Thank you all for input. Mr Tusnami My younger sister has cancer, a three year battle. I will spend Xmas with her this year it will be her last Xmas, So please do not tell me how hard life is.
Inga Thanks for input You translated arraingment for 1000$, you were not there for Olgas answer. As for Western Union, I did not know how to work this you did help. You Inga are a Russian bride of a failed marriage, You impressed me as quite bitter about these, types of marriages. I do not hold this against you,I do not think you got a fair shake at our Country. When we had dinner. I needed your help,instead you decided to put me in a corner, you also put Olga in a corner. I needed you to help not hinder. Marriage, I have tons of emails signed Olga Clark HMMMM! You know not so many details as you think. Also have letters about Olgas heart problem. This matter goes to whole new level so, I sent that off to Embassy to deal with.
Right now I do not think Olga has hope in hell of getting visa anywhere.
Shoes I think now that is a dead issue.
I have so many questions about how this turned out, I just want honest answers.
3 people should come to this forum. 1 Olga Esperova 2 Anna Gaidash, you know why, I also kept your emails.
And last Karina (secret lady#1) yes Karina I have secerts to maybe I should let people know about,
I have all info ready for scam sites. I have not done this because I do not feel these sites give all people a fair shake, have seen many entrys that I feel woman knows little about think the marraige agencys are trying to exploit these women for money.
As it stands this forum remains open
not sure whether covered in last post, was thinking yes your right her luggage was empty, no I do not drink that much, Inga you forgot to tell in story instead of letting her use money sent to cover expences I again sent extra to cover all, yes took a chance was hoping I could believe in lady, Still does not explian her heart problems, or how 1000$ so mysteriosly disapeared, yes all is in emails I have recieved from Olga, have western union reciepts to prove,
I'm not in the mood to make fun of a sad story. Sometimes people start something with all good intentions,,,,, and it turns to crap.
We're all here, because we want to believe in something,,, but it doesn't always come true!!
there are only three things in this world that are true: a jolly fat man in a red costume does not fly around the world in one night slinking down your chimney to put toys under your tree, a big goofy looking rabbit does not come to your house - I wonder how he gets in - putting chocolates in your easter baskets, and that Jesus - the reason for both of these myths - cannot be confirmed nor denied as someone who was crucified and risen from the grave. Well actually there are a lot more things related to religions of the world that can be contested. And there are many more mistruths. But who cares? Putting it all into the same pot we are an existentialist world. Many want something to believe in. And who cares what another thinks or believes. Others just live life day-to-day. And in the small corners of the world their only purpose is to live and survive. It is that we all have a feeling of hope and faith in something. Whether it is the hope of finding a mate or the hope that there is a life beyond our present existence. Hope and faith is what makes us human. It is called a conscience. We of all animals have that as are most difficult handicap. A feeling of wanting to be needed. And a mind that provokes thought beyond just existing and living our lives.
The pursuit of happiness can mean different things to many people. If it is just the hope to spend out your years with a mate then why criticize (or not) someone for seeking the fortune of finding a woman from another country? Though difficult as it may be, it is not ridiculous in the least. Why do some of you continue to put down almost everyone if it does not agree with your own thoughts or experience? Advising someone and questioning their acts is surely what it is all about. But to just slam someone for no reason other than you think they are lost or confused is out of line. Therefore I am a hypocrite. Because I slammed ragingbull for the same reasons.
peace-out ==++//
Ralph29 wrote: "...and that Jesus - the reason for both of these myths - cannot be confirmed nor denied as someone who was crucified and risen from the grave."
According to 1 Corinthians 15:5-8, Paul indicated that over 500 believers together at once saw Christ alive, of whom most were still living at the time of writing, therefore their testimony could be verified. Besides this, Paul had indicated that Peter and the twelve (included Matthias, who replaced Judas Iscariot) had seen Him, then repeats that all the Apostles had seen Him.
