These are letters of money borrowed never returned
Inga and I had a long talk after, our conversation. I understand your concerns, Western Union # 886 680 0640 850$ US
I thought after our talk I do not want you to worry about money, I have asked you to be my wife and friend and partner
I don't want you to feel you always have to ask me for money. Truth you will end up managing it for both of us.
I think I have sent enough to pay for Valeria's camp and to get you to Kiev and a hotel if you need one.
I understand the importance of you having a 1000$ when traveling, I hope this will remove at least one concern
Western Union number is 136-417-8177 1450.00US dollars. ( you need your identification for this transaction)
I have never felt about a woman, the way I feel about you. I am a child in a great big world. I right now am nervous a little scared.
I have opened myself up to you. You hold my heart, you and only you. I so hope you get visa. I want you by my side.
Out of all the emotions and thoughts I have right now, the greatest is excitement.
letters are out of order 1450 was first 850 was to replace what she spent. Olga007 guess this blows your letters out of water. like I said have all on email will also put all her personal info on to most letters sent to me ask for money she is a huge leech not worth money spent. will include also her and friends phone numbers addresses and passport number so there is no mix up about this lady.
Have sent letters off to authoritys. They say this is classic scamm from Ukraine. Also say last letters were not written by Olga by her self. My personal thoughts are agency had hand in this as well. All characters are named in forum. So buyer beware. Oh just to clarify she is not 5ft 8in she is about 5ft 11in
without heels with heels she is about 6ft 3in so bring stand. You must check out site dating stars and there section on vacation dating. We have another word for this in North America, is old profession. A rose by any other name is still a rose. What a joke for engagment, while I was working on what I thought was real agency was selling her to make money. I think her dating star number is 2898. I suggest to men that think of this idea try them in there country first make sure they preform. and then leave them where you find them. And watch your wallet. Oh yes you go to Zaporozhye bring Oxeygen tank. Air is worst I have ever seen for pollution. All addresses and phone numbers coming some speek english some pretend not to. will clarify list
Stevc, the agencies and websites are full of scammers and nothing will ever change that! I stopped searching because it was consuming too much of my life. Doing too much and getting nothing but problems for my efforts.
you are right this is not right it is leaving me slowly I am so disapointed that i could believe in a person and be so wrong. just want to make sure she dosn't make it any where because Of my bad judgement its what I was someone to improve visa status. need a vacation lots happened quite busy at work. tired at days end. ya you are right. I seen this new site reley rubbed me wrong way because part of reason I thought would help get visa was her dozen vacations to Tialand. Live and learn.
you know lonelyranger was out of a long relationship about a year and half before I started writing to this woman. I needed to believe in someone first time in my life I opened up to a person. Olga, I totaly let myself believe in her. weather reasons were foolish or not. I believed. What I needed was for her to believe in me to. Not use me for personal betterment. now I know why its so hard to believe. you set yourself up for world of hurt. yes it leaves. It is sad one can't take chance on a person.
Many people from Russia, Ukraine and the FSU say; if you are a nice guy, or if you treat the girls well,,,,,, they will take advantage of you!! This is very sad! How is a guy supposed to act?? Our kindness and generosity are some of our best features, and we must not show that???
The girl I cared for the most, only tried to scam me once, but I think she really needed it that time, and she didn’t get it!! I had lost faith in her long before that, and I turned my back to her. I had given her a lot before that and she couldn’t even send some emails??!!
Nothing that I do will ever change that. I have already tried everything. I still think about her every day, every hour even. I won’t be able to forget. The girl I was supposed to see this year,, I sometimes have to pause for a moment to remember her name?!! The girl I truly want is there,,,,, and knows how much I think about her,,, but she won’t spend 5 minutes a week on me!
I have,,, for the most part, ended my search, because I can’t and won’t trust them ever again. A relationship doesn’t have a chance without trust!
steve, as you know you can believe in someone and thats yourself, your closest friends and family.
no other should ever come close to that until they have proven to be their equal.
all that only comes from time spent together, i know that, i'm sure you know that, but yeah!!
a girl friend is a girlfriend until proven different.
i look at these agencys a bit different it seems then a lot of you, personally i think they are a little demeaning of people.
those ukraine agencys and the people who work for them, or have and think nothing of it are just,,, i'm not even going to say.
i dont get why people still try their luck in these places, once they get an idea of what they are, the odds are stacked so far against you its crazy.
nice business really,, they exist because of others emotional well been.
majority of the scamming girls there "are" these agencys or have been "schooled" from these places one way or another.
there is absolutely no need for agencys today, with the internet in almost every home or pocket with smart phones to what ever, why are they there?
they think you and i are to stupid to find a girl on our terms,, or just to stupid to find a girl.
the few who crack it seem to motivate an army of users
my opinion, agencys suck and are for suckers period.
