Probably so since you are turning here for advice on how to have a healthy relationship from three hundred men that have never had a good relationship so why not. If you had your Plumbing retooled would you be driving.
-Not every question and every statement here is to be taken personally. Some are just more general...
And, there ARE men and women who don't want (more) children.
And, I think it's a relevant question/topic to bring up early in the communication...
(just a private thought of course...)
"... with the new micro surgery the vasectomies can be rewired with a 98% effiency rating according to Car and Driver Magazine. ..."
This is an incorrect statement! I had the surgery because I knew that I did not want to have a child and because I had no children when I had it done the doctors toldme that the actual chances of a successful reversal are very low! You body gets used to not producing certain things and may never pick it back up again. The micro surgery is also very expensive! Here in the US it can run around $10,000. Before you have it done you better be sure you know what you want even if it means living by your self. I guess I sparked a real topic here by the number of responses that have been written.
Ptichka, how many women have you mett that want to meet a forien man. This is a serious question I ask. I do not say I know the answer but would like to. I have meet maybe 30-40 in person. Corresponded with about the same amount at one time or another. All I have meet and corresponed with were looking for love but for a family also because they wanted this family to be formed inside a loving relationship. I read this topic while I was in Ukraine and I made a lot of female friends as well as some special girls. I asked this question and was told that if they did not seek to form a family, leaving there hame would never enter there mind. They have work, friends and generaly a good life. Why would they leave it for 1 person. I do not say that these women does not exsist at all, but you would be undertaking a long seach though an agency. Maybe if you just went to Keiv for example and meet girls in the normal way it may happen. I meet about 6 girls on the street who were interested in seeing me again although I did not ask all of them about children.
ID I never counted so many girls I know who want to get married with a foreinger, but this number is very big.
I have to disagree, yes many girls think about having a family, but many girls think about changing the cultural surrounding, people around, to see the world with their soul-mate. I can such girls, "not ours from the moment of their birth" meaning that they don't like (or even hate) their national culture - Ukrainian, Russian and other. And they don't like people who behave the way they don't like and so and so forth.
Zukester, you are using an outdated belief system here, first off the cost is now down to about 3-5000.00 dollars U.S. The human body continues to produce sperm as long as most men are a live, sure the sperm count does drop in most men with age, but not enough to prevent a pregnancy for most men.
Vasectomy Reversals have become a fairly common procedure over the past twenty years due to dramatically improved success with microscopic techniques. Only two conditions must be satisfied for sperm to be returned to a patient's semen with vasectomy reversal by vasovasostomy. The patient must have sperm available to pass through the reconnection and also the reconnection must be essentially watertight. The surgeon's goal is to achieve a very precise circumferential reconnection of the sperm canal edges of the vas by using meticulously placed microsurgical sutures
The results of microsurgical vasovasostomy from the Vasovasostomy Study Group data are >90% patency if sperm were present in the vasal fluid at the time of surgery and pregnancy rates up to 76%. This is the study quoted by most surgeons when asked about results of vasectomy reversal. Dr. Werthman's personal results to date is an over 99% patency rate(sperm restored to the ejaculate) if sperm were present in the vas fluid at surgery. This data is from the last 250 vasectomy reversals performed by Dr. Werthman. For microsurgical vasoepididymostomy the patency rate is over 60% and the pregnancy rate is 40%. It is for this reason that we recommend sperm harvesting and freezing at the time of vasoepididymostomy. This may decrease the chances of a needing a second procedure to get sperm later if the vasectomy reversal fails.
Well ptichka, these girls you speak of I have meet also but to me it seems like they want to visit other countries to confirm there opinion. Lookers rather than marriers. So many girls would love to visit Australia, it is so interesting as they think ukraine is shit. But I am more interested in there opinion of me, not my country. I think we will have to agree to disagree on this one my dear.
So is a lot of other stuff, like politics, American politics but that stays. And you deleted my answer to sanch about his above comment but that stayed, horse shit. So its O.K. for sanch to dig at me but not at him, is he on the payroll now? All treads change topic and of all the petty rubish to delete, this forum is going to the dogs, and I do not care who likes what I said
Haven't you noticed that Sancho is entirely irrelevant to this website?
If you're going to allow someone like him to attack people like ID, you will continue to loose regular contributors to the forum.