For 40 days, Christ had been seen, having eaten with the believers and having had contact physically with them, notably with Thomas, who doubted the reality of the resurrected Christ, until he met Him and touched Him.
As for Santa, I saw him at the parade just yesterday. :-)
had a thought, about shoes. was raining on sunday to, she wanted to go horse back riding I pointed out shoes to tell her was not good idea she said its ok. I wan't going in the rain tryed to find a friend had some horses in a barn, but he was not home. i did find her some shoes in the end.
And Inga found this forum. my guess is Olga emailed her when her agancy found it, And rather then offering up her end of story got Inga to do her dirty work.
Am curious when a man asks woman to marry him in Ukraine is this differant then rest of world????????
Hi Steve!
At the moment I'm in treatment. I have appointed a dropper in the morning I was in the hospital, and after dinner I go to work. I have to work because the treatment is very expensive. The doctor said that I had a very bad heart cardiogram. The reason a lot of stress.
This is part of letter one week after Olga got back to Ukraine from here all letters just took a step into the twilight zone. was and is very bizzare. This is what makes me question all that happened. This is why I had no choise but to send information to Canada Embassy and customs
Either way scam or honest problem this is very serious
This was transated by google translater from Russian. Think dropper in a needle?
it dose seem bizarre.
yeah its very common for self medication with needles over there,, painkillers mainly.
i was asked to stab some backsides over theres,, couldnt do it from laughing so much.
its rather amazing what one can get from their chemist.
seems i have had a dream run comparing to you steve.
you know kiwinorth, out of all the things that have been said so far your last responce is the one I hate the most. I am no angel, however I always kept balance in my life. Truth is your little paragraph makes the most sense. It explains money, I new she was over estimating prices. explains 1000$ borrowed gone missing, explains questions that were never answered, when I asked. In a couple of her letters during time to get visa she wrote me about losing 3kgs in less then a weeks time.(A little over 6 pounds for USA), explains weight loss. Also about 3 weeks ago went to get deposit back from jewellers, it is run by a Russian woman. Told her it didn't work out. Woman had helped Olga while she was here, with language problems. Jeweller Lady says, don't feel bad, your woman was on drugs, just saved you alot of problems.
So kiwinorth you are not first person to say this. Olga had me running around to pharmacys in Canada, she said she needed a sedative,It never even crossed my mind at time, I just wanted to help her. She said is a problem with Canadian pharmacys and doctors. HMMM. Did get her some stuff at a Russian market she popped like skiddles. When she first arrived she was tired and told me about heart, she lifted her left arm to feel left side of rib cage You could feel her heart beat strange, then you could hear something I would describe as a pouring flow. She said she had small heart, and bad curculation It was like she had valve implant.I googled small heart this makes sence to. valves for small heart syndrome are experimental. with no gaurantees. Maybe they have to keep her full of a onslot of drugs to keep valve working. Either way she is got a tie to Ukraine that can't be broken. Western countrys don't give out drugs like Candy. You could never get her medical covorage. I went looking for a wife, I really was hoping to have a child with, Am border line young enough still, I was willing to take her daughter into my life as well. I like kids Always thought they kept you young. Guess Your right I fucked up. Yes I have heard about pharmacys in Ukraine, Guess this keeps people away from bad stuff, Ha what a joke. I just wanted to have another child in my life, My daughter is young lady now, raising a child for me, was greatest thrill in my life.
I have more to say but this is enough for now
i dunno steve,, maybe she was or possibly just a dodgy body including her make up.
the girls over theres who asked me to needle their backsides with painkillers was for their periods.
to me it was more then funny these two backsides lining up, there was no way of a steady needle with this oddity.
it did surprise me having this style of pain killer available they had,, cannot remember now.
you are right tho what a chemist can supply, even more interesting was the poisonous alcohols they supplied the drunks without a thought.
i have mentioned it before, looking for a girl over there is a lot more involved then just finding a sweet thing with a lovely mind.
there are many ill girls.
for an example, girls whose mothers who had been around Chernobyl when pregnant or other areas of radiation.
they have a lot of body defects from heart or other organ problems to future cancers they pass on to their children also.
we have Chernobyl survivors here, there family's are having a terrible time of it, many endless unexplained new problems today, you really feel for them, just terrible.
i always check out the girls mothers background, where she was when pregnant.
for some reason most fetuses who were put though radiation become very ill one way or the other.
you will find these ukraines and russians are now spread very wide, even to western country's like here(many country's took refugees from there).