I have just read what you have all had to say. I think all is good advise. Knowing what I know now. Your words hold much meening to me. I do not know if I would have listened so much, having not been there before. I think about Beauty, These women still have much to learn. You can't put them in closet after
you are finished with them. God knows sometimes you want to (HA HA). Yes marriage agencies in Ukraine seem to be missing the mark with there product. When I first met Olga one of first things she said was I am not a prostitute. I think now she has run into this problem before. I showed many pictures to friends they said
girl likes to pose. I was back in Ontario. One of my friends coriographs for movies as hobby. He looked at pictures. He thinks woman is been trained. I tend to agree. Olga met a couple of my friends in Canada first thing that came out was her camera. To advertise her friends. I noticed she would go through and pick specific photos. Yes agancy has trained her. compitition for her now is new army of younger girls. Agency still wants there money back for training. Maybe the money she stole was a blessing. Has been nothing but problems with Ukraine women coming to Canada. They keep courts busy with divorse. and immigration problems Ukraine women seem to make the news much. I know Olga will not be getting back to Canada. I left her numbers with customs and immigration. Maybe one time she took agency serious. Till she learned to flog her ass and make money. As she gets old this will become harder. Her compitition is strong thought you guys would be interested in this link.
is a forum out of Odessa. It has referance to olga 007 story aparently someone reads it and has a version
that is hard to make sence from. I would answer in it. If I could figure out how to use it. So people who write in this link must read english so if you have questions ask me here. would be happy to show all emails to back up forum. Google will translate this forum but. it makes mistakes on some words is not clear. here is another link to site. check posts about feb20/2012 I have noticed a lot of things that show up on google latly that have nothing to do with what I have wrote. Is interesting. On some quotes in this area. it would seem. people are concerned. not sure if it was scam or not is not the point. Still hard to follow being translated by google. Seems concern is if somthing goes wrong a person has a way to voice concerns and stop it. I have asked Olga to explain the problem many times. she would not answer even a word. What I have gotten from others is letters followed a order I was just suppose to lay down and cry at end. I did not do this
have great story for all you guys will be on a new topic on forum. Life goes on and there is always happy endings to sad stories. kiwinorth you advise has always been great. will start new topic when I get home. I will finish this one off. It will be finished with no mercy. I have learned much this trip. Have done much research over winter months. used what I have learned. Used what you guys have taught me. I have toured many countrys this time. Yes have also been in Ukraine. Stopped off in Ukraine. for a bit. Give them a second look. Karina secert lady number one. You and your Zaporozhye marriage agency. are nothing but crooks and theives. This now I am 100% sure. I will have no problem trashing you and yours. I will sleep well at night. For all new adventurures I wish you good luck. and buyer beware
what dose a woodpecker mean?? redneck I'm guessing:)
its funny Steve really, this whole Ukraine thing.
my first trip there of four weeks or something.
i was half ready for most stuff but really not at all.
i thanked something how lucky i am, strokes of luck been born in another world.
but really we are the same.
for its not so bad there, most Ukraine's are happy with who they are, their identity.
the story's people told me of different rip offs, mainly government members in one way or the other.
they told it in that cynical kind of way we do when you know how out of control it is but theres nothing you can do, that cynical smile at the end of the conversation.
i remember a very beautiful girl saying to me in Mariupol "its the Ukrainian way" over something small.
how her and that saying had stuck with me, those stunning eyes, and i mean stunning,, that same smile.
its almost like you are damned if you do or damned if ya dont.
but it isn't the Ukrainian way, its a cancer the world over, and sometimes they just do it to the wrong person.
KIwinorth over winter did take your advice about many things. yes did go back. not to play in marriage agencys was informed about other areas. met a Russian woman she spoke english, never asked me for 1 cent.
Infact I would offer. Taxi we ended up using Metro We toured together through a few countrys. Had a great time. Did stop in kiev for short plane trip Hotel had many men meeting there special woman through agencys.
They would talk to me. Wonder why my lady was staying in hotel with me. What arrangment I found. Was simple really we had developed a friendship over winter Through skype I met her friends and family. They are very pleasant people. Talked to locals asked them about agencys most just tolerate them, tolerate is the key word . Is a way to bring money into economy. Seen a few first meetings at hotels. Think I have come a long way since first trip. Seen a lot of people with much to learn. Agency meeting seem to follow path Hello thankyou for present and paka, Oh yes can't forget, kiss you. I am poor need money. Was interesting to watch from a observers seat. There are ways to meet. Am sure Agencys are not way. Really enjoyed being with woman I met. She has become a great friend. Funny how things work. I was very hurt, disapointed, have know the games played with me were not right or fair. Life has funny way of coming back and shining. You try somthing that offers but has now chance of working. you are down and out and out of nowhere. The sunshines. Must addmit, were a lot of hurddles to find a great person.But somthing worth having is worth working for. Also found This zaprozhye manager karina, has caused many problem throughout these sites. I am by far not only victom. I am of the belief you represent a product, you stand behind it. Not play garbage games. This last trip has been very positive for me. No agencys. Was done old fashioned way, develope a friendship and trust. I will watch forum subjects. would be nice to be in one a little more positive then this one. I have one more entry I will make on this one. Have thought about it for long time. Never wanted this to eat me up. Hurt just kept flowing. Is time I get rid of last of this bad memory and move forward. Have found a really great woman. was not the way it was planned. But it truth most things never are. Kiwinorth I think you have offered great advice all through this forum. I thank you for your words. I am sure somewhere along line. another will show up bitten by agencys. Hope he listens to words. as he heals, Be nice if things were done more honest, But as you say is all over. Oh by the way. The lady I met is From Russia, You are right not so many money hungry agencies. Oh and Mediterianian was great. You want relationship. is simple you can't buy love.You earn it, you nuture it. And as is as always it shows itself when you least expect it.
