wtrav- it is Miss Loca for you. "Without America world would be in the ice age". Are you sure about this?? As far as I know Europe existed long before America being discovered and has done extremely well,in fact so well it gave a "birth" to your land. So instead asking "what the best brains of Europe"-look around you,where all the scientists,writers...been "exported from. The issue is not who or what is better Europe or US,English or Greeks- it's how high is the level of ignorance of some individuals spitting the big words of America and its system greatness,but blaming the immigrants of certain origins for its possible future fall. Where is your politicall correctness?? Aren't they your fellow Americans,once they've gone through the immigration process?? Where did your parents(grandparents) came from? Greece? or was it Cyprus?
Hey Chipster: I've been away for a while so I didn't get a chance to respond to you. I was drawing reference to American subcultures to make a point. "Women are women" you said in regard to sexual responsiveness. If such variance occurs, past and present, in this country, do you suppose that variance also occurs outside? (It should be obvious, Chipster, but the answer is "yes").
Whoa: I was repsonding to Chipster on the first page. And. of course, my comment is printed here. I did not realize that this point had become a three-pager totally off the subject of how sexually responsive Russian women are. As for what was written after the first page. No comment.
Chipster - I am talking about variance from one culture (foreign or domestic) to another as a whole. I'm not talking about variance within a culture (I think that is a given). As a whole O beleive that Russian women are sexually more responsive than American women.
Chipster - I don't know how many women you have been with - I'm hoping that you have had some experience at least. Sexual responsiveness is characterized by freer expression and an perhaps less inhibition. Go to the library and look up sexual responsiveness. I'm sure you can find Masters & Johnson or some sort of a reference book. But don't try bastardize my observation by attaching a derogatory term like "slutier" to it.
Jet, i did no tmean it in a deroggatroy way, i truly could not think of a better word. All I wanted was some clarification on what exactly you meant. There is tons of stimuli out there, all of which can be responded too, and I wanted to know do you mean in general (like a Russian woman would respond better to a look, a touch, a visual, different surroundings, etc.), or specific (Russian women may be more apt to have more partners, induced into casual sex quicker, etc.)
Oh God, this guy again! The Roman empire! You cannot even win your own wars or protect your own borders from attack and yet you adopt the role of big brother to the world and interfere in their affairs to suit your own needs, even Chechynyia (spelt that wrong). When I say YOU I mean the U.S government not the ordinary people who suffer the consequences of their Imperialistic leaders. I am amazed that any American individual can support their governments foreign affairs policy after Sept 11th. America is like the Roman Empire and the British Empire during colonial times - absolutely unsupportable morally and spiritually! Like the Roman and the British Empires, America has begun it's fall. Let's all be proud of our country, but for the sake of humanity, see its faults as well eh?
Crash, I am proud of my country, but I do not support everything our government does. i think it would have been much easier to send in specialised teams to find and oust Bin Laden and Saddam instead of having this whole war thing.
Specialised teams eh Chip??.......sounds like a good idea,would have saved a lot of wasted lives,and a lot of heartbreak.War is very unpalatable to every sane person,and hopefully reading between the lines there does seem to be agreement here.......long live Anglo-American friendship.....after all,the politicians depend on OUR vote.
My vote goes to anyone besides Bush. of course my vote will not count, I live in Florida. It is my feeling the war was put on to finish what the former Bush started, and also to try to send a message not to mess with the USA. It only accomplished the rest of the world hating us, and putting our country more in debt. Good job Bush! We spend so much money on technology and weaponry designed to be almost surgically precise, and train special teams (SEAL's, Rangers, Green Berets, New York Yankees, etc.). Why not utilise them? If I were a terrorist, it would send a more powerful message to be like "oh shit, if I do this, I will be hunted down and found". Now they are like "ok, who cares about Iraq, we have succedded!"
Hmmm...voting in Florida does have it's risks eh Chip??But I know what you mean.....we have a PM in Blair that is almost unbearably smug and has a similar standing to George W in the US.
I agree about the teams though,and........... errrrrrrrm hasn't this thread took a wrong turn somewhere????