Kiev itself also had very high numbers of abnormalities from people selling radioactive goods to them from the Chernobyl area like TV's with out there knowledge many years ago.
the Chernobyl museum gives a basic fallout area, but that place just puts a man into tears.
reality is its just one of many invisible killers over there.
if you want bizarre look into those lakes they built to dump all their cold war chemicals, they are massive, its really unbelievable, they are of all colours (closed area of cause)..
saw a article in a Time magazine about them with wicked photos.
we all have our stuff ups one way or the other,, i was lucky, mine were small, but most dont like admitting to them.
kiwinorth you have much interesting to say, I took a promotion short while ago am traveling a lot, heading home in the morning. Want to think about what you said in responce. Was funny was kid in cold war. Found peace in Ukraine knowing I could go there. And we all get out of bed in morning and put our pants on, one leg at a time. I to have lived in other countrys. Lot of things you say today, make me think. Guess we all have done our share, to screw this place up some more then others. Was living in Port headland WA. looking after mining equipment Thought I saw interesting things there. Love my country wish more were like it.
OH YA makeup was more important then you know, Water proof stuff hard to wear off.
sadly one has to think about these things, peoples illness's.
as you have said yourself of cancer issues of home.
we here are also overly way to high in this, higher then most,, we look at each other wondering who is next.
NZ has covered itself in insecticides weedicides and poisonous baits for possums deer chamois Thar pigs.
jesus we are mental.
i have so may friends fighting cancer at this moment its unbelievable.
so we are paying for the price of a not" weed-less insect-less and vermin-less country and we are still dumping the stuff here in its tonnage.
these days i notice huge volumes of fish and birds seals wash up on our beaches in there thousands(seals a lot but not huge numbers) and one has to wonder why, its not normal,, again one has to ask what are we eating.
i wonder is it related to massive mustard gas and other related chemicals dumps we put there,, they say theres a estimated one billion pounds of mustard gas and related chemical weapons munitions at the bottom of the world's oceans..
Cannada has huge amounts, Britian is beyond a joke, Japan, the Baltic(which is the biggest) Italy America and Aussie.
check this out Danny you guys had a drum or drums of mustard gas washed up on the Brisbane coast not to long ago to.
i cannot get info on NZ mustard gas but i'm sure its there, we are like Britain (rather secret) we have massive ammunition dumps off the coast so wheres the mustard gas we made??
do a quick google search of "mustard gas dumps" and i thought the lost nuclear missiles were a prod:)
so if this is how we treat ourselves, one has to be very serious about been very careful with your search in Russia and Ukraine.
i have a few times been told of people dying in russia from eating fruit?? thats some serious sprays they use.
one girl i visited wouldnt let me eat local fruit because of this..
when you think about all that polluting,, lets change the angle a bit to the likes of mass radioactive dumps off the USA.
for a small example, San Francisco a local one not overly to far off its coast.
local government idea there was to dump the dredged spoils from the San Francisco bay and basin area over it to try and bury the site.
most people think they are only deepening their harbour and channels for shipping only and the mud dumping is going on beautiful virgin ocean floor or that garbage area someways outside.
the radioactive materials off that particular coastline is not small in amounts and size, it dose appear in fishing nets, it also has very strange findings of living life on its floor fishermen keep pulling up time and again.
