I don't think 30 letters is too few considering she must write all of hers at the agency and we have them translated in both directions.
What could you possibly talk about on a daily basis? I could write about how my day was, but she doesn't understand what I do. Most people don't, Hell, I'm not sure I do.
Most days are just like any other.
People say my mind is in the gutter. I tell them it goes where my body goes.
Do you get paid ?
If yes, then why worry about it :o))
I write to Natash every single day and text her at least 3 times a day mate, until she got tied up with her exams, and her work too !! She would reply almost every day too, 30 letters in 90 days is below average, but so long as you are happy mate then it matters not a jot :o))
Eddie " Richard, Bill Cosby has been making complaints about my move to blue comedy, what should I do?"
Richard "When you tell jokes do people laugh ?
Eddie "Yes"
Richard " And do you get paid?"
Eddie "Yes"
Richard " Then tell Bill Cosby I said to have a Coke and a smile and shut the f*ck up !!!"
----------------------------------------------------------------------- -
GRR @ Spam emails !!!
"Super Viagra..The pill that last all weekend!"
Show me a woman who can last all weekend and I might consider buying some !!!!
Two friends, a blonde and a redhead, are walking down the
street and pass a flower shop where the redhead happens to
see her boyfriend buying flowers.
She sighs and says, "Oh, crap, my boyfriend is buying me flowers again."
The blonde looks quizzically at her and says, "What's the
big deal, don't you like getting flowers?"
The red head says, "Oh sure, but he always has expectations after giving me flowers, and I just don't feel like spending the next three days on my back with my legs in the air."
A Husband walks into the bedroom carrying a glass of water and a pack of asprin, his wife looks at his quizically and asks: "What are they for ?"
"They are for you dear" replies the husband.
"But I dont ahve a headache !!" says the wife.
The husband rips off the bed covers and dives on her ....
"Well that`s the first time in the past 3 months !!! ;o))
as you know, I am just back from Turkey,3rd experience of an fsu lady, they are so giving in bed, and so enthusiastic, that sometimes a wave of unconditional love comes over you, I have been a bad boy in my time, and slept with more than a 100 western women, making love with a girl from the fsu, whether you eventually take it further or not, is in a different ball park
See how stupid we, western men, are sometimes on some things???
We even admit it takes having sex with 100s of western women before we go looking and finding the real woman of our dreams...
I'm so far pass the alphabet in sex conversation category that I'm thinking of starting all over again at AAA after going well past G, PG, PG13, R, R17, X, XXX, XXXSM, etc etc etc...
I lose interest if the conversation with any FSU woman does not lead into the intimate territory of sex and the infinite variations of pleasures to choose from within a fairly 'pronto' timetable
The incredible thing with my conversations with Lucy is that our pg and pg 13 conversations are so incredibably senuous and laden with sexual energy/tension. I honestly feel that for us - and I stress for us- that sexualy explicit conversation would somewhat dilute the romance we are experiencing. I am sure that a good part of this is that I am a clergy man. She knew this going in, and she would probably think it out of place to have our letters and phone conversations be of a phone sex nature.
Yet we are honest and frank with each other in the matter of sex. I do not beleive that she is prudish to any extent,(although she is definately modest, and she says that she gets embarresed and red in the face when we talk about physical love). And knowing myself, my sex life will be free and full. I quess that it is a matter of time and place. Our conversation will mirror our physical actions I beleive.
But what I am trying to say is that our conversations are so completely erotic at times without our being sexualy overt. I really like it this way, as we should have plenty of time to explore this whole area (hopefully the rest of our lives).
"is that our pg and pg 13 conversations are so incredibably senuous and laden with sexual energy/tension." I think we had better upgrade them to "Def Con 4" mate, they have just become 15 and older classification :o))
"phone sex sucks, it makes the handset sticky !!!"
"I do not beleive that she is prudish to any extent"
Few FSU women are prudes Ens, but Many are shy, and demure, until you unlock the cage when you are alone together, then watch out !! ;o))
"But what I am trying to say is that our conversations are so completely erotic at times without our being sexualy overt."
So thats what they mean by the term Oral Sex ;o)))
You were right the first time Ens :o))
I should be sleeping, so Im going to bugger off now, feel free to talk about me behind my back :o)) I will catch up with it in the morning ... well lunchtime .... ish ;o))
:)) It's nice to see conversation on this topic alive:))) Have some thought on it too:))
Tim you said "30 letters in 90 days is below average"...and what is the average thing in the relations??? For each couple it's their own thing...and it may differ a lot from one couple to another...it's like one couple treats each other with love and respect, and in other couple there is a clear understanding that a man is a head of the family, so the woman can speak when he allows her, and so on...so I vote against average things in the relations, relations are unique and let them be that way!!!!! Tim you know I agree with you on many things, but had to express my thoughts here!!!:))))
Honey, if you read what I also wrote with this remark, I further said, if Ditto is happy at 30 letters in 90 days then thats pefectly cool :o)) I wasnt saying 30 in 90 is wrong, but that in my humble opinion its not a very high number of mails that was all :o)
So long as he and his gril are happy it doesnt matter what I or anyone else on the planet thinks, it was just an observation :o))
Ptichka, You make a good point when you say that there is no 'average' in a relationship. But that it is according to each couple, and how the man initiates and the woman responds to him.
This is true in regards to our correspondances and phone conversations. While GLTALLTOAD, and formerly dma, (and probably Tim, although he has not spilled all the beans) enjoy rated x communications, then there guys like me and apparently Ditto who enjoy a less sexually explicit (yet still senuous) communication with our ladies. Yet we all seem to be traveling down the same paths of deepening relationships, intimacy and love.
Ditto, is there a reason that you have not been able to talk on the phone more with your girl? Is it her English level, or availability of a phone for her? I have been able to call Lucy a lot (up to tweice a day now). The key for me was finding a cheap phone card. If you need one, check out http://callingcards4us.com/. You give your country and the country you want to call and it finds the best card rates for you.
If anyone knows of any other such sites let me know!
I get a letter everryday from a couple, and only 1 a week from some, I know if I had no computer, a full time job, and a child to care for, I am not sure I could get to an internet cafe everyday, differnet maybe if she has her own computer, but as our lady friend from the ukraine says, horses for courses
Im not one for heated phone calls, perefr the romance to be in person, we talk a lot on the phone, but about many many subjects, not about sex.
Indeed it is Trad, and of course I am not knocking anyone for having 30 letters in 90 days, just that if it were me I would feel it was on the light side :o)
Me too Tim, usually it is the person who writes most that holds your atention and obviously more frequent the letter, the quicker you build rapport, though some infrequent letters are so good they can hold your atention