I've got my own weapon of mass destruction, a water pistol, you squirt someone and shout 'boo'. The world is so terrorised by me I hear the US is coming to invade.
Martin Look in Syria, you'll find wmds. Also I think you forget over a decade ago that Isreal struck Iraq when they tried to light off a reactor. Now I wonder what the fuel was used in that reactor. Second you'll never be able to tell me much about the military or what is on a naval vessel. Unless you you've done a ride along program with them. We called them Tiger cruises when I was in.
As for knowing what a weapon of mass destruction is, you are the last person that would ever school me on such an issue. And please define for me what the hell the difference is between a long range ballistic nuke and a theatre nuke? Not a damn thing! the devastation is the same in both. As far as the issue of wmd's the jury is still out on that. I'm not much worried about the country that has nukes, I'm worried about the country that will supply the one idiot the ability to bring one in to my country or yours.
As for Wtrav's comments on most people in the US not supporting the war now, he is gravely mistaken. The support is there and will remain until this job is done. The battle field proves it? What a joke. You are about as clueless as they get. When was the last time you were in the battlefield? You goofs would usurp anything tell anything to try to demoralize the moral of these soldiers but the problem is your propaganda isn't working well. These kids are putting up when you should be shutting up.
OK, you've got me, I haven't been in the battlefield since I left the military, you see, unless called upon by the US to add moral support for their fights, we're a peace loving nation, we're not addicted to fighting like some.
A reactor going off in Israel would have a similar effect on US as did Chernobyl and I say again, what the fock have any problems in the Middle East got to do with the USA!
Have you visited Kuwait recently, the focking hate, no they detest Americans. Do you want to travel to Iran, I an go there without any problem at all, can you?
When was the last time a British embassy was attacked, oh dear me, quite a while ago compared to attacks on US embassies but hey, the USA have got the best foreign affairs policy ever!
And just for the record, your hostility kicked off by my mere mention that an FSU lady may not like US gun laws. By self confession you have admitted that some tart that you have been hanging around with questioned why you have/need a gun. You have admitted to the point that I originally made, FSU ladies may or will question US gun laws.
Martin, next time you are in the US please look me up. I would definately like to discuss the tart remark about my fiance face to face. Just email me, and I will give you a phone number and a place we can meet next time you come to the US. Or better you can choose the place I really don't care.
You Truly lack any character, you can assail me as you wish, but your big mouth has went a little to far now. To make reference to anyones lady here as a tart just goes to show your lack of class and respect for any woman.
Secondly she didn't question a gun law, she just asked why I had guns and the reason I had guns. You have proven to me that you are truly this forums most gifted idiot.
Who's wiggling you goof. First of all you ability to read is that of a fourth grader. Second your knowledge of history of the middle east is lacking. Israel attacked Iraq because Hussien was putting a nuclear reactor online. So since you can't equate a nuclear reactor with the possibility of expanding a program that will develop weapons grade plutonium. Oh wait I'm mistaken, he was just trying to produce electric power for the Kurds.
Since you are such an authority on gun laws in the US, why don't you tell me how many active gun laws are on the books in the US?
Also tell me the procedure that I had to go through to receive a conceal and carry permit. Why do I have guns, there are many reasons, I enjoy the competition of shooting handguns and skeet shooting. Also it is a deterrent to crime. And if you did your research the states that have carry and conceal laws also have the lowest crime rates in America.
Larissa is comfortable with the fact that I possess firearms. Since these women, most of them were taught to use firearms in school because they were told the evil USA was going to invade them at any moment. A myth, just like you anti gun types create about the US being this great big shooting gallery in the streets.
She is also comfortable with the fact she will be leaving her country to come to a place that is safe, very low crime as compared to the city she lives in, and has a man that will not draw a breath to defend her life and use any means necessary to protect her, even if the means the use of deadly force. See where I live, there are many nights that my doors aren't even locked and I don't waste money on a security system.
Thank you, guys!
Im having much fun reading what you put in this forum regarding why FSU ladies wouldn't possibly want to move to the US :)))) Poor Gun law, weapon of mass destruction, nuclear power, imperial mentality of America, invasion of Iraq etc... uhhh!!...:)))))
Do you really believe that any normal FSU girl (at least the vast majority of us) would size up the personality of Bush or Blair or whoever first if she decides to join her right man and moves to another country?
Listen, it doesn't matter the presidents or politics. What matters is how often she would return to see her family.
Airplane fare is more important to take into consideration.
If its gonna happen just once in 2-3 years (as izi said, I wonder if his fiance knows about it), better not to cross the ocean at all. Europe is nearer to our homeland and less expensive to rotate between :)))
As simple as that.
P.S Who is a current president of Italy by the way? Never tried to remember it :)))
You're still wiggling and trying to put words in my mouth that I didn't say and you're doing this to save losing face in front of others.
Copies are available in braill for the hard of reading, namely you, but I merely stated that ladies might question US gun laws and you, by self admission, have confessed that your tart did question you regarding this. OK, she happens to be an individual who is OK with it but if you think that ALL ladies will be OK with it then you are a bigger idiot than the idiot in you that has posted all the crap here about power stations in the middle east, a scud being a WMD and all the rest of the lamebrain excuses regarding the US's foreign policies in this era.
Now, please put your head but up your ass where one presumes it spends most of it's time anyway!