kiwinorth woodpecker had to think for a minute where you seen that. not sure maybe you are right red neck
I kind of thought google had no words in program to say ( big prick) would not translate from russian to english. Also maybe is redneck I read rules for entrys to forum. Says you can't say anything bad about people and no bad words. after all this forum is for ladies
yeah kind of surprised me reading such in the google translation, i had a laugh over it at your expense of cause.
when i googled the bird, trying to get a angle, it seems they are all over the world other then nz and aussie, i didn't know that.
i have heard the saying on american tv only but yeah.
i really couldn't get a handle on who they were "those girls" almost sounded like they were agency operators.
yes i never went over until at least 6-9 months of online writing, you walk straight into that personal place with them as you got, very cool as you said.
i don't know if my words are good, but thanks,, really ones ideas or thoughts only works for a certain few, for others it would possibly become a disaster if followed.
my girl is turning up in 4 weeks again for 3 months, its her last visit like this,, the next time it will be for good, yes i took this very slow.
so i am about to make 50 liters of white beer (wheat beer) for herrrr-me, for her arrival.
ukraine got me hooked on the stuff,,,,,,,,, so i'm sorting the liquid german yeast i got in the mail today ready for mash day in a day or two.
still makes me laugh thinking of that first glass of white cloudy beer i got in kiev square,, thought them cheep bastards where pulling my leg.
anyway good to hear such from you steve..
Kiwinorth Guess I have one or two more replys before I make a last entry, to which I am sure I will be called more then a woodpecker. I kind of thought these last couple of letters would put a smile on your mug. Ya has been a very busy hard winter for me. I have been busy with many other things as well. Did not know in truth how things would work stepping off plane. But was little more comfortable knowing I had spent much time with my lady, We learned much about each other through skype. All the way she was striaght forward and honest. Remember last year my friend and interpreter. said honestly you will have better results
just with chance meetings. Be careful of agencies, he said.
Got off plane we finally met for real. Was like being where you had always belonged. Yes so so diferant this year. Think slow and steady is good plan. Was interesting in so many ways sure I could write a book.
Even in Kiev for our stops stayed at smame hotel before a next leg of adventure. started. Was noticed by locals in hotel that our relationship was much differant then the normal ones they see. Was even asked by hotel manager about my lady. They were honestly I think impressed as well. Ya had to book my own flights for mediterianian on internet Hotel would fax info for me as well. We tried a couple of travel agents. In Kiev My lady and I both laughed when these agents tried to sneek in secret foriegner tax to there commishion. was quitye cheep 5 stars all the way, doing it myself. Was so much fun.
Have learned since I made first entry on this forum internet updates itself every few seconds. Lots of info showes itself now about subject of forum. Truth yes this simple forum causes way more problems for subject then scam sites could ever do. Think is why ladys in oddessa forum are so concerned. Sooner or lady the lies will reveal themselves. Best policy don't lie
Kiwinorth oh by the way read entry off oddesa site from possibble nabour who translated never recieved one reciept from Olga about anytyhing just lots of emails of what dshe thought she needed to spend. I stupidly sent money These ladies are so full of @#$% ( translate that) smells all the way to North America. I did ask my friend and interpretor max one should pay in Ukraine for english lessons in 10$ hr. And he taught english in Ukraine. He says 10$ is steep. Zaporozhye wants 18 to 25. I think its time to include some facts about these rip off artists. Karina(manager) inter-date. Will include phone and more info in future. very soon. From here on in is just info for the next guy that wants to take chance. will give numbers and addresses of people to avoid. or not, lets see how lucky one can be. Oh will help to speek Russian but don't tell them. Oh for the hell of it will dig out sites Olga is on is alot in English. Can you imagine how many float around in differant languages.And they do easy guess is well over 50 sites. They don't show up until some peckerhead starts writing forum and there is tons of info just waiting to show itself on net.
It is very scary once you find out what will surface.