No they are not.
Last winter a pipe in her bathroom burst through rust and frost combined !! It took 3 days to get it fixed and the whole block was without water and heat for much of those days !!
Well may be, I don't have much knowledge about blocks in the centre, if you would ask me about blocks off the centre I think I would give more relevant information:)))
yes, what was it again!!the title of this topic is a bit insulting, Russian women do not come off a production line, however, they do all seem to possess a healthier attitude to sex than western women do
Very, one would hope :o))
And Shushhhhh about the topic !!! Olga will notice !! Although I dont think she would close a topic that is a frank discussion about sex ;o)) Its too much of a crowd puller :o)
"......In the West we are Very spoilt !! We have a legal system which although costs money doesn't cost bribes..."
I do not think that we are spoilt simply because we have running hot water and heating 24/7. It is as it should be for us because, faulty as it may be, most western capitalistic systems are based on the rule of law, not bribes or abuses on the weak by those who are strong or rich (as you describe the FSU landlords.)
Ignorance is bliss for those who do not know any different from the comfy amenities of daily life in the west. But they are not spoilt.
Your descriptions of daily life in FSU are blatant eye openers to most of us who rarely spend a day in the cold (unless we are on a skiing vacation in Aspen)
In comparison to FSU residents, we have it Damn good, even the poor here have it better than most people in the FSu at the bottom of the food chain have it !!!!!
Yes, agreed 1000%.
Most hobos in L.A. are better off, lol...
Last week, as I was exiting from a freeway, I saw one of the many southern californian 'pseudo-homeless' men with a sign asking for money....the catch with this guy was that his carboard sign said:
"Why lie to you?...I want beer!!..."
All we need to do to know who is having a hard time is look at the mortality charts and averages.
When you find longevity for men and women in the mid 50s and early 60s respectively, you know you're looking at a country where people do not have much to smile about their daily living conditions, healthcare infrastructure or economic opportunities for propsperity.