For all others that are able to read, an FSU lady is being asked to relocate to another continent with a guy that she perhaps doesn't know so well and she learns that he may carry a gun. Every relationship has it's arguments and the guy has a gun! Perhaps, just perhaps, she may prefer to relocate to a country, indeed a guy, where gun(s) are not present!
That was all I was trying to point out in my original post but some people, believing themselves to be world leaders, are too focking sensitive to have such a thing questioned.
Martin to a puny individual as yourself, may imply that a man may use a gun against a woman in an argument. Just another idiotic statement by a person who refers to a woman as a tart. Secondly you sound like a man that has very little self discipline and should not be around firearms. Firearms are for disciplined adults which my foolish idiot you are not one. Also there is nothing to put words in your mouth. You write enough about your experience and knowledge of a countrys gun laws of which you have no clue.
As for posting crap, refute anything I've said with facts Martin. You have none, just a bunch of bs of how one is putting words in your mouth. If you think Hussien wasn't developing a nuclear program you are a bigger idiot than your post's represent here.
Another fact for you Martin you lame brained idiot. Most people who have conceal and carry permits haven't committed any crimes let alone, speeding tickets. Then you subliminally suggest because a man who carries a gun will shoot his wife with it during an argument. Maybe a criminal would, but then some men committ spousal abuse by just merely breathing. You spread more anti American propoganda than Al Jazeera.
Going back home is an issue. Which I have discussed with my lady. If a man isn't willing to let his wife go back once or twice a year to visit family then there is a problem. The time will subside when she won't want to go back as much, but her wanting to return home a few times in the first few years is only natural and part of what a man in the states will have to deal with. We all must remember just exactly how much each of these ladies are giving up to be with us. It is enormous and they deserve the attention and committment to return home as needed.
My dispute with Martin is he decides he is the all knowing of american men and he doesn't have a clue at all. And very little knowledge of American history, laws and foreign policy. I have to laugh about his remarks about America's gun laws. Russia which has the most strict gun laws in the world has twice the amount of homicides than America. Now to validate his argument, then the women of Russia should be running for the doors to leave Russia and that's just not the case. Hell 50% less homicides than there home country would be better than where they are living now. It's not the guns that kill people, it's people or the criminal element of people that kill people. Also when it comes to domestic murders very seldom is a gun involved, most domestic homicides at least in the US is done with a knife, a blunt instrument or with hands.
I will not let a few here misrepresent what American men are. Hard working, Law abiding and decent human beings. These men, whose goal is to love their wives, and give their wives and children the best possible life available.
Yes, I was trained to kill with firearms Worm. Wiggle away little worm, insult me as much as you like, repeatedly and vainly attempt to put words in my mouth as much as you like, you're all hot air little worm.
I'am going to skp the first 3 pages and just jump in. I'am not going to talk for the whole US. just for my little part of it. Snice I've joined the police force, i've only seen about 30 or so shooting relatited fights. (domestic or otherwise) vs. 400+ fights that involved only the human hand. truth of the matter is you have a 99% better chance of getting hit by a car than getting shot here. BTW there is a loop whole in the gun law here that allows the sale of automatic rilfes regiestered as standard hunting rifles. My father owns an AK47. Yet our shooting related killing % are still lower than most places.
Its funny that the primary question here was aswered by a (purported anyway) FSUwoman and she was completely ignored.
While three guys have pissing contests - the lady made points worth considering.
What matters most is not the politics of the country involved or the statistics. What matters is the GUY she is with.
If another factor IS important it is when and how often she will be able ro reunite with family and friends. To expect her to do without (as some have suggested) may demonstrate a tendency not to GIVE A DAMN about our lady - and this sort of tendency might demonstrate why some of us have been unsuccessful so far and are HERE in the first place.
Now, to the American patriot and to his two dedicated foreign detractors - resume the pissing.
wtrav02 & Alucardm6,
You both seem like reasonable, level headed, people.
This is a topic that has been taken, by Nasfan, to the extreme regading a remark I made to the simple effect that a lady, with the whole world to choose from, may prefer a country where guns are not so commonplace as in the US.
To repeat myself, some people are too focking sensitive, to the effect 'how dare you question the USA'. It was a simple but factual remark and many ladies will take such a thing into consideration, they might accept it, they might refute it, but they will take it into consideration.
I was just commenting on the acctual use of firearms in crime in the US, The FSU lady's remarks were as jetmba said. Its just a shame these forums dont allow for spliting of topics into new threads so that the topic title can reflect the content.
jetmba, it doesn't take rocket science to figure what Ms. FSUwoman just said. Maybe some of us have known and adopted this practice with our FSU wives a long time ago. Sorry, nothing new for me here. I just can't keep listening to this member claim:
"I will not let a few here misrepresent what American men are. Hard working, Law abiding and decent human beings. These men, whose goal is to love their wives, and give their wives and children the best possible life available."
True? All American men are such heavenly angels, huu? or maybe all Irish Americans? or all Irish Americans from Kentucky who own riffles (particularly with a conceal and carry weapon permit, make a note) and have honorably served in the navy in every shit hole harbor in southeast Asia. Define patriotism please, I'm lost:)
haaa that's too broad ... does it say anything about owning weapons, conceal permits and how you are supposed to use them to achieve a low crime rate? how about having been infected with syphilis while serving in the navy in the Philippines in the 1960's?