USA are well or should i say better documented in there dumpings then most other countrys.
interesting how the US do divulge a lot more the others, Britain is the worst for holding its secrets in this and other areas.
now think of Russia
where has it dumped its waste?
it has to be on equal amounts of waste to the US(and the US size is mind bending).
a little scary is Russia has proven over time to be lazier then the US with its problems.
i have been to some very out of the way places there, just stunning beautiful areas,,, but i have had great difficulty drinking from those mountain waters or swimming in some places..
watching a guy and children on my last trip there fishing not far from three rusting leaking nuclear subs tells you its not a place where you shouldnt think of such.
ones health is the most golden thing to behold.
they still die rather early over there for it to be only a diet and work related issue.
kiwinorth you have said much. Is interesting You know if she told me about her heart, I would of still tryed to bring her over. I still would not have put 2 and 2 together. She is right age for problems, she has a problem. When I felt her strange heart beat( at side of rib cage at that.Normal heart beat can't be felt there). All and all I would have never thought about types of problems you suggest in your writings. Who knows she may just feel this is normal part of life for her.Maybe drugs are what keep her alive. If anything serious had happened in Canada I would have never known and never forgiven myself. This is truly tragic. There still was a lot of other things that went on that made no sence. I bought her lap top inplace of engagment ring. she said more practical, she was right. I asked her to skype, she said she dosn't no how to use skype. Was playing with skype add contacts one day punched in her name and email. Low and behold guess who''s address popped up including her photo.
Which brings me to what really got my blood up, and brings you and I together diccussing these things. About 18 days after she got back to Ukraine I recieved dear John letter. In it I was acquised of a bunch of things mostly shoes and weather.(Think Inga had somthing to do with this.(she wrote long letter about shoes and crap most readers could not be bothered to read)).Also she would not skype me cause she thought I might be a pevert(truth that stuff creeps me). So figure that out she would come to Canada,to be with me, but would not skype a perfect chance to save us both a big problem.
Also in letter she said, she was going to apply for imigrant status before visa ran out. Don't know what she was thinking there. Visitor visa expires at moment one leaves country. This made me feel very hurt and used. Also she threatened me that she would report me to Canada cousel if I bothered her again.
I do not think she had factored in the possibility I do not take threats very well. And I have no respect for people who try to threaten me. And I will act against people who threaten people.
All in all Canada government, does not like these arrangments in our country has been many problems. lawyers have a great time with this. Cost tax payers millions. So I do not think she would find government ready to jump to high, ready to help. She got her visa only because the area I am in needs population.
kiwinorth I just want to say my heart goes out to all afflicted and/or has friends or family afflicted with cancer.It is a horrible way for someone to reach his or her end. It makes one suffer it kills slow and with great pain. Yes when I was in OZ seen many documenterys about skin cancer was shocked to see so many young, who had this, and what was worse was what was removed to give the young a chance.
Also seen bear documenterys there, if I had never ran into one for real, I would have been terrified by them.
I would take a bear over one of there snakes anyday. You can see a bear 1km away, a snake you have to step on before you find it. Have a funny story about me and a death adder, I will save this for another time,was not funny at the time.
Alot of things you have said I seen in OZ. I like to hunt I will eat what I shoot wanted to hunt in OZ for wild pigs. thought I would have a pig roast, was told just leave it, you can't eat it. Full of all those good chemicals you said earlier.
In Ukraine thought it was interesting to see rusted attack choppers half ripped apart with missles still atached to wings. At the time gave me peace of mind knowing they do not work. Now I read your tale about submarines. It makes me think.
Before I went to Ukraine, someone told me to check out forums, me I thought I was a man of the world, could figure out all on my own. I now think twice. Think you should start a internet course. Before one heads to Ukraine. I highly recomend your advice,
OH yes Mexico City is Most poluted city this side of pond. They have booths set up to buy oxygen on bad days. Zaporozhye made Mexico city look like it had clean fresh mountain air. Have to laugh now about letters I got from Olga about beautiful southern Ukrainian city Zaporozhye.
Yes you are right we are mental
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