week in the FSU can produce a few more "contacts". Dozens if you go to a Social.
Her ( 38526 ) cover pictures are better than others she has,and I don`t care what anybody says-she is a `B` with an `itch`-personal experience. Go deep and find the beauty of a pleasant looking woman before settling on a pretty face with a bitchy attitude. That is one mean Scorpion,despite a very flattering miss wow pic.
Oh,I forgot to send you ( jet) congrats and well wishes for the future. I hate goodbyes-they reek of finality,so I say to you fare well,take it easy,have a good one!! Come visit here sometimes-it is free!!
I am still around I just am really busy with women right now. Looks like I am going to Chelyabinsk almost 100% sure. I will be so glad when I have settled for good. I was never happier than with Marina no more searching just learning. Now I am one of the old hands and still feel like an idiot. :))
I have found a sweetie called Svetlana and I will be in shock if this falls on its ass. Not as cute as Marina but 4 years younger and sweet as sugar. Looks aren't everything that is for sure.
One of the forum members and I have hooked up and are going for a beer on Saturday. This is a very good thing. More info the better. Don't forget to let me know when you guys are coming to FL. There will be Neon, Jet, Jetson and me. What a pool